英语人>词典>汉英 : 有吸引力的 的英文翻译,例句
有吸引力的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
attractive  ·  charming  ·  magnetic  ·  juiciest  ·  tastiest

更多网络例句与有吸引力的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I think you have very attractive children.


As Verdin and Williamson argue, 'industry is not destiny … being in an 'attractive' industry is no guarantee for success, while lack of industry attractiveness is not a sentence to poor performance' 1994, p.


A bead;s personality is defined bu it's shape,material ..translucency ,and surface decoration,and for every kind of bead ,whether faceted crytal,polymer clay,lustrous ceramic,or dainty seed,there is a beader somewhere who covets it.vintage beads are prized by certain crafters:chunky ,oversized beads made from resin or plastic re particularly of the moment.in a word,beads are fascinating.


An attractive niche is characterized as follows: The customers in the niche have a distinct set of needs; they will pay a premium to the firm that best satisfies their needs; the niche is not likely to attract other competitors; the nicher gains certain economies through specialization; and the niche has size, profit, and growth potential.


Why are attractive women not thought to be able9 An attractive woman is perceived to be more feminine and an attractive man more masculine than the less attractive ones.


It is not difficult to find outperforming firms in markets lack of attractiveness or poorly performing firms in attractive markets.


The guys they find appealing tend to have characteristics that are attractive in the short term, which include some flirtatious behaviors, he says. He's not sure why women behave this way, but it follows that men who bed ovulating women have a greater chance of procreating and passing on those flirty genes, which means those babies will have more babies, and so on.


Beijing Opera plots throb with heart-gripping『有吸引力的;扣人心弦的』tales of emperors, courtesans『青楼女子;风尘女子』and generals.


Investors interested in responding to this dynamic trend are finding that the combination in Greece of thermal springs and attractive investment opportunities is ideal for pursuing a highly attractive market that is growing significantly.


Black Muslim :member of a militant group of Blacks,esp in the USA,who follow Islam


更多网络解释与有吸引力的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


I felt a few spots of rain. 我感到飘来几滴... | 13. appealing 有吸引力的,有感染力的,令人感兴趣的 | Spending the holidays in Britain wasn't a prospect that I found particularly appealing. 在英国度假对我并...

fresh as a daisy:生动活泼的, 有吸引力的(尤指以新的方式)

be pushing up (the) daisies 入土(口,谑) | fresh as a daisy 生动活泼的, 有吸引力的(尤指以新的方式) | 3.red camellia---beauty 红茶花-天生丽质

attractively furnished lounge bar:有吸引力的装饰成的雅致的酒吧

beauty salon 美容院 | attractively furnished lounge bar 有吸引力的装饰成的雅致的酒吧 | approximately 大约


captivation 吸引力 | captivator 有吸引力的人 | captive 被控制的

Rat charm:子鼠(有吸引力的老鼠)

Rat charm, 子鼠(有吸引力的老鼠) | Ox patient, 丑牛(有耐力的牛) | Tiger sensitive, 寅虎(灵敏的老虎)


eloquent 雄辩的 有口才的 | enthralling 有吸引力的 | flippant 轻率的 无礼的


1973 - James Blunt (听了开头就会喜欢的) | 1234 - Feist (很有吸引力的女声,很轻快的曲风) | Tell me - Wonder girls (韩国新组合成名曲)


-less:careless粗心的,homeless无家可 归的 | -ire:attractive有吸引力的,effective有效的 | -ous:dangerous危险的,famous著名的

Attractive layette essential that will be used and enjoyed:有吸引力的layette至关重要的是,将用于和所享有的

Can be used as a lap cloth and changing pad.可被用来... | Attractive layette essential that will be used and enjoyed有吸引力的layette至关重要的是,将用于和所享有的 | Designed by a nurse and mother.所设计...

Attractive, space-saving design fits most counters:有吸引力的,节省空间的设计最适合的柜台

Brews a full pot of coffee at the touch of a button. ... | Attractive, space-saving design fits most counters. 有吸引力的,节省空间的设计最适合的柜台. | Internal components are constructed from stainle...