英语人>词典>汉英 : 景色 的英文翻译,例句
景色 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
lookout  ·  outlook  ·  picture  ·  prospect  ·  scene  ·  scenery  ·  pictured  ·  outlooked  ·  outlooking  ·  picturing  ·  prospected  ·  scenes

更多网络例句与景色相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps.


He sent his camera crew out one evening to film the sunset for him.

因为 a scene 包含了 sunset (即日落景色也是一种景色),所以 B 是正确答案。题 87:答案是 D。

sent his camera crew out one evening He to film the sunset for him.

因为 a scene 包含了 sunset (即日落景色也是一种景色),所以 B 是正确答案。

When the BitBlt function converts a monochrome bitmap to color, it sets white bits (1) to the background color and black bits (0) to the foreground color.


Lijiang has glaciers and magic scenery in Glacier Park in the snow mountain scenic spot; luxuriant cypresses and pines and picturesque scenery in Yushan Ping and Maoniu Ping; clean water and gorgeous scenery in Lugu Lake, a provincial development tourist area usually called the " Plateau Pearl "; as well as Laojun Mountain 99 Longtan Scenic Spot distributed with numerous natural lakes in mountains and forests, famous for its thick alpine vegetation; Qiangui Peak with beautiful scenery and unique flavor; Tiger Leaping Gorge famous as the deepest and steepest gorge; the first gulf stone drumlin endowed with magnificant and beautiful scenery; Liming mainly with Danxia landform spectacle; Baoshan Stone Town with important and dangerous landscape and unique flavor; harmonious and natural Lashi Sea National Level Protection Marsh with abundant bilogical resources; elegant and silent Heilongtan Jade Spring Park; and Wanduo camellia said to be the " First Branch on Yunling " and " Global First Tree "… etc.


Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World (Epicure on 45) is 208 meters high above People's Square. At Radisson Hotel Shanghai New World (Epicure on 45), you can keep the wonderful scenery of People's Park, Nanjing Road Walking Street, Shanghai Arts Museum, Shanghai Grand Theater, etc. So the magnificence is your best reason to come here.


Be sure you have white as your foreground colour and black as your background colour.


The uncluttered view out to the sea that we offer is the initial shocking element at Kauri Cliffs and, as is often said by golfers at the finish, the golf course matches the view.

简单明了的景色一直绵延到海边,这是 Kauri 峭壁领世人震惊的最初原因,很多球员打完球后也都赞叹说球场与周边的景色相得益彰。

The scene was an ori—ental one:and there also it was Easter Sunday,and veryearly in the morning.


But for those willing to make the two-hour trip by 4WD vehicle, the vistas are among the best the park has to offer.


更多网络解释与景色相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aestival aspect:盛夏景色

夏季一年生植物 Aestival annual plants | 盛夏景色 Aestival aspect | 花芽位置 Aestivation


Airbrush(喷枪):利用前景色产生模拟喷枪的线条. | Paitbrush(画笔):产生模拟毛笔或刷子的绘画效果. | History Brush(画笔历史记录):可以用原图色消除其它着色工具在图象上作的记录,从而恢复图象.


但不深植於作业系统的结构有下列利益:在X中,一个视窗 (WINDOW) 是指萤幕上的一块长方形区域,它的边平行於萤幕的边,大多数的视窗以一种颜色作为背景色 (background),而以另一种颜色作为前景色 (foreground),例如一个典型的文字视窗,

foreground color:前景色

使用渐变工具将渐变颜色设颜色设为前景色(Foreground color)黑色和背景色(Background color)白色,然后返回图像中,拖拽渐变工具并划过整幅图像. 色层面板:在第一栏上的"眼睛"小图标(eye column)可以让您知道这个色层是否可以在屏幕上被显示出来,

picturesque views:景色口画

湖光山色 landscape of lakes and hills | 景色口画 picturesque views | 诱人景色 inviting views


scenery 景色 | scenic 景色 | scent 气味

scenic beauty:优美的风景; 美丽的景色

scenery 风景; 景色 | scenic beauty 优美的风景; 美丽的景色 | scenic reserve 风景保护区

scenic beauty:景色秀美

因---有名be famous for sth | 景色秀美scenic beauty. | 美丽的景色beautiful scenery

scenic beauty:柔美的风景;漂亮的景色

scenery风景;景色 | scenic beauty柔美的风景;漂亮的景色 | scenic reserve风景保护区

soothing vista:景色宜人

诱人景色 inviting views | 景色宜人soothing vista | 风光绪丽 most gorgeous scene