英语人>词典>汉英 : 晚期 的英文翻译,例句
晚期 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

later period
更多网络例句与晚期相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Based on the analysis on brachiopod fossils of the late middle Permian,the brachiopod extinction in Pre-Lopingian event of late middle Permian in this area can be divided into two sub screens: the first screen in the end of earlier Wushisanti Subage a...


Based on the analysis on brachiopod fossils of the late middle Permian, the brachiopod extinction in The Lopingian event of late middle Permian in this area can he divided into two sub screens: the first screen in the end of earlier Wushisanti Subage and the second screen in the end of later Daozuanyan Subage. The second screen's extinct scope is larger than the first screen's.


Castration+estrogenic hormones was used in 11 later prostate cancer patients, the effective rate was 81.9%, the recidivation rate was 44.4%, the average time of recidivation is 29.1 months.


RESULTS : The hypertrophic cardiomyocyte NTPase Vmax values at 1 week group and 4 week group were all increased significantly in both of ATP and GTP as substrates with much higher argumental extent in early hyper group; their Km values were kept constant in early hyper group and were decreased only in late hyper groups.

结果:早、晚期肥大组心肌细胞核被膜NTPase最大反应速率以ATP为底物时较对照组增加25%~62%(P<0.01),以GTP为底物时增加8%~44%(P<0.01),其中晚期肥大组NTPase最大反应速率增加幅度低于早期组。早期肥大组细胞核被膜NTPase Km值不变,晚期组NTPase Km值下降,以ATP和GTP为底物时晚期肥大组Km值分别下降22%和86%。

As the results show: The two submerged macrophytes can also adapt to the polluted water. Under the condition of high nitrogen in the sediment, they can remove the nitrogen effectively, and the removal effect of Ceratophyllum demersum L.is better than Hydrilla verticillata Royle. Hydrilla verticillata Royle activates the TP in the sediment more effectively than Ceratophyllum demersum L.. The submerged macrophytes can intensify the removal effect of turbidity. But the CODMn removal effect of submerged macrophytes are not obvious.


The Caledonian granitoids,majorly distributed in the northern Qimatage mountain,showing geochemical characteristics of Cordilleran I-type grantiods,low-K high-Ca amphibole-bearing calc-alkaline granitoids or peralkaline and alkaline granitoids,and associated with an active continental margin or back-arc basin,indicated the existence of the Qimatage ocean-related limited subdu...

研究表明加里东晚期(430 ~370 Ma)花岗岩主要分布于祁漫塔格山北坡,具科迪勒拉I 型花岗岩或ACG、PAG 特征,代表活动大陆边缘或弧后盆地构造属性,加里东晚期祁漫塔格北坡至少存在洋壳的有限俯冲;华力西中期(320 Ma ±)发育伸展型富钾低铝钙碱性花岗岩,类似加里东I 型、CPG、KCG 花岗岩特征,广布于祁漫塔格山和求勉雷克山区,形成于碰撞后构造环境;华力西晚期(270 ~250 Ma)具科迪勒拉I型或ACG 特征,属活动大陆边缘构造环境,其形成与早二叠世特提斯洋的向北俯冲作用有关;印支—燕山期(220 ~160 Ma)具A2 型或富钾低钙钙碱性花岗岩,形成于碰撞后挤压向拉张转折过渡的构造环境。

Increase of that clast of sedimentary rock, high-grade metamorphic rock and unstable heavy minerals shows tectonically active setting and obvious uplift of Bogda Mountain during the Late Jur.


The differences in reservoiring conditions of natural gas and oil, as well as the multicycle developments and evolution histories of major gas bearing basins in China, and the geological environments characterized by relatively active tectonic movements in later period have resulted in the forming conditions of gas fields in China to be more complicated than those in many basins all over the world.

