英语人>词典>汉英 : 有效因子 的英文翻译,例句
有效因子 的英文翻译、例句


efficiency factor
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The quality of interior environment in nursing home residents will become one of the attention-getting subjects due to the gradual increase of aging populations This paper directs at the research of nursing home's interior environment factors in Tainan We use the standard of international practice to analyze the intrinsical data of environmental monitoring and establish the characteristics which from environmental physical reaction of nursing home The research items are air environments (PM10 CO CO2 formaldehyde TVOC) temperate environments and light environment (illumination average brightness daylight factor) etc There are the inductive conclusions of this research: 1 In basic medicine the clinical diagnosis means the theory and technique about physical examination with patients The definition of clinical diagnosis in architecture should be the diagnosis of building preserve and improve the feasible way to extend building's service life and assure the residents of the healthy quality of interior environment The object of clinical diagnosis in architecture is not only to ensure the use of structure and environment quality but also keep the structure and environment quality in sustainable; therefore creating an efficient system of preserving plan is needed 2 It is an accurate and technical circumstance which about improving remedying and reconstructing the problems of structure space This circumstance includes finding questions ensuring causation ascertaining ultimate strength evaluating environment quality estimating the necessary of restoration and implementing on a suitable way Furthermore when reconstructing and ameliorating the appearance of structure space it should be respected and the memories of it should be preserved 3 In clinical diagnosis of environment quality of space the question of physical environment and the deficiencies of structure must be separated The structure space of construction and the high quality of space should be inspected strictly then observed the crucial reason that can find out any invisible and hidden causes The diagnosis of construction is to observe the reason of destroyed structure The environmental diagnosis of indoor and outdoor is to find out the crucial reason that influences health 4 In order to decrease the iterant problems the construction and environment of space should be diagnosed However the destruction by natural strength and artificial using by human are important causes that can affect the service life of construction Searching the cause of disease just like curing the patient which includes inspection diagnosis cure and prevention We tested the thermal conductivity of siding material in this research and then found out the roof east vertical face and west vertical face have most radiant heat especially the construction of RC The characteristics of opaquely outer casing have relations with the thermal conductivity of wall to wiz the ability of heat insulation Therefore increasing the efficiency of heat insulation and decreasing the endoergic factor of insolation are very important to temperate environments

而随著国内老年人人口逐渐增加,逐渐迈向高龄化之同时,对於高龄者使用空间之室内环境品质相关议题之探讨,亦成为未来我们需加以关注之议题之一。主要为针对台南某安养中心室内环境因子进行检测调查工作,利用现场室内环境测定以取得有效的实测数据;再藉由汇整相关国际评估基准,并进行实测数据比对分析,建立老人安养中心对物理环境反应之特性。并以前期相关研究文献回顾与老人安养中心实测案例现场的实验,来了解不同空间物理环境特性之影响,并将结果回馈实际建筑及室内设计之用。调查工作项目包含:空气环境之PM10、CO、CO2、甲醛、TVOC;温热环境之室内温度、相对湿度、人体PMV、PPD;光环境之照度、均齐度、昼光率等因子调查。本研究结果可归纳以下几点结论: 1 所谓临床诊断医学乃相对於基础医学而言,是指实际与病人接触的医疗及护理行为中牵涉到的理论和技术;而建筑的临床诊断的定义应为建筑本体与室内外诊断、维护及改善所有可行的方式来延长建筑物的寿命,并确保人与室内环境空间品质的健康。建筑临床诊断目的为确保结构体与环境品质能继续使用,而能维持所需要的效能及承受能力。一个有效的维护计画体系是必须建立的 2 在建筑空间之问题改善、治疗与修复执行中,是一个精确与技术性的事项,其中包含找出问题、确定原因、评估结构应力强度、评估环境品质、评估修复与改善必要性、选择及执行一个适当的过程。其改善与修复也必须尊重建筑空间原有色彩与形貌,并保留原有记忆及文化。 3 在临床诊断中空间环境品质中,物理性环境问题与结构构件缺陷必须分别判断,诊断建筑空间之结构与空间舒适品质必须详细观察其症结性问题,才能发现任何隐藏及有潜伏性缺陷的原因。建筑本体诊断是观察出建筑本体之破坏原因,而是内外空间环境诊断目的在於的找出影响健康因素之症结性问题。 4 建筑本体与空间环境之预防评估目的为降低与抑制问题的再发生。然而,自然力的破坏与人为使用因素皆是影响建筑生命期之主要因素,找出病源问题就如同医生对病人的处理,包含了侦查、诊断、治疗以及预防。 5 本研究以外墙材料热传导率测试结果发现,屋面与东西向立面是承受辐射热最多的地方,尤以 RC 的建筑更甚,不透明部分的外壳能特性主要与壁体的热传透率即隔热能力有关,但是承受来自日射的吸热影响,因此增加隔热性能与降低日射吸热因子是对温热环境是非常重要的。

Based on the generally accepted enol and carbide mechanismes of the FTS, the above model was derived, and the inhibition of water was interpreted in terms of the heat of adsorption for the combined term b in the denominator of the kinetic equation.

