英语人>词典>汉英 : 有效率的 的英文翻译,例句
有效率的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
businesslike  ·  efficient

更多网络例句与有效率的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Braille students need to know all of the Nemeth code in order to effectively read and write maths.


Economic phylogeny makes clear, market economy is a kind of businesslike economy run mode.


Such company ability are in quite future is more businesslike run.


Trolley busses, busses and subways are efficient transportation means at different stages of time.


Trolley busses , busses and subways are efficient transportation means at different stages of time.


In order to achieve the aim of behavior change, we suggest the BNHI to implement capitation in part of its payment system.


This is dependent on extremely efficient combustion of the fuel.


In this thesis, we focus on finding A-optimal and efficient Type-S designs in diallel cross experiments for comparing test lines with a control line under the model of completely randomized designs.

本论文主要研究在完全随机设计的模型下,找出对照与试验处理比较之diallel cross实验的A-最适以及有效率的设计,我们利用A-最适设计和A-效率设计的定义及电脑程式来找出A-最适以及有效率的Type-S 设计。

Whether or not the financial system becomes more efficient at intermediating China's large pool of saving and directing it to the most productive investments will have major repercussions on long-term growth.


We can observe four results in our experiments:(1) better playback quality,(2) efficient bandwidth consumption in the network,(3) bitstream aggregation in the network, and (4) well-performed bandwidth usage of media gateways.


更多网络解释与有效率的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


9.bright 聰明的 | 10.businesslike 有效率的.俐落的 | 11.calm 鎮定的


踏实的(Steady)、尽职的(Dutiful)、一丝不苟的(Precise)、有效率的(Efficient)完成自己的本职工作,也对上司交办的所有工作都能主动的(Active)、负责的(Re o ible)、最有兴趣(Interest)、最愿意去做(Motivation),并且是个严守时刻的(Punctual)、守纪律的(Disciplined)好员工.




企业需要员工有工作目标(Job objective)和责任心(Re o ible),精力充沛的(Energetic)带着激情去工作,踏实的(Steady)、尽职的(Dutiful)、一丝不苟的(Precise)、有效率的(Efficient)完成自己的本职工作,



searched efficiently:有效率的查询

retrieve information找回信息 | searched efficiently. 有效率的查询----an index | optional command 任意的命令,可选的命令

Discriminating monopolist:帕累托有效率的实行价格歧视的垄断者

~ competitive market 帕累托有效率竞争市场 | ~ discriminating monopolist 帕累托有效率的实行价格歧视的垄断者 | ~ monopoly 帕累托有效率垄断

The monopolist produces less than the socially efficient quantity of output:垄断者生产的产量小于社会有效率的产量

垄断的无效率The Ine... | 垄断者生产的产量小于社会有效率的产量. The monopolist produces less than the socially efficient quantity of output. | 垄断引起的无谓损失类似于税收引起的无谓损失. The deadweight ...

Variable Depth Gullets - provides more efficient chip clearance:可变深度gullets -提供更有效率的芯片关

4/6 Variable Pitch Teeth - for reduced noise and i... | Variable Depth Gullets - provides more efficient chip clearance可变深度gullets -提供更有效率的芯片关 | Will cut holes in aluminum, copper, iron, ...

可变深度gullets -提供更有效率的芯片关:Variable Depth Gullets - provides more efficient chip clearance

4/6 Variable Pitch Teeth - for reduced noise and i... | Variable Depth Gullets - provides more efficient chip clearance可变深度gullets -提供更有效率的芯片关 | Will cut holes in aluminum, copper, iron, ...