英语人>词典>汉英 : 最前的部分 的英文翻译,例句
最前的部分 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与最前的部分相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

the manual nn as a highly integrated chiasma subject. most of models about nn are adopting the bp network and the changed form at the practical appliance, which is also the hard core of forward network, incarnating the essential part of nn.


It was the most tangible part of the larger Iron Curtain - the dividing line between the West and the Soviet bloc to the east.


Part one _ four analyze four characters respectively. These characters are respectively Emily Grierson, the heroine in Faulkner"s most notable fiction "A Rose for Emily, Jones Wash, an elderly poor white, from Absolom !


The fifth part is presumption about the relevant problems referring to promissory competing-for-job-prohibition in our country, therefore this part is the essence of this paper. Based on previous analysis, it proposes the plausible standard for the recognition of promissory competing-for-job-prohibition and discusses the prerequisite of the properness for the dismiss of the contract, responsibilities concerning each parties as well as the jurisdiction court.


The most important parts of the shader are the first 3 lines of the main function.

Shader 中最重要的部分是主函数的前三句。

Feet of the former fortune in horse riding part of the stapes is also can be used on the edge of the safest.


B if STORER shall not agree to share such agreed costs, AAA may remove all or other part of such works, as the case may be, in which event AAA shall as soon as practicable or within such longer period as AAA may demonstrate to STORER's reasonable satisfaction is required by AAA to effect such removal, remove all or other part of such works, as the case may be, at its own expense without causing damage or deterioration of the Dedicated Facilities and shall restore the Dedicated Facilities to their state and condition immediately preceding such works or AAA may with STORER's consent leave all or part of such works intact, in which event such works shall at the expiry or termination of this Agreement become the property of STORER without claim or charge by AAA.

若仓储方拒绝分摊此商定费用,A公司可视情况而定,拆除全部或部分相关工程;在此情况下, A公司应视情况而定,在最短期间或较长期限内( A公司须证明并获仓储方认可,需要较长时间进行拆除工作),拆除全部或部分相关工程,且自付一切费用,亦不损坏专用设施或降低其性能,并恢复专用设施到拆除前的状态。或A公司经仓储方同意,将前述全部或部分工程保留原状;在此情况下,在本合约终止时,此类工程即成为仓储方的财产, A公司不得索赔或收费。

Styles contain variety, and share the bodywork greater half the part first black that design that machine from originally take intoed the 镀 aluminum with the design of the 镀 chrome, enter the spirit the way,侧 cover, empress the tail lampshade all draw with black, however and before avoid the earthquake the part is silvery, and still have attention to see the ex- round the 毂;Ratio it 85,86 毂 be prop upped by 5 roots the form change for the sake of the disc the type always prop up, combine along use up to now, by so doing,87 biggest special features of styleses are cars foreparts the cent seem to be more violent.


Zygomatic head of quadratus labii superioris muscle 上唇方肌颧头;颧小肌:同musculus zygomaticus minor

n。 头,头脑,领袖,脑袋,最前的部分vt。为首,朝向,前进,用头顶vi。朝特定方向行进,结穗a。头的,在顶端的,主要的磁头;冲头

Of course,the most important and most ominous devel.opment in these chapters,foreshadowed countless times in theearlier sections of the novel,is the reappearance of the convict,nOW a rugged old man,and the revelation that he,not MissHavisham,iS Pip's secret benefactor.


更多网络解释与最前的部分相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


球杆结构分析之先角(Ferrule) 摘自台湾撞球杆论坛 先角(The Ferrule)是用来保护前截(Shaft)最前端也就是前截最细的部分,而另一个功用就是让皮头可以黏上去后,达到撞击球的目的.

field lens:场透镜

向场透镜(field lens)能使更多的光线进入目镜. 光阑位于前透镜的焦平面,是物镜形成中间像的位置. 出射光瞳或目点(exit pupil or eye point)是离开目镜的光锥最窄的部分. 正确的位置,观察者的瞳孔与目点重合一致. 高目点(higheye point)目镜,


最著名的就是英国的马丁尼─亨利单发步枪. 这种闭锁方式在现代一些竞技用枪上还是可以看到. 双件式护木前端独立的部分,通常和"前护木"(forend)混用. 单件式护木的前端、位于枪管下方的部分,通常和前护木(forearm)混用.

foremost portion:最前部分

foremost part of ship 船舶首部 | foremost portion 最前部分 | foremost 最初的


1.前肾 前肾(pronephros)发生最早,人胚第4周初,位于颈部第7~14体节的外侧,生肾索的头端部分形成数条横行细胞索(前肾小管),其内侧端开口于胚内体腔,外侧端均向尾部延伸,并互相连接成一条纵行的前肾管(pronephric duct).

Reading University:瑞丁大学

"ESRC前会长、现任瑞丁大学(Reading University)校长的戈登.马歇尔(Gordon Marshall)表示,这在意料之中. "我想,从一开始人们就认识到这将是最难的部分. "温斯利承认:"我们(Aim)需要更加努力的一个领域是对实践的影响......这是我们在第二阶段必须更加强调的一个重点.

cardiac rhythm:心律

2.心律(cardiac rhythm)指心脏跳动的节律. 正常人心律规则;窦性心律不齐: 部分青年人可出现随呼吸改变的心律;吸气时心率增快,呼气时减慢,一般无临床意义. 听诊所能发现的心律失常最常见的有期前收缩和心房颤动. 期前收缩:是指在规则心律基础上,


胼胝体最后侧的部分叫做压部(Splenium),最前侧的部分叫做膝部(Genu). 压部和膝部之间的部分一般称为主体(Body). 胼胝体喙部(Rostrum)指的是压部下方向后延伸的部分.

pronephric duct:前肾管

1.前肾 前肾(pronephros)发生最早,人胚第4周初,位于颈部第7~14体节的外侧,生肾索的头端部分形成数条横行细胞索(前肾小管),其内侧端开口于胚内体腔,外侧端均向尾部延伸,并互相连接成一条纵行的前肾管(pronephric duct).


板足鲎亚纲 板足鲎亚纲(Eurypterida) 全部是灭绝种类,最大的翼鲎(Pterygotus)可长达3m,是节肢动物中最大的种类. 头胸甲较小,腹部分节,前7节组成前腹部,具附肢,后5节组成后腹部,无附肢,具尾剑,因最后一对步足呈板状故名板足鲎,用以游泳.