英语人>词典>汉英 : 暖 的英文翻译,例句
暖 的英文翻译、例句

基本解释 (translations)
warm  ·  warmed  ·  warms

更多网络例句与暖相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Farming-pastoral Zone in North China was separated into 8 Eco-regions according to the known Eco-region. The dissertation analyzed the regional differences of land use changes from three aspects on dynamic degree , land use degree and the change direction (1)On land use dynamic degree, the dynamic degree of the cropland was the highest in North warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest and the lowest in temperate forest steppe; forest land's was the highest in alpine meadow and the lowest in warm temperate forest steppe; grassland's was the highest in temperate forest steppe-bunchgrass steppe and the lowest in alpine meadow; other land's was the highest in North warm temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest-the Huang-Huai-hai plain and the lowest in warm temperate bunchgrass steppe.

结合已有的自然生态区的划分,将我国北方农牧交错带划分为8 个自然生态区,选取土地利用动态度、土地利用程度以及土地利用变化方向等3 个方面的指标对研究区进行了区域分异规律的研究,结果如下:(1)耕地动态度北温带落叶阔叶林生态区——北部山地丘陵区最大,温带森林草原生态区最小;林地的动态度高寒草甸生态区最大,温带森林草原丛生禾草草原生态区——东南森林草原区最小;草地动态度温带森林草原——丛生禾草草原生态区最大,高寒草甸生态区最小;其他用地的动态度北温带落叶阔叶林生态区——黄淮海平原区最大,温带森林草原丛生禾草草原生态区—西北丛生禾草草原区最小。

The chondrite normalized distribution patterns of REEs are characterized by light REE enrichment and Eu depletion with terrestrial sedime...

约 1 740年以前,陆相特征明显,气候干燥、寒冷,但是,1 5 5 0年左右有一期。1 740年后,出现海侵,巴罗气候变,1 82 1年后,变较明显,1 890年左右为低谷。1 90 4年持续变,1 971年左右,有一变冷阶段

Do not drive a hard bargain Let me how do I now穷得连northwest wind都喝not on the Sister heart of good will not drive a hard bargain: As you work on it at home, we can let you fill穿暖, but we will not give you the wages.


Magnitude of the warming trend is 0.60 C/100yr in winter, 1.30 C/100yr in spring, 1.60 C/100yr in summer, and 1.40 C/100yr in autumn. The warming trend of Taiwan is in comparable magnitude with that averaged over the Northern Hemisphere in winter, but is 2, 4, and 3 times larger than the NH warming trend in spring, summer, and autumn, respectively.


Deep autumn of setting sun, that low hill that go to many year agos of timespace pullouts, I am in setting sun the 静静 lookings at the remaining 辉, soon the small grass that wither away at nearby float shake, do not know is that tree ascends the leaf that drop down, from my in front float, I want to stretch hand to hold tight it, I want that again see it float the zero body the 姿, wanting to use my heart 暖 it the lifetime, but I have no, I did not stretch hand, selfish I let it is from I nearby float walk, a remaining for leaving I first individual being fond of 茫 lookinging at setting sun reflects shine on the earth, breeze not tight not slowly blow, the distant place spread the mineral area the broadcast in of song, break continuously and continuously come right away my ear the beside," probably tomorrow the sun the west descends the tired bird have returned, you will already step on old hour of the way home, life rare look for again mutually the companion that know, life finally difficult give up the very blue white cloud a remaining for" I in such deep autumn, setting sun in deep autumn I remembering this a few lyricses, autumnal winds bringing doing not calculate wonderful singing, however taking foliar feeling in autumn, setting sun reflect shine on my face, however the 勾 has the much more several remembering fondly.


The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.


The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.


The hot compress bag placed in the microwave oven, with microwave heating 3 - 5 minutes (according to various different parts of the salt packet) will be added to the hot salt bag temperature, such as the reheating temperature is too low when the heating time should not exceed 1 minutes followed by analogy (medicine bag and outer bag into the microwave oven do not heat), after the hot compress bag of microwave into the outer bag and then put hot compress parts of medicine packets according to the disease may be a long-term wear, essential oils can be with the hot compress bag or medicine bag according to the disease situation in combination.

敷袋放置微波炉中,用微波加热3--5分钟(根据各种不同部位的盐包)将盐袋加至烫手的温度,如温度过低二次加热时每次加热不得超过1分钟依次类推(中药包和外袋请勿放渗透微波炉加),将微波后的敷袋放渗入渗出外袋中然后放置敷部位。中药包根据病情情况可长期佩带。精油可配合热敷袋或中药包根腿部吸脂减肥 168据病情情况结合使用。

There were three abrupt warmings,i.e.1910s,1930s and the early of 1980s,of the which the first two occurred in daytime,only the last mainly in nighttime.


The optimization of the use of advanced methods, the gas water heater, solar water heaters and heat sink and the warm, warm the wall of an effective link, so that heat sink, the warm, warm wall of the rapid heating.


更多网络解释与暖相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

warm air wedge:暖空氣楔

warm air mass 氣團 | warm air wedge 空氣楔 | warm anticyclone 反氣旋


\\"尿结石\\",\\"calculus,calculi,urinary\\" | \\"使的,发的,发药\\",\\"calefacient\\" | \\"犊\\",\\"calf\\"


calefacient 发剂 | calefaction 发 | calefactor 发


,"calefacient","发剂" | ,"calefaction","发" | ,"calefactor","发器"

calefactory:寺院内的取暖房 发暖的

calefactor | 发器 | calefactory | 寺院内的取房 发的 | calefy | (使)变

warm temperate continental climate:暖温带大陆[性]气候

warm temperate climate 温带气候 | warm temperate continental climate 温带大陆[性]气候 | warm temperate maritime climate 温带海洋[性]气候

warm temperate continental climate:暖温带大陆气候

warm temperate climate温带气候 | warm temperate continental climate温带大陆气候 | warm temperate maritime climate温带海洋气候

warm half year:暖半年

warm front wave 锋波 | warm half year 半年 | warm high 高压 warm low 低压

calefactive:暖的, 温的, 升温的

calefaction | 加热,发,温, 发作用 | calefactive | 的, 温的, 升温的 | calefactor | 发

warm occluded front:暖囚锢锋

warm high 高压 warm low 低压 | warm occluded front 囚锢锋 | warm occlusion 囚锢