英语人>词典>汉英 : 有理数 的英文翻译,例句
有理数 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

rational number
更多网络例句与有理数相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The conjugates of an element are the roots of the irreducible polynormial of which the given element is a root. The conjugates of 根号(根号3+1) over the field of rational numbers are

a。题目中的'over the rational numbers'是不是指四次多项式的系数是有理数,怎么能这么表达呢,为什么要强调有理数,系数应是整理罢。

For the case in a dc-bichromatic electric field (wB= 0), when one of the ratios is an irrational number, the other is a rational number, the dynamicallocalization always remains.


With the new matrix, first the inequality in reference [1] was extended to the case of positive rational number n/m, then by taking the limit, the above case was further extended to the case of positive real number.


The type of input and output are rational, every rational number indicated by two long plastic surgery.


The chapter, rational number, is the first chapter that students will learn after they go to the junior high school.


The first fraction is the smallest rational number in the range, and the second fraction is the largest rational number in the range.


"The idea behind Dedekind cuts is that a real number x can be named by giving an infinite set of rationals, namely all the rationals less than x .

Enderton (p.113)形容了这个描述:戴德金分割背后的想法,是每一个实数 x 都可以用一个有理数的无穷集合,也就是所有小于 x 的有理数来命名。

Enderton (p.113)形容了这个描述:The idea behind Dedekind cuts is that a real number x can be named by giving an infinite set of rationals, namely all the rationals less than x .

&(&戴德金切割背后的想法,是每一个实数 x 都可以用一个有理数的无穷集合,也就是所有小于 x 的有理数来命名。

Consider the set of all rational numbers.


Taking operation of rational numbers as the carrier, this paper starts the research right from the study on multiplication of decimal, division of fraction and multiplication of rational numbers and studies the "understanding levels of operation of rational numbers and the teaching and learning strategies that matches them."


更多网络解释与有理数相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dyadic rational:二进有理数

dyadic product 并向量积 | dyadic rational 二进有理数 | dynamic optimization 动态最优化

field of rational numbers:有理数域

field of rational fractions 有理分式域 | field of rational numbers 有理数域 | f ield of rationality 有理性域

field of rationals:有理数域

field of rational functions 有理函数域 | field of rationals 有理数域 | field of real numbers 实数域

实数,有理数? irrational(number) 无理数:real number, rational number

negative whole number 负整数?? consecutive number 连续整数 | real number, rational number 实数,有理数? irrational(number) 无理数 | absolute value 绝对值

rational expression:有理式;有理数式

ratio 比 比率 | rational expression 有理式;有理数式 | rational function 有理函数

rational number:有理数

>> 英语教学 >> 在线课堂 >> 初中课堂 >> 正文 初一数学同步辅导下--有理数 初一数学同步辅导下--有理数 有理数(rational number) 第1单元 有理数(1.1-1.2) 一、目标点击 ●1了解正数和负数是实际需要的数.会判断一个数是正数还是负数,

rational number:有理数Btu中国学习动力网

rational index 有理数指数Btu中国学习动力网 | rational number 有理数Btu中国学习动力网 | rationalization 有理化Btu中国学习动力网

rational number field:有理数域

有理数|rational number | 有理数域|rational number field | 有理同调群|rational homology group

rational number field:有理数体

有理数 rational number | 有理数体 rational number field | 有理运算 rational operation

rational numbers:有理数

所以,在我们这个模型中,不但以有理数(rational numbers)作为模拟真实语音的单位,就像用多少赫兹来描述共振峰的位置一样,而且用有理数作为模拟认知系统中的记忆单位.