英语人>词典>汉英 : 最后一手 的英文翻译,例句
最后一手 的英文翻译、例句


pis aller
更多网络例句与最后一手相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Original pig 8 give up are not to fall into every later, just catch the mistake of beautiful heart, he is early had begun to touch a flower to offend grass in heavenly palace, turned a pig into the face eventually; Coil so shade general breaks coloured glaze small cup is not accidentally drop, however because be closed in the devildom princess in coloured glaze small cup... more swims on the west the truth of story backside," free fokelore " act according to for you on; Of wonderful unsurpassed gut swims on the west, will be performed by your skill dominant!


Games To designate (a trump suit or no-trump) with the final bid of a hand in bridge.

最后定约叫牌:打桥牌时通过一手牌的最后的定约叫牌指出 v.intr。

A newshound may start out just to get a good story, but it is not impossible, all the same, for him to end as a man.


The last I saw of him," one trooper reported,"he was headed for the Germans with a grenade in one hand and a tommy gun in the other.


更多网络解释与最后一手相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

learning curve:经验曲线

这个结果很大程度是由于缺乏能够带来有力结论的一手数据,这种一手数据的缺乏也阻碍了对于顾客经验曲线(Learning Curve)的研究. 最后一点值得关注的是(这一点之前也有所涉及):尽管我们热衷于谈论品牌以及人们如何与品牌进行互动,


pirogue 独木舟 | pirouette 脚尖旋转 | pis aller 最后一手

pis aller:最后一手

pirouette 脚尖旋转 | pis aller 最后一手 | piscary 捕鱼权


pis aller 最后一手 | piscary 捕鱼权 | piscatology 捕鱼学


在扑克游戏中,牌手们下注或跟注的目的是为了有权在每一手牌的最后进行"摊牌(showdown)"比大小. 一个牌手如果不下注或跟注的话,就必须退出那一手牌的比赛. 赌池中累积的所有筹码,构成了每次摊牌的输赢奖金. 谁手中的五张牌最大,