本文就是结合煤化所煤基合成液体燃料的过程开发,对已工业化的FT合成沉淀Fe/Cu/K催化剂进行反应动力学、有效因子的计算和管式固定床反应器数学模型的研究,结果可分述如下: 1。

A continuous detecting temperature procedure was used to measure the apparent kinetics data of methylal synthesis reaction inside the original catalyst particle with various diameters.


Simulation results suggest how to choose appropriate parameter α and threshold Neg of length of effective gene. The ideal choice allows the model to achieve high level of diversity and adaptability, and have good nonself detection rate with a very low rate of self detection.


A transportation engineering research and development program assessment method basing on DEA is formulated for prediction of efficiency index, production possibility set's restraint coefficient and inputoutput slack variable. Then use the reciprocal process of principle factor method to calculate the effective availability of research and development personnel and funds.


PRONY method can get the damping ratio of transient signals which can be used to predict and detect the early back corona failure efficiently, and this method makes up the deficiencies of ESP volt-ampere curve.

采用PRONY方法能够有效地抽取出ESP瞬态信号的阻尼因子,该阻尼因子能够有效的预诊ESP反电晕故障,弥补了ESP伏-安特性曲线以及人工判断方法的不足; 4。

The results showed that TNF-α effectively inhibited preadipocyte proliferation stimulated by insulin and decreased lipogenesis through inhibiting stimulation of insulin on transcriptional expressions of lipogenic genes such as acetyl-CoA carboxylase α(ACC1), fatty acid synthase, sterol regulatory element binding protein-1c in adipocytes, suggesting that TNF-α is a effective inhibitor of adipogenesis in adipose tissue.


The kinetics for the catalytic oxidation of mixed thiol s with different catalyst particle sizes was studied in the gas-liquid-solid triphase reaction system.


Ampoules are airtight glass containers that are filled with a concentration of highly active ingredients.


A total effectiveness factor considering both extra-and intra-particle diffusions was successfully applied to simplify the calculation of the model and a good agreement with the experimental results was achieved.


更多网络解释与有效因子相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


G 尊贵抗皱塑肌精华, 含珍贵纳米表皮生长因子复合物(EGF Complex)、腺 (Adenosine)及防皱因子(DPHP),能有效抚平皱纹,为肌肤补充水分及养分. 更能刺激胶原蛋白增生,令肌肤重组再生. 用后肌肤柔滑,面部轮廓得以提升.


白藜芦醇里含有许多象补体(ALEXIN)活性因子,对人体有益. 研究体外培养和动物学流行病的学者指出,使用白藜芦醇可有效治疗心脏血管疾病和癌症. 长沙绿蔓生物科技有限公司的白藜芦醇是从虎杖以及葡萄皮中萃取,含有丰富的顺白藜芦醇和转白藜芦醇.


> PO抗菌因子: (Piroctone Olamine) 能抑制细菌生长,预防面疱、青春痘的产生. > 尿囊素:(Allantoin) 有效修护肌肤瑕疵,快速安抚肌肤脆弱不适.


(A) 基本上是以网状图(network)为规划工具(C) 钢梁与钢承版(deck)接合 (D) 钢梁与剪力连接物接合7. 冷房度日(degree days)的计算与下列何者关系最小?8. 建筑物理环境指标中,新有效温度(SE T)比有效温度(ET)增加评估的因子为何?

effective cross section for resonance:有效共振截面

effective cross section 有效截面 | effective cross section for resonance 有效共振截面 | effective decontamination factor 有效去污因子

efficiency factor:有效因子

efficiency 效率,有效性 | efficiency factor 有效因子 | efficiency estimation 有效估计

initial solution:初始公因子方差估计、特征值、方差百分比

Univariate Descriptive 有效样品数、均值、标准差 | Initial Solution 初始公因子方差估计、特征值、方差百分比 | 2.Correlation Matrix 相关矩阵


在收集草原凋落物(litter)时,要不要收集立枯体啊?并且叶片参数LDMC是凋落物分解的预测因子,但在草原上立枯体(standing litter)要占70%的比例,叶片凋落物却只有30%这样LDMC还可以作为凋落物的有效预测因子吗?

EDCFs endothelium-derived constricting factor:内皮衍生的收缩因子

ED effective dose 有效剂量 | EDCFs endothelium-derived constricting factor 内皮衍生的收缩因子 | EDHF endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor 内皮衍生超极化因子


对826份有效样本进行了因子分析,并建立了因子结构模型.结果 因子分析结果家庭环境量......1999年比利时因饲料发生二(噁)英类(dioxins)污染动物性食品,造成14亿欧元的直接损失和政局不稳[1-2].20世纪因其污染引发的一系列灾难事件,