英语人>词典>汉英 : 暧昧 的英文翻译,例句
暧昧 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ambiguity  ·  opacity  ·  shadiness  ·  vagueness  ·  ambiguities  ·  opacities

更多网络例句与暧昧相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus, after the artists change this kind of daily experience and custom, we will feel a sort of unintelligible emptiness, alienation, vagueness and absurdness. The feeling of dislocation is the impression of works of arts created by Mu Jun given to me.


President Adar was having an affair with whom prior to the Cylon attack on Caprica?


I believe, each lose the player of the thing, those who feel distressed besides those things, because drill again without patience,still have those date, when abandoning act against one's will, lost friend, or, it is network end is ambiguous and good love.


While Japanese language presents much of obliquity and illegibility because of its agglutinative structure and that there are differences between inside and outside of Japanese people.


Do you want to make friends with me ? i am a lovely girl ....aha JAY


I can't go because I cannot continue to endure the ambiguity of his attitude.


Because life is extremely complex phenomenon, which is full of ambiguity.


And when you do, I'll be right by your side to suddenly become all flirty and affectionate with you in front of her, until she grows jealous and won't believe it when you say we're just friends.


I going to gym now, I cut downcoffee, I stop smoking,Iam not under pressure, can't really think anything that is unhealthy.~_- Or this just part of me I can never get rid of it, the insomnious period.I think I need to make frined with it, because I see it more than I can see my dearest mom!!!


In an opaque white, color pattern business card printing and membership card produce distinct, because of the formed the basis of the opaque white, pattern making and membership card making restore results can be achieved.


更多网络解释与暧昧相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


总而言之,他是暧昧的(ambiguous)、他一脚高一脚低,到底要进来,还是要出去,没有人知道,他就是站在门槛那?堙C背后另外一个空间到底是什麼,我们不知道,更重要的这门槛也不限於这个意思. 那麼为什麼说它多元没有中心,因为它光源也不同,


43. lollipop 棒棒糖 | 44. ambiguousness 暧昧 | 45. giggle 咯咯笑


ambiguously /暧昧地/不明确地/ | ambiguousness /暧昧/含混/ | ambiophony /环境立体声/

The ambiguousness of years is worthwhile to try:岁月的暧昧不虚此行

A gust of warm wind 一袭暖风 | The ambiguousness of years is worthwhile to try 岁月的暧昧不虚此行 | I sing loudly 我高歌

amphibology:模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句

amphibious两栖的 | amphibology模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句 | amphipod片脚类动物

amphiboly:模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句

amphibolous | 暧昧的, 模棱两可的 | amphiboly | 模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句 | amphibrach | 短长短格

and the big dark-haired guy:黑头发的大男孩是Emmett 他俩貌似挺暧昧

The blonde girl, that's Rosalie,|金发的那女孩是... | and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're, like, a thing.|黑头发的大男孩是Emmett 他俩貌似挺暧昧 | I'm not even sure that's legal.|我甚至都不确定这...

almost inappropriately so:[近乎暧昧]

He feels very passionately about her, [他对她很有感觉] | almost inappropriately so. [近乎暧昧] | After losing ethan,it's a risk. [我们已经失去Ethan 这太冒险了]

inexplicit:暧昧的; 含糊的 (形)

inexplicably 无法说明地; 难以理解地 (副) | inexplicit 暧昧的; 含糊的 (形) | inexpressible 无法形容的, 不可言传的, 难以表达的 (形)

amphibolous:暧昧的, 模棱两可的

amphibology | 模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句 | amphibolous | 暧昧的, 模棱两可的 | amphiboly | 模棱两可的言辞, 暧昧的词句