英语人>词典>汉英 : 有益的 的英文翻译,例句
有益的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
advantageous  ·  beneficial  ·  benignant  ·  edifying  ·  good  ·  helpful  ·  instructive  ·  medicinal  ·  rewarding  ·  salutary  ·  useful  ·  wholesome  ·  benefic  ·  salutiferous

更多网络例句与有益的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But to me; it was another great experience and blissful that I could do something useful for the next generation.


Do good to sb/ sth 有益于 be beneficial to for the benefit/ sake of be of benefit to benefit from I traveled for the benefit of my health.

有益的,有利的 benefit 词组对…有益为了…的好处对…有好处从…受益我为了使身体健康而旅行。

I must do some good work for society - good work in the large sense, and not as a 'do-gooder'.


This is the fiber art intervenes interior space, the indoor environment useful for art and design, at the same time to the modern fiber art itself in the development of positive and useful.


Solution the demerit -"Floating glass garden" absorbed southern sunlight解决方案的缺点-"浮法玻璃花园"南部吸收阳光"Glass box of light" that will absorb the useful sunlight was introduced to inside space of the various level and these boxes which are planted with flower and fruit are functioned as "Floating glass garden".


Sex is good. Pillow talk is better.


The general rule is that dark-green vegetables are good for your heart, pale vegetables are neutral.


The general rule is that dark-green vegetables are good for your heart pale vegetables are neural.


The general rule is that dark-green vegetables are good for your heart? pale vegetables are neural. Orange and red can be good too? in some cases.


Loyal vassals of the Crown. It is but justice to the Spanisha humane and considerate policy, which was as regularly


更多网络解释与有益的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

of avail:有用的;有益的

有意义的;重要的of moment | 有用的;有益的of avail | 有用的;有益的of help

beneficent: a.1:行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的

unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的 | malevolent: a.含有恶意的,恶毒的,有害的


与之相对应,后者则指向哈耶克关于'文化进化'(cultural evolution)的特定思想趋向,它意在说明,无论何种深思熟虑的制度变革、建构的努力,最终都必然在进化过程面前丧失效力,以至于对我们认为是可欲的(desirable)、有益的(beneficial)事物漠然置之"[1

benignant:仁慈的, 有益的, 和蔼的

benignancy | 仁慈, 温和, 亲切 | benignant | 仁慈的, 有益的, 和蔼的 | benignantly | 仁慈地, 有益地, 亲切地


benignancy /亲切/仁慈/温和/ | benignant /仁慈的/和蔼的/有益的/ | benignantly /仁慈地/亲切地/有益地/


compensate 补偿,赔偿 | conducive 有助的,有益的,促成的 | confrontation 对抗


通常而言,专家证据对案件的事实认定是有益的(helpful)不一定表示它就是必须的 . 专家证人一般不得对证人证言的可信性出具专家意见,因为英国证据法认为这是法官或陪审员独立即可决定的问题. 只有当证人证言的可信刑事案件的系争点的时候,

helpful to:有帮助的,有益的,有用的

595. help oneself 自取所需(食物等) | 596. helpful to 有帮助的,有益的,有用的 | 597. here and there 处,处处

salutary: a.1:有益的,有利的 2.有益健康的,强身的

sail through: v.轻快地经过,轻而易举地获得成功 | salutary: a.1.有益的,有利的 2.有益健康的,强身的 | salvage: n.抢救,打捞,挽救

unfettered: a.1:未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的

parallel: n.1.平行线(或面) 2.可相比拟的事物,相似处 | unfettered: a.1.未上脚镣(枷锁)的 2.效果好的,有益的 | beneficent: a.1.行善的,慈善的 2.效果好的,有益的