英语人>词典>汉英 : 有效地 的英文翻译,例句
有效地 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
availably  ·  effectively  ·  effectually  ·  efficaciously  ·  efficiently  ·  usefully

更多网络例句与有效地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Tins article will tell us the functions of CAI in English classroom teaching:1. the functions in English classroom teaching1. 1 enrich the teaching contents and change the monotonous design of traditional teaching1. 2 arouse the students interest and stimulate the studyintention1.3 make initiative study change into passive study1.4 lighten the students schoolwork2. the functions in modern education2. 1 remedy the differences between different schoolsand areas 2. 2 improve the process of teaching management2.3 enrich the reading matter of the outside class2.4 develop the long-distance education by using the multimedia and internet technologyBecause there are so many advantages about multimedia. many schools construct campus net and multimedia classrooms. Then designing and making CAI software became an important problem for these schools, so these article can tell us how to design and make it. In order to make CAI software better, the articled also tell you how to pay attention to something .That is the content of my article , I hope I ran consult it with you .Thank you.

充分运用现代教学技术武装我们的教学,对原有的教学生产方式来一场革命,这是教育实践的呼唤,也是时代的呼唤,本论文从多媒体在英语课堂教学中的作用出发,来说明运用多媒体进行计算机辅助教学的作用: 1 在英语课堂教学中的作用 1.1 丰富教学内容改变传统教学的单调模式 1.2 激发学习兴趣促进学习动机 1.3 变被动学习为主动学习有效体现教学的个体化和因材施教 1.4 为教师提供形象的表达工具有效地减轻学生的课业负担 2 现代教育中的作用 2.1 弥补不同学校、地区之问教学质量的差异 2.2 改善教学管理过程改进教学效果 2.3 丰富的课外读物 2.4 多媒体技术与网络技术的结合可有效地开展远距离教育正因为多媒体具有这么多的优点,所以许多学校多投资兴建了校园网和多媒体教室,如何设计和制作高质量的多媒体课件是许多学校迫切需要解决的问题,所以本文接下来谈论的是如何设计和制作多媒体课件以及在设计和制作过程中如何应用心理学上的注意规律等,仅供各位同行参考。

The key to simulating the procedure of rapid cooling correctly and efficiently is an appropriate interatomic potential, which should describe the interaction between atoms accurately as well as be easily used on large-scale computer simulation.


To build automatic terminal is the development direction of the port. Mark out the terminal"s layout logically and collacate equipment reasonally, realize machine automatized and management informated, manege the yard with real-time information, take good use of the port resources, all these are the powerful method to improve the ability of port" loading and unloading.


Along with vehement market competition, the technical request that relates to exploit banausic and advanced network resource management is put forward,How to increase the operational level of the telecommunication network everywhere, how to complete the communication guarantee responsibility given from the superior, how to keep the high level service quality, how to manage the equipments of the different manufactory in unification, moreover how to carry through the assistant decision-making that relates to feasibility and maneuverability of the preparative scheme of the emergency communication base on the network resource.


In the studying of image segmentation, six crucial technologies havebeen developed successfully. 1 In one dimension histogram of original DRimage of luggage, there remain maximum-value wave crest havingapproximately stationary position, and the first minimum to the left of thewave crest performs excellently to be used to get rid of background of DRimage. 2 Open operation, one type of math morphology, is the right idea toerase luggage disturbance in DR image and at the same time, can be retaininteresting region appropriately. 3 After open operation, there are only a few minimums on image histogram, one of which can be to segment image furtherand achieves satisfying result. 4 Method of histogram analyzing and that oferosion performs well in the re-segmentation of conglutinative region in DRimage. 5 Method of image distance switch can ensure Luggage CT sectionautomatically obtained to have rich suspicious region information. 6 Todecompose structure element of math morphology is a way to save a great dealrunning time for automatically discerning interesting regions algorithm,apparently improving implementation efficiency.


The nanoplex were smaller than the unmodified nHAP; thelipiodol/nanoplex emulsion, with the mean diameter at 75±11.8nm can disperse moreuniformly and be more soluble and stable, contrary to the unmodified nHAP and nanoplex Conclusion: Nanoplex/pDNA mass ratios greater than 15 had exhibited completepDNA absorption onto positive charged polyplex and pDNA protection from thedestruction of nucleinase in rabbit serum. Unmodified nHAP may can\'t induce effectivegene delivery.PartⅡThe construction of the recombint eukaryotic expressive vector ofwild-type human p53 and RbObjective: To construct the recombint eukaryotic expressive vector of wild-type humanp53 and Rb by utilizing the theory of molecular medicine.


