英语人>词典>汉英 : 有些显著的 的英文翻译,例句
有些显著的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与有些显著的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The judicial supervision is the center of gravity which arbitrates to inspect a mechanism, under the development trend that economic integral whole turn also take place or is take place variety of show the change, but arbitrate some provision within method because of objective history conditional restriction also can't adjust the international current that judicatory and arbitrament relate to a development, some provision still lack maneuverability.


Early in the twelfth century France was the scene of a somewhat remarkable phase in the history of the Benedictine nuns.


There are important lessons to be learned from this research, some of them not so obvious, and others even counterintuitive .


Reports on long-term survivors after radiotherapy have shown that some individuals may benefit from treatment, but potential complications are significant (duodenitis, bile duct stenosis, duodenal stenosis).


Videlicet, this sequence represents the accountability of the 11 features in distinguishing insects on the level of species. According to the above results, some features varies not remarkably on all levels, such as Lobation, Shape-Parameter etc. This shows that such kind of features are nearly same in all species of insects, and can represent the feature suitable to distinguish all insects from other classes of animals. On the other hand, they are not suitable as distinguishable features of levels which lower than insect Class.


The judicial supervision is the center of gravity which arbitrates to inspect a mechanism, under the development trend that economic integral whole turn also take place or is take place variety of show the change, but arbitrate some provision within method because of objective history conditional restriction also can't adjust the international current that judicatory and arbitrament relate to a development, some provision still lack maneuverability.

页数:15 字数:11357 毕业论文)摘要:司法监督作为仲裁监督机制的重心,在经济一体化的发展趋势下也发生或正在发生着显著的变化,但是由于客观历史条件的限制,仲裁法中的某些规定并不能顺应司法与仲裁关系发展的国际潮流,有些规定还缺乏可作性。

But recent elections throughout Latin America have inspired commentators to call the region a notable ideological exception:"Populism versus the Washington Consensus" according to some and "Latin America's socialist democratic left versus a caudillo populist left" according to others.


The result indicates the following:(1) for consumers, different endorsers' personal images are significantly different;(2) the effects of endorsers on brand personality of cell phones are significant; and (3) dimensions of the endorsers' personal image have effects on dimensions of brand personality, including positive and negative effects.


Some have called it the Kidult Society, and others the Age of Adultescent, but whatever you call it, one thing is obvious: Never before have so many acted so childishly at such an advanced age.


The empirical results show that the significances of determinants in the insured amount and premium regressions are different.


更多网络解释与有些显著的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


子类化从Win16到Win32没有发生显著的(dramatically)变化. 但是在Win32中有些新的子类化规则应用程序必须遵循. 其中最重要的(也是最显而易见的)是一个application不能子类化一个属于其他进程的窗口和类. 这个规则不能被打破,


在说英语的教会中,对"阴间"一语也有争辩,因为有些英文的使徒信经,把"阴间"(HADES)改为"地狱"(HELL). 但"阴间"与"地狱"的意义应有显著的分别. "地狱"在犹太人传统的意念中,是人死后灵魂受痛苦与刑罚之处. 但"阴间"意即"肉眼所看不见的世界&quot

intact rock:完整岩石

能明显地将岩石切割开来的分界面叫显著结构面,而包含在岩石块体内结合比较牢固的面如微层面、微裂隙等都属于不显著的结构面或微结构面. 在国内外,有些学者把岩块称为结构体(structural element)、岩石材料(rock material)或完整岩石(intact rock)等.


公平地来讲,现在中国企业仍然处于比较中庸(modest)的阶段,野心不宜过大. 若维特:给中国企业的一个建议是,中国企业要有清晰的计划和战略目标,首先要集中经营,业务能力要不断地练习才能得到显著的增长. 为什么有些收购会破坏公司的价值?




figurehead 雕像 | figuresome 有些显著的 | figurine 小雕像


'''鸱鸮科'''(Strigidae)是[[鸮形目]]的一个科. [[鸱鸮]]头骨宽大,腿较短,面盘圆形似猫,常被称为"[[猫头鹰]]",有些种类面盘不显著或缺失,看上去似[[鹰]]. 鸱鸮科种类较多,体型大小不一,习性也较多样化,有些以鱼为食,有些则白天也出来活动.


医生通常会使用Vancomycin抗生素来扼杀梭状芽孢杆菌, 有些孩子竟有显著的知觉学习和感官行为的改善, 但因这种肠菌是胚芽生殖菌, 所以需长期的治疗.对于梭状芽孢杆菌 (Clostridia), 单细胞动物 (protozoa),


"听说教学法"对于语言的学习虽有显著的帮助,但有些专家们对于语言的学习是许多"习惯"(habits)的累积,这个观点抱持不同的观点. 认知心理学家认为语言的学习不是经由模仿而来,因为学习者会运用其认知分析的能力,来创造出自己从未听过的新句子.


一直到了1980年代才出现较显著的变化. 海洋浮游生物的数量在海深处急降,造成了海洋系统叶绿素的含量急速减少. 自1959年以来,有些海平面的温度已升高了摄氏2度. 人们现在餐桌上的菜,也从原本的比目鱼(flounder)变成了枪乌贼(calamari).