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最终用途 的英文翻译、例句


end use
更多网络例句与最终用途相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

How such savings ultimately would be achieved is up to a plan devised in the Agriculture Committees, not the Budget Committee.


It is suitable for end uses such as dry foods and beverages, chocolate and confectionery, pet foods, and pharmaceutical and health care products.


In assessing such risks, relevant elements of consideration are, inter alia: available scientific and technical information, related processing technology or intended end-uses of products.


"Terajoule" which is equal to "1 x 1012 joule". In

e 能源最终用途数据所用能源单位是「太焦耳」,而1

The savings in electricity generation requirements would be slightly higher than the end-use savings, due to flow-on reductions in marginal transmission and distribution losses.


As in recent years has been committed to environmentally friendly plastic materials research and development of Fujian Normal University, developed a series of 'light calcium-utility environment-friendly plastic materials', we can no longer be able to make the ultimate use of waste plastic to adapt to different treatment.


Jayflex plasticizer s can also be used to meet end-use requirements at lower overall costs.


This may be the case with items of inventory relating to the same product line that have similar purposes or end uses, are produced and marketed in the same geographical area, and cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line.


Decide which bookbiding mainly on the basis of the customer's requirements and characteristics of the paper, paper and silk thread of prints in the direction of end use.


Adipic acid can also be used to make paper-making chemicals and synthesis lubricant.


更多网络解释与最终用途相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

resource allocation:资源配置

顾名思义,资源配置(resource allocation)就是对资源的安排和搭配,是将资源(生产要素)在各种潜在用途上进行分配,以生产出一组特定的最终产品的经济方式.

nuclear chain reaction:核链反应

就在这一年,恩里科.费米(Enrico Fermi)和同事们一道,用实验证实核链反应(nuclear chain reaction)是完全可控的. 费米他们当年的科学研究目的本来是为了制造核武器,且最终在日本广岛实现了这一目标. 二战时期,美国某军事委员会还负责对原子能的其他潜在用途进行研究.


在任务赶工(Crashing)时,你会集中于:最终输出是用WBS中的工作包(work packages)来说明的. B、最终输出被描述为可交付成果或有形产品. C、最终活动被描述为活动或行动步骤. D、分解在范围定义中的用途与在活动定义中的用途完全相同. 19.三种主要的图示法(diagramming methods)是:45.帕累托图(PARETO Charts)有助于项目经理:

product features:产品特征

产品组合的相容度(consistency)指各条产品线在最终用途,生产条件,分销渠道或者其他方面相互关联的程度.1.产品和服务属性:产品质量(product quality)是营销者的主要定位工具;产品特征(product features)是将公司的产品和竞争者的产品区别开来的一组竞争工具;

That such an importunity:如此热烈的祈求

Who shall say 谁能说 | That such an importunity 如此热烈的祈求 | May not at last avail? 最终也没有用途?



Design Validation:设计确认

设计确认( 设计确认(Design VaLidation) ) 保证产品符合规定的使用者的需要和/或要求的试验.设计确认在成功的设计验证之后进行, 通常在规定的操作条件下在最终产品上进行.如果产品具有不同期望的用途,则可进行多项确认.

end use:最终用途

但是,远比加快审批环节这一潜在可能性影响大的,是修改后的规定将加大管制技术最终用途(end use)的范围. 也就是说,一些原本自由出口的中国的高科技产品,以后也不得不经过漫长而繁琐的申请程序,以证明其最终用途为民用.

End Use Global Energy Project:全球能源最终用途项目

environmental education;环境教育;EE; | End Use Global Energy Project;全球能源最终用途项目;EUGEP; | end users;最终用户; 最后使用者;;