My working content: Enterprise every administration approves procedure spread out; Companys every internal rule system decide and implement; Companys every external contact and reception are corresponding as moving about; Companys important contract and document classify management; Afforest and ensure safety , insure the clean companys daily outside bales such as dining room and regular bus to serve the management of project; Represent company to carry out trademark propaganda , plan substandard department campaign participate in; Preferential industrial policy and profession information collect; Help to lead daily work; Companys internal and external department operation is environmental to control and supervise; Important statement and the writings such as meeting summary, companys annual notes and propagative handbook produce work; Other administration working hopes can have the opportunity the working post in self expectation goes up raising personal ability, sublimation business level and realization self value, make biggest contribution to discover own uncle music my advantage: Can complete own job remarkablely satisfactorily; Independence spreads out working ability; Can collect effective industrial information for enterprise, and using effective resource fully serve enterprise have opened situation repeatedly in self scope of business for company; Can complete every administration index of company conscientiously efficiently


He should properly switch his position as a teacher to a mentor and co-worker of the students, dealing well with the relationship between explaining and exercising in the way that the Chinese lessons should be based on lead-in of exercises, that is to say, Chinese practical activity is carried out under the direction of the teacher so well designed step by step that it will achieve the certain goals. At the same time, the teacher should make a point of apperceiving and subliming the language in order to make the self-study the essential strategy, aiming at promoting Chinese study practically as well as improving the students'transferability.


Trans-Blot Plus Cell 170-3990 Trans-Blot Plus Cell With Plate Electrodes and Super Cooling Coil, includes 3 gel holder cassettes, buffer tank, lid with power cables, 6 fiber pads, 1 pack blot absorbent filter paper (26.5 x 28 cm, 30 sheets), roller, stirbar 170-3991 Trans-Blot Plus Cell and PowerPac HC Power Supply Accessories 170-3994 Trans-Blot Plus Gel/Cassette Assembly Tray 170-3995 Fiber Pads, 27 x 28.5 cm, 2 170-3996 Blot Absorbent Filter Paper, 26.5 x 28 cm, 60 sheets 170-3997 Stirbar 170-3998 Trans-Blot Plus Roller, 6 wide 170-39 Trans-Blot Plus Gel Holder Cassette With Clamps 170-4990 Trans-Blot Plus Super Cooling Coil 170-4991 Trans-Blot Plus Platinum Anode Plate Electrode 170-4992 Trans-Blot Plus Stainless-Steel Cathode Plate Electrode 170-4995 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Buffer Tank 170-4996 Trans-Blot Plus Cell Lid With Cables 170-4997 Gel Holder Cassette Clamps, for Trans-Blot Plus cell, set of 3 9 规格:说明:运用Mini-PROTEAN II 多道筛选仪,可以快速有效地筛选 40 种不同的抗体或血清,无需把western

转印条件可调,能在很大的分子量跨度上获得最佳转印效果*耐用的板式电极能产生强大而均一的电场,而且电极在槽内的位置灵活可换;不论运行1、2 或3 个转印夹,电极间距可调节到最小以获得最大的场强和转印效率*凝胶支架转印夹保证整个凝胶与印迹膜表面的均衡接触*转印夹的铰链设计能防止凝胶滑动,便于转印夹组装*颜色标记的转印夹及电极板确保在转印槽内的正确定向*特级冷却芯和冷却水循环器进行温度调节―可理想地用于天然酶或高强度转印,或用于延长转印时间时减少缓冲液的损耗*可选择的组装盘是凝胶三明治和转印夹组装的理想选择 Trans-Blot Plus 转印槽能从单向和双向大格式凝胶上均一、高效地转移蛋白―配合使用新推出的 PowerPac HC 电源,多数蛋白都可在1530 分钟内完成转印。

