英语人>词典>汉英 : 有点怪的 的英文翻译,例句
有点怪的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有点怪的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Haha, he's such a quirk and so bubbly to be around.


Tell it to our dog, Fica.


It sounds geeky, but it's kind of fun.


She is kind of oddish.


Before paragraph time, had written a Google article of the closest oddish, the expression that is oneself website inside Google and everybody were shared, the course continues to observe and be analysed, a bit little now change, share a few results that issue oneself with everybody.

前段时间,写过一篇 google最近有点怪的文章,把自己的网站在google里面的表现和大家分享了一下,经过继续观察和分析,现在有点小变化了,就和大家分享下自己的一些心得。

From his weird behaviour, he seems a bit of an oddity.


D段,文章第二页的第7行,A variety of tape-recording procedures have thus been devised to minimise the 'observer's paradox'(how to observe the way people behave when they are not being observed).


Needless to say, this is never something pleasant, and bloodily disgusting, though ironically, I'm a non- vegetarian.


There are two Echinops – use fast combat style and you'll be done in no time. Even the fact that you're a little drunk won't bother you.


He's not the most sociable. He's not one of those people who can go and talk to anyone. He's kind of a hermit and a little awkward. He got thrust into this limelight, but he's dealing with it.


更多网络解释与有点怪的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It sounds geeky, but it's kind of fun:听起来有点怪,但是挺有趣的

There's one coming up. 最近就会有一场. | It sounds geeky, but it's kind of fun. 听起来有点怪,但是挺有趣的. | Yeah. I'm not much of a planner. 是的,不过我不擅长安排时间.


odd-come-shortly 近日 | oddball 古怪的 | oddish 有点怪的


odalisque /女奴隶/侍婢/宫女/ | oddball /古怪的/奇怪的/古怪/奇怪/ | oddish /有点怪的/


oddball 古怪的 | oddish 有点怪的 | odditional 附加的

Searching high and low:到处搜索

5 样子有点怪的陌生人 An odd-looking stranger | 6 到处搜索 Searching high and low | 7 普通的灰色鸟 A simple gray bird

into the gaping maws of the boilers:锅炉多孔的胃里

to join hundreds of men shoveling coal|加入成百上千的人,把煤铲进. | into the gaping maws of the boilers.|锅炉多孔的胃里 | That's kind of spooky.|那真有点怪并

It ended kind of weired,though:(不过结束的有点怪 注意kind of 的用法)

We slow danced(我们深情拥吻 看人家这翻译~) | It ended kind of weired,though.(不过结束的有点怪 注意kind of 的用法) | Entering the priesthood.(正要投身宗教事业)

You're kind of weirded out, aren't you, kid:你有点怪,不是吗,孩子

Carrying the fire.|带着心中的火焰 | You're kind of weirded out, aren't you, kid?|你有点怪,不是吗,孩子? | Well, are you?|好了,你有没有?

An odd-looking stranger:样子有点怪的陌生人

4 日常规则 The ruler of routine | 5 样子有点怪的陌生人 An odd-looking stranger | 6 到处搜索 Searching high and low

Bit of a sad sack, really:实际上,有点难相处

Ah, just a fella I know.|只是我认识的一个家伙 | Bit of a sad sack, really.|实际上,有点难相处 | Not too much going on upstairs, you know?|有点怪,对吗?