英语人>词典>汉英 : 暗箱 的英文翻译,例句
暗箱 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
camerae  ·  cameras

camera obscura · camera bellows
更多网络例句与暗箱相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If we want prevent wire-pulling, reinforce the diaphaneity in the adjudgment, the civil judgment should reflect the course of quote, query and attestation in the civil case adjudgment adequately.


It illustrated the thuggery and brazenness of the state machine.


Both the Camera Obscura and the Camera Lucida provided an image that was temporary, which could not be lastingly captured on to paper for later reference.


The name "camera lucida"(Latin for "lit room") is obviously intended to recall the much older drawing aid, the camera obscura (Latin for "dark room").

投影描绘器的英文词「camera lucida」显然是想对比更老的绘画帮助设备,暗箱(camera obscura,拉丁语的「暗室」。

The other track became the camera obscura room, a combination of education and entertainment.


The development of the camera obscura took two tracks.


Charge-coupled components for digital cameras, Camera Obscura and divided into even models, Business card printing and membership card making the camera used in the majority of the Camera Obscura.


A resistor is connected between the output end of the live wire and the output end of the earth wire, another resistor is connected between the output end of the null line and the input end of the earth wire, a neon lamp in a photoelectric coupling switch is connected at the two ends of the earth wire switch in parallel after being connected with the resistors in series, one end of a light sensitive resistor in the photoelectric coupling switch GR2 is connected with the anode DC+ of an integrated circuit IC power in the creepage protector, the other end of the light sensitive resistor is connected with the anode of a diode D3, the cathode of the diode D3 is connected with the triggering pole of the silicon-controlled rectifier SCR in the creepage protector, the neon lamp and the light sensitive resistor are positioned into a dark box, and a small hole which avoids the light sensitive resistor is formed on the dark box.


After being connected with a resistor in series, the primary input end of a transformer is connected with the output end of the live wire and the output end of the null line in parallel, the secondary output end is connected with the two ends of the earth wire switch in parallel after being connected with another resistor in series, one end of a neon lamp in a photoelectric coupler is connected with the input end of the earth wire E and a secondary end of the transformer, the other end of the neon lamp is connected with the centers of the two resistors, one end of a light sensitive resistor in a photoelectric coupling switch is connected with the anode of an integrated circuit power in the creepage protector, the other end of the light sensitive resistor is connected with the anode of a diode, the cathode of the diode is connected with the triggering pole of the silicon-controlled rectifier in the creepage protector, the neon lamp and the light sensitive resistor are positioned into a dark box, and a small hole which avoids the light sensitive resistor is formed on the dark box.


The emission of N_2 in discharge gap is detected using optical emission spectrophy. The discharge reactor was put in lightproof box to avoid the disturbance from outside lights. A small hole was drilled in one sidewall of the box, and the fibre was mounted coupling to the inlet (1mm) into the hole. A tube with the inner diameter of 1.1mm was set in the front of the hole. In this way, only the light from a certain direction emitted from the discharge reactor could transfer into the inlet through the tube. The reactor could be moved in the vertical direction of the fibre, and the spectrometry can collect the total emission along the fibre inlet in single-shot measurement.


更多网络解释与暗箱相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


有限远距离摄影术(Limit-telephotography)与天体摄影术(astrophotography)很相像,后者是天文学家用来拍摄距地球万亿里之遥的天体. CIA为了掩盖这些暗箱操作成立了许多个人名义的挂牌公司,使其行径看起来像是正常的商务. 但即便是挂牌公司,

black box operation:暗箱操作

Biosphere 2生物圈2号 | black box operation 暗箱操作 | blading 滚轴溜冰

camera lucida:明箱

人可以站在"帐篷"外看到投射在一个半透明的窗子上的影像. 1807年,英国人贺拉斯沃泊尔(Horace Walpole,1717~1797)研制的明箱(Camera Lucida)在他死后问世. 人们可以不用钻进暗箱而在暗箱外面通过棱镜在图画纸上看见影像.

camera obscura:暗箱

按照克拉里的研究,笛卡尔、莱布尼茨以及洛克等人都可以归入到"暗箱"(camera obscura)这种古典的视觉模式,也即把眼睛当作一种单纯接受外界刺激的被动器官.

camera obscura dark chamber:暗箱

ante meridiem a.m. before noon 上午 | camera obscura dark chamber 暗箱 | carpe diem pluck the day 及时行乐

camera bellows camera obscura:暗箱

暗线光谱 darkline spectrum | 暗箱 camera bellows camera obscura | 暗笑 laugh in up ones sleeve snigger snicker

light-proof enclosure:暗箱

light-proof 不透光的 | light-proof enclosure 暗箱 | light-pulse generator 脉冲光源

camera obscure:暗箱

1558年拿泼里的科学家波尔塔在他的著作>中介绍了一种辅助绘画工具,被称为暗箱(Camera Obscure). 借助这种装置,即使不会绘画的人也可以容易作画,只要把通过凸透镜所成的影像,用铅笔一描就行了. 后来米兰的物理学家卡尔达诺(Cardano)极力推荐这种暗箱,

camera obscure:暗箱,摄影机暗箱

暗匣遮光板 magazine dark slid | 暗箱,攝影機暗箱 camera obscure | 暗星 dark stat


scion 幼芽 | scioptic 用暗箱的 | scirrhous 硬癌的