英语人>词典>汉英 : 有些部分 的英文翻译,例句
有些部分 的英文翻译、例句


in patches
更多网络例句与有些部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Fist of all,some parts of traditional technology is deleterious,and will obstruct the developing of modern technology.


In the first place, some aspects of the traditional techn ology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of mod ern technology science.


Babies have gristle in some parts of the skull .


"The basic idea is that men and women approach the same problems in somewhat different ways, at least in part because of the biological differences in the brain, which in turn interact with experience--the nature-nurture story," said McEwen.


In the first place, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering science.


In the first place, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of modern technology science.

首先, 传统技术方法有些部分是有害的,并且会阻碍现代科技的首先,传统技术方法有些部分是有害的,发展。

In the first place, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of modern technology science.


In the first place, some aspects of the traditional technology and methods are harmful and hampering the development of modern technology science.


Here by 'language with pleasurable accessories' I mean that with rhythm and harmony or song superadded; and by 'the kinds separately' I mean that some portions are worked out with verse only, and others in turn with song.


And pay attention to some parts used in artificial leather is another kind of material similar to the anti-fur, for example, and1 taichi mid part of the inside of a dark, air Jordan 7 black vamps, when clean-up must pay attention to the moist wipes extent, the general The terms of cleaning up such uppers, with too wet cloth but will be even dirty stains.

而注意有些部分用的是另外一种人造皮革类似于反毛皮的材料,例如and1 taichi mid的内侧深色部分、air Jordan 7黑色的鞋面,清理的时候一定要注意抹布的湿润程度,一般的来讲清理这种鞋面,用太湿的布反而污渍会变本加厉的脏。

更多网络解释与有些部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


5.空气动力(aerodynamic)头盔,基本上是玻璃纤维或碳纤维外壳糊制,表面很光滑,有些加EPS内衬. 造型很独特,前部为很大的护目镜,将半个脸罩起来,头盔的后半部脱的很长,滑行时正好对颈部同背部相接的部分进行整流,减小空气阻力,


有些伞菌的子实体幼小时,连在菌盖边缘和菌柄间有一层膜,叫内菌幕(partialveil),在菌盖张开时,内菌幕破裂,遗留在菌柄上的部分构成菌环(annulus). 有些子实体幼小时外面有一层膜包被,叫外菌幕(universalveil),当菌柄伸长时,包被破裂,

correspondence school:函授学校

有些家庭采用正规的教学计画表(formal lesson plans);有些则奉行在家教育先驱-约翰.霍尔(John Holt)的教育哲学,允许子女自行订定进度;更有许多家庭向函授学校(correspondence school)注册入学;有些则是部分时间回到校园上课,


在整个模式中使用例子和反例(counterexample)描绘了关键点. 即使是我们模板中最抽象的部分(如"适用性","结构","参与者",和"协作")有时也有例子. 举个例子,有些"协作"部分包括表示对象在运行时怎样通信的交互图(interaction diagrams).在讨论模式的抽象部分参考这些例子-


在系统的可管理性上,多重(multiple)配置和无数(countless)配置有着很大不同. 诀窍在于要把您的设置划分为可以管理的小部分. 您会发现有些本地化的部分适用于所有被管主机,而有些部分则只适用于几台主机,而剩下的一些部分专门针对个别机器.

concrete monism:具体一元论

[61]也有些评论者注意到"具体一元论"(concrete monism)这一概念,积极评价了作者试图调和多元论与一元伦的意向,而有些评论者则指出这种"调和"所带来的略显夸张的部分.


在系统的可管理性上,多重(multiple)配置和无数(countless)配置有着很大不同. 诀窍在于要把您的设置划分为可以管理的小部分. 您会发现有些本地化的部分适用于所有被管主机,而有些部分则只适用于几台主机,而剩下的一些部分专门针对个别机器.

and some few to be chewed and:而有少数的书则需要咀嚼和消化

others to be swallowed, 有些书可供吞咽, | and some few to be chewed and 而有少数的书则需要咀嚼和消化; | disgested; that is, some books 换言之,有些书只需要择其部分


幼虫通称条纹毛毛虫,中段褐色,两端黑色. 迷信的说法认为,幼虫尾端的黑色部分越长,来冬天气越坏,黑色部分较短则天气较温和. 有些灯蛾具鲜豔的警戒色,表示其味不佳,使捕食者却步. 有时也把苔蛾亚科(Lithosiinae)的苔蛾列入灯蛾科.

Acer saccharum:糖枫

果为翅果,多分为二部分(罕为三部分),各具一翅,并含种子一粒. 枫树类多栽作风景树及荫蔽树. 某几种含有甜味树液,糖枫(Acer saccharum)可制糖浆或糖. 有些种则为重要用材树. 参阅梣叶枫(box elder)、枫树(maple)各条.