由于天然气与石油在成藏条件上的差异和中国主要含气盆地多旋回的发展演化历史、晚近时期构造运动比较活跃的地质环境,中国气田形成条件较世界上许多盆地复杂和成藏类型较多。总结中国大中型气田的成藏历程,可以新近纪、古近纪和中生代为界将气田的形成归为 4类:1超晚期生烃成藏型;2晚期生烃成藏型;3早期生烃聚集和晚期定型成藏型;4早期生烃成藏型。在这 4类中,以晚期和超晚期成藏和定型为主且分布最广、天然气前景最好、是中国天然气最主要富集领域。早期生烃成藏型在保存良好的盆地也有较好的前景。

We have concluded five key tectonics geologic characteristics of Chinese foreland basins based on the study of the sedimentary infill, tectonics evolution, tectonic dynamics, spatial location distribution and structural deformation geometry.(1) The foreland basin is the superimposition of the compression sedimentary stratigraphic sequence with the extension basin, and the foreland basin includes underlying rift basin and upper dustpan flexure deposited basin.(2) The foreland thrustfold structural deformation has occurred four times since the Protozoic, in the Late Caledonian, Late Hercynian, Indosinan and Late Himalayan, respectively.(3) The foreland basin developed based on the control of two factors that are the basin basement collaged by many small plates or terrains and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt, so the foreland basins or foreland thrusts are located in front of ancient orogenic belt.(4) The foreland basins and the rejuvenation of ancient orogenic belt make up a giant basinmountains system resulting from the distant effect of IndiaEurasia collision, which is located on the outer circle of Tibet Plateau, so the thrust deformation intensity, basin deposition range and coupling between orogenic belt and basin changed from strong to weak as from interior to outer circle of Tibet Plateau.(5) There are many structural styles of the thrust and fold belt in different basins, such as brittle behavior faultrelated fold, ductile behavior basementinvolved structure, basementinvolved faultrelated fold, and salt structure.


According to these research, I divide the development of Sichuan lacquer wares into five stages: the early of the Warring States Period, from the mid-period of Warring States Period to early of Western Han Dynasty, from the mid-period of Western Han dynasty to early of Eastern Han Dynasty, the mid and late of Eastern Han Dynasty.


更多网络解释与晚期相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Late Antiquity:晚期古代社会

● Modern Perspectives on Ancient Rome古罗马的现代透视. | Late Antiquity晚期古代社会 | ● Late Antiquity晚期古代社会.

later Cynicism:晚期犬儒学派

last man 末人 661 | later Cynicism 晚期犬儒学派624 | later Stoics 晚期斯多亚学派626

late diagenesis:晚期成岩作用

late bacterial gas 晚期生物气 | late diagenesis 晚期成岩作用 | late formation 晚期形成

Latent syphilis unspecified as early or late:未特指早期或晚期的潜伏性梅毒

妊娠晚期呕吐 Late vomiting of pregnancy | 未特指早期或晚期的潜伏性梅毒 Latent syphilis unspecified as early or late | 潜伏性雅司病 Latent yaws

Homo sapiens sapiens:晚期智人

广西柳江人 、内蒙河套人等,都属于晚期智人(Homo sapiens sapiens). 面对这种地理分布上的差 异,我认为比较合理的解释是,非洲是人类的起源地,南猿、能人先后出现在非洲,然 后在直立人阶段走出非洲,向欧洲、亚洲扩散,最后是晚期智人向澳洲、美洲扩散.

incurably ill patients:晚期患者

be entitled to (do) sth. 被赋予做...的权利,有做...的权利 | incurably ill patients 晚期患者 | terminally ill 晚期的,终期的

terminally ill:晚期的,终期的

incurably ill patients 晚期患者 | terminally ill 晚期的,终期的 | convince v. 坚信,相信;令人信服

early transcription:晚期转录[有时特指病毒]

early protein|晚期蛋白[有时特指病毒] | early transcription|晚期转录[有时特指病毒] | eburicoic acid|齿孔酸

S. megarhinus:英格兰. 年代为启莫里阶晚期

S. heberti:法国. 年代为卡洛夫阶与牛津阶. | S. megarhinus:英格兰. 年代为启莫里阶晚期. | S. jugleri:德国、瑞士. 年代为启莫里阶晚期到提通阶早期. 原为Sericodon的模式种.


Copepteryx(新生代渐新世晚期一种像企鹅的鸟类) | Rutiodon(中生代三叠纪晚期一种鳄鱼) | Lystorosaurus(中生代三叠纪早期,好像是一种哺乳动物)