For each strategy, a corresponding exploitation plan of groundwater was designed. Then each designed exploitation plan (except scheme 3) was put into the model for calculation and simulation. The analysis on the forecasting results every plan indicates that:(1) Shuting down the self-provided wells is the most direct and effective method, playing an important role in the land subsidence prevention.(2) The resumption of compressed soil by groundwater artificial recharge is limited. So the artificial recharge can\'t provide essential effect for the resumption of land subsidence, unless the artificial recharge is much more than the groundwater withdrawal.(3) The method of "adjusting the exploitation stratum of groundwater to the shallow" has an obvious effect on the land subsidence prevention.(4)"Sand wells" can increase the leakage recharge for confined aquifer, and thus can slow and prevent the development of the land subsidence.(5) For the groundwater exploitation in Xi\'an, emergency self-provided wells should be managed according to the well spacing of 1600m, 2000m and 1600m, respectively, in the river terrace area, alluvial-proluvial fan area and loess tableland area to exploit the first confined groundwater. Corresponding individual well yield can be set as 2500m~3/d, 1500 m~3/d and 200 m~3/d. Make emergency self-provided wells pump in the dry year and stop pumping groundwater to restore and conserve underground water sources in average years and wet years. In this way, groundwater withdrawal of 162000m~3/d can be obtained to provide for the supplement of water supply in Xi\'an. As a result, the water supply stress can be released in dry years. The groundwater depression formed in the exploiting year can resume in 3-4 years. At the same time, this exploitation manner will not lead to obvious land subsidence.

本文利用所建的模型预测了现状开采条件下未来20年的地下水位和地面沉降的变化,在此基础上,提出了防治西安市地面沉降的五个地下水开采方案,利用所建的地面沉降模型对各个设计方案其进行了模拟和预报,对预测结果的分析表明:①封停自备井是防治地面沉降最为直接和最有效的对策,对防治地面沉降起着最为积极的作用;②采用人工回灌方法使被压缩的土层得到的恢复是非常有限的,对地面沉降不能起到根治作用,只有回灌量明显大于开采量时才能有一定的效果;③&调整开采层次,在浅层取水&对防治地面沉降的效果十分明显;④布设&砂井&可以增加对承压含水层的越流补给量,从而可以有效地缓解和控制地面沉降的发生和发展;⑤对西安市的地下水开采,可在河流阶地区、冲洪积扇区和黄土塬区分别采用1600m、2000m、1600m的井间距布置应急自备井,分别采用2500m~3/d、1500 m~3/d和200 m~3/d的单井开采量,开采第一承压水,在平水年或者丰水年不开采,涵养地下水源,在枯水年启动这些应急自备井开采,在输出分析范围内共可获得162000 m~3/d(5913万m~3/a)开采量,可以有效地补充西安市的供水水源,缓解供水紧张局面,开采年开采导致的下降的水位可在停采3~4年后得到基本恢复,同时,这种开采方式不会造成大的地面沉降量。

更多网络解释与有效地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to advantage:有利地,有效地

2 to blame ... on 把... 归咎于 | 3 to advantage 有利地,有效地 | 4 as fresh as paint 精神饱满


AvailableIn 有效范围 | availably 有效地 | avalanche 雪崩


" 大多数人事经理不喜欢听到任何描述某人怎么好地完成了某项任务的字眼. 他们说自己希望了解这个人相关的技能,而且希望自己才是这个人工作效果的评判者. 因此,像巧妙地(Skillfully)、有效地(Effectively)、仔细地(Carefully)、 ...


effectuality /灵验/ | effectually /有效地/十分地/ | effectualy /有效地/


efficacious /灵/有效的/灵验的/ | efficaciously /有效地/灵验地/ | efficaciousness /有效/灵验/

efficaciously:有效地; 灵验地 (副)

efficacious 有效的; 灵验的 (形) | efficaciously 有效地; 灵验地 (副) | efficacy 功效, 效力 (名)

get the most out of:最有效地使用; 发挥...最大功效

get the best out of 最有效地使用; 发挥...最大功效 | get the most out of 最有效地使用; 发挥...最大功效 | get the utmost out of 最有效地使用; 发挥...最大功效

tellingly:有效地; 显著地 (副)

telling 有效的, 生动的, 明显的 (形) | tellingly 有效地; 显著地 (副) | tells its own tale 不言而喻; 显而易见

turn to advantage:有效地利用,把...转为有利条件

有效地with effect | 有效地利用;把...转为有利条件turn... to advantage | 有效方法modus operandi

butt head against:有效地抵抗

beat head against 有效地抵抗 | butt head against 有效地抵抗 | knock head against 有效地抵抗