英语人>词典>汉英 : 智力差 的英文翻译,例句
智力差 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与智力差相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If company leaders use patriarchy or instructions in their management, the quality of the intellectual capital in the company must be bad as the intelligence exist in every employee's brain.


The results revealed that patients evidenced significant deficits of intellection, attention, episodic memory, language and semantic memory, and executive function.


This age effect is so consistent that it might be used as a test of intelligence.


Carlo was maladjusted in the early grades,not because of poor inteloligence but because he couldn't speak English.


There are data to show that: caesarean section and natural childbirth children children no difference in terms of intelligence, but the section of the child's ability to adapt than natural childbirth poor child's ability to adapt.


Pudendum, breast dev elopmental delay, normal intelligence, FSH: 50.1 mIu/mL.

小38×34×29 mm,左侧卵巢9×9 mm,右侧卵巢9×8 mm,外阴发育正常,乳房发育差,智力正常,卵泡刺激素FSH: 50.1 mIu/mL。

If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen, for they are cymini sectores.


If his wit be notapt to distinguish or find differences, let him study the schoolmen, for they are cymini sectores.


This era of knights and fine ladies spawned romantic love, but 300 years later Victorian women were so programmed to believe themsel ves inferior to men that in their diaries they often wrote of their 'vacant bra in' and 'poor judgment'.


The teacher has weeded out the slow boys and put them in a lower class.


更多网络解释与智力差相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


而这可怜的学生偏偏智力平平成绩很差,那么班上肯定有笑话可讲了. 颜色在中文里作姓氏的不多,比如"白"和"黄",在德语里白(Weiß)也是姓氏,此外还有"褐色"(Braun)、"黑色"(Schwarz)、红色(Rot)绿色(Grün)等等.


颅裂也可能并发脑膜膨出(meningocele)或脑膜脑膨出(meningoencephalocele)(图1,2). 膨出多伴有其他脑畸形,常发生智力低下、惊厥、脑积水、失明及运动障碍等并发症. 单纯脑膜膨出经过切除后可以治愈,但有重度神经症状者预后差.

supernormal child:超常儿童

回来后我想了想,想起了超常儿童的定义内容,智能超常儿童(Supernormal child)是那些在心理发展,特别是智能发展方面显著超过同年龄儿童水平的儿童. 智力发展正常的1至3岁婴儿,对方位的辨别能力很差,三岁儿童一般只能辨别上、下,难于辨别前、后、左、右.