英语人>词典>汉英 : 有点像... 的英文翻译,例句
有点像... 的英文翻译、例句


smell of
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It sounds a bit like, like Gaelic!


Blair: A woman needs to be with a man who thinks of only her. Anything else is anonstarter. Tell him how you feel. nonstarter: An idea, proposal, or candidate with no chance of being accepted or successful.

这句话有点像中文说的只有这句话有点像中文说的"只有这句话有点像中文说的只有……才才是真的,除此之外,其他都是空的,其他都是废话是真的,除此之外,其他都是空的,其他都是废话" 7。

The structure of the cosmos is a fundamental binary principle that governs the manifestations of all the particulars:"the aether fire of flame", which is gentle, mild, soft, thin and clear, and self-identical — this is something like the masculine principle — and the other is "ignorant night", body thick and heavy — this is something like the feminine principle.


It bears structural similarities to the Laurence Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" and "Sent imental Journey," but aside from that bears more in common with ancient Greek novels like Longus's "Daphnis and Chloe" or Heliodorus's "Eithopian Romance," as well as the mysticism of the ancient Egyptian "Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor."


Algo de sacerdote había en él y también de marino; después me refirió que había sido misionero en Tientsin "antes de aspirar a sinólogo".


The mildewy inside of the coach, with its damp and dirty straw, its disagreeable smell, and its obscurity, was rather like a larger dog-kennel. Mr. Lorry, the passenger, shaking himself out of it in chains of straw, a tangle of shaggy wrapper, flapping hat, and muddy legs, was rather like a larger sort of dog.


Tonally, it sounds like a violin, although it can also produce a more reedy quality, sounding like a violin blended with a bagpipe or clarinet. At other times it sounds almost like a flute.


The Aye-aye's face is also rodent-like, the shape of a raccoon's, and houses bright, beady, luminous eyes.


The front of the teahouse, a stand and sell acid Kok (I do not know what a tree node, the shape a bit like acacia, very acid, importers people Cuanmei), Shui date (end of the tree is, should be regarded as fruit, Zhuangrujizhua, a lump of a lump in some areas, that is called chicken Jiaozhao, taste Henguai, such as brown sugar, a bit like licorice) and the bubble pears sugar pears in the saline water, the pear flavor is equipped with, Kunming people Quepian in fresh and salt water within the bubble.


For the existence Be nearing to polar people to say, usually the sexual snow blizzard makes them have a very great difficulty on the transportation, so develop is been excellent by the physical strength, and resistant to cold dog dog to pull sledge, become their main vehicle, and this kind of physical strength good,run of quick,like to train,and the resistant to cold dog dog BE"Husky".


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We're sort of like 7-Eleven:我们有点像24小时便利店

Fuck. You guys could|do this every goddamn day.|操,天杀的你们每天... | We're sort of like 7-Eleven.|我们有点像24���时便利店 | We're not always doin' business,|but we're always open.|不总是做生意|但店门永...

aztec clock:阿兹台克钟(太阳的样子没有指针),有点像古代手镜背面的图纹,很漂亮

anchor 锚 | aztec clock 阿兹台克钟(太阳的样子没有指针),有点像古代手镜背面的图纹,很漂亮 | airplane 飞机

A character out of Faulkner, not unlike Benjy:一个福克纳笔下的人物,和班吉 [《喧哗与骚动》中的智障儿子]倒是有点像

And what could you offer me?|你又能... | A character out of Faulkner, not unlike Benjy.|一个福克纳笔下的人物,和班吉 [>中的智障儿子]倒是有点像. | The answer to your question is no.|对你问题...

Greasy Spoon:指那些有点像夫妻老婆店那样的小饭馆

hook, line and sinker 全部的意思,可是它还带有受骗的意思 | Greasy spoon 指那些有点像夫妻老婆店那样的小饭馆 | It goes in one ear and out the other. 左耳朵进,右耳朵出

imogen heap - come here boy:有点像男声的 女声

mgmt - electric feel 像女声的男声歌曲 | imogen heap - come here boy有点像男声的 女声 | you are gonna cry - ewa sonnet 好听的 女声

Kinda invisible:有点像隐形人

But hey you can't see me, 但是你看不见我, | 7)Kinda invisible... 有点像隐形人... | You don't sense my 8)stay 你感觉不到我的存在.

Most of them came here to near money, more or less Mr.Wang worked for his cause:他们大都来挣钱的,但王先生有点像为事业而工作

The work is more or less finished. 工作大体算完成了... | Most of them came here to near money, more or less Mr.Wang worked for his cause.他们大都来挣钱的,但王先生有点像为事业而工作. | 12. other than除了

I guess, sometimes she's a little ditzy, you know:有时候...她有点像傻大姐

You could say that.|可以这么说 | I guess, sometimes she's a little ditzy, you know?|有时候...她有点像傻大姐 | And I've seen her be a little too into her looks.|我觉得她有点太注重她的外表

rappers against racism:感觉有点像广告歌曲 有点神秘哈

48 she is 玄彬的 金三顺 里的 玄彬太帅了 爱屋及乌吧 不过歌曲也是很好... | 50 rappers against racism 感觉有点像广告歌曲 有点神秘哈 | 51 never say goodbye 我天天放的一首歌 宿舍的一个音乐白痴都会唱了 呵呵 ...

It was like Truth or Dare:有点像"真心话大冒险

I don't think his parents were home.|他父母当时应该不在家 | It was like Truth or Dare?|有点像"真心话大冒险" | But, like, a game.|像玩游戏