英语人>词典>汉英 : 最低点 的英文翻译,例句
最低点 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
nadir  ·  zero  ·  zeroed  ·  zeroes  ·  zeros  ·  min.

rock bottom
更多网络例句与最低点相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As I wrote to you of this short story, my mood is down to the abyss.


At the end of three months, in all likelihood, your self-esteem would be at an all-time low.


The Sun will appear at its highest point of the analemma during summer and at its lowest during winter.


At the lowest point of the range of motion, your bent elbows should be on a horizontal plane even with the bench.


We couldn't forget the winter of Millennium what with the unwonted cold weather, the lowest temperature of Beijing in 50years. The snow was always flying around along with the Boreas and, last out for several days without thawing.


Analysis of the morphological feature, diversity and abundance of graptolite, brachiopod and radiolariaindicated that the sea-level in the Yangtze basin underwent the change from rising to falling, then to risingagain during the latest Ordovician to the earliest Silurian interval, and the maxium rising episode appeared inthe lower Tangyagraptus typicus Subzone and the maxium falling at the top of the Guanyinqiao bed.

笔石、腕足类、放射虫的形态、分异度和丰度的研究表明:扬子海盆晚奥陶世晚期至志留纪初期,总体上,海平面经历了上升→下降→上升的变化,海平面上升的最大阶段发生在Tangyagraptus typicus亚带下部,到观音桥层顶部,海平面下降到最低点

Analysis of the morphological feature, diversity and abundance of graptolite, brachiopod and radiolaria indicated that the sea-level in the Yangtze basin underwent the change from rising to falling, then to rising again during the latest Ordovician to the earliest Silurian interval, and the maxium rising episode eppeared in the lower Tangyagraptus typicus Subzone and the maxium falling at the top of the Guanyinqiao bed.

笔石、腕足类、放射虫的形态、分异度和丰度的研究表明:扬子海盆晚奥陶世晚期至志留纪初期,总体上,海平面经历了上升→下降→上升的变化,海平面上升的最大阶段发生在Tangyagraptus typicus亚带下部,到观音桥层顶部,海平面下降到最低点

This is the low of the day.""That's bullshit!


Based on the actual conditions of the 5342 fully mechanized caving face of Wulan Coal Mine, the 3-D distribution of gas in the face is tested by measuring points arrangement in the stereo grid. The isograms of gas distribution of the face are drawn. Gas concentration nadir distribution curve along the working face incline direction is drawn by method of seeking function minimum points. The method of calculating gas emission components ratio of the face by means of the curve is brought forward.


The Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth and the largest "Natural Spa" in the world, is also one of the world's true natural wonders and a unique tourism destination.


更多网络解释与最低点相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

all-time low:(股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值

low 低水平,低数字,低点 | all-time low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值 | record low (股票价格等的)历史最低点,最低值

close at its lowest level:以最低点报收

close at five-year lows 以五年来最低点收盘 253 | close at its lowest level 以最低点报收 255 | close the sluice gates on the dam 关闭大坝上的水闸门 379


最高点:the highest, the top ,the summit ,the peak ,the most | 最低点:bottom ,less ,least ,rock bottom , | 平均:mean ,average

low water mark:最低点

low-test 高沸点的 | low-water mark 最低点 | lowborn 出身微贱的

at their lows:处于最低点

at the start of 在......之初 23 | at their lows 处于最低点 257 | attach a high priority to 优先考虑...... 10


若在给药后第28天,血球数并未增加高于最低点(Nadir)之25%,则须暂停治疗并重新评估病患之血球数7天;根据厂商资料如给药后第42天,血球数并未增加高于最低点之25%,则只需使用50%疗程剂量(Scheduled dose)治疗.

nadir point:天底点;最低点

NACSN 北美地层学分类委员会 | nadir point 天底点;最低点 | nadir 天底;最低点;最低温度


perigee passage time 过近地点时间 | perigee 近地点;最低点 | periglacial climate 冰缘气候

bottom, least, rock, bottom:最低点

最高点: the highest, the top, the summit, the peak, the most | 最低点: bottom, least, rock, bottom | 平均: mean, average


rock band 摇滚乐团 | rock bottom 最低点 | rock cake 岩皮饼