英语人>词典>汉英 : 显露 的英文翻译,例句
显露 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
communicate  ·  emerge  ·  exposedness  ·  unfurl  ·  unlock  ·  unlocked  ·  unveil  ·  unveiled  ·  unveiling  ·  exposal  ·  communicated  ·  communicates  ·  emerged  ·  emerges  ·  unfurled  ·  unfurling  ·  unfurls  ·  unlocks  ·  unveils  ·  revelations

become visible · manifest itself
更多网络例句与显露相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus can Diana reveal herself to Actaeon and enjoy the roguery of that revelation, opening herself to her chastity's shame.


The nerve root adumbration disintered completely after O3 injection,submerging sign disappeared about 28%,most nerve root disintered,submerging sign partly disappeared about 50%,no nerve root disinter about 22%.


But I cannot tell: this same truth, is a naked, and open day light, mat doth not show, the masques, and mummeries, and triumphs of the world, half so stately, and daintily,as candlelights.


But I cannot tell; this same truth is a naked and open day-light, that doth not show the masks and mummeries and triumphs of the world, half so stately and daintily as candle-lights.


His measured springless walk was the walk of the skilled countryman as distinct from the desultory shamble of the general labourer;-while in the turn and plant of each foot there was ,further ,a dogged and cynical indifference,personal to himself,showing its presence even in the regularly interchanging fustian folds,now in the left leg ,now in the right ,as he paced along


School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)Abstract: Based on the theoretic calculation of crystal faces (001),(100),(010),(011),(110),(101) and (112) of gibbsite by CASTEP program, the relationship between unfold character of crystal face and chemical bond strength of surface of gibbsite was investigated.

摘 要:用剑桥连续总能量软件包程序,对氢氧化铝的各个经常显露面族的(001)、(100)、(010)、(011)、(110)、(101)和(112)面进行理论计算,分析氢氧化铝晶体的晶面显露特征与表面化学键力的关系。

Drilling of the jugular tuberculum is the key step for access to the central clival depression. Partial mastoidectomy can result in a significant increase in surgical freedom, but only a modest increase in the exposure of the central clival depression. Removal of total condyle and resection of the lateral mass of C1 could not increase the surgical freedom and exposure of the central clival depression.


But higher structures, such as hypothalamus structures, mesencephalon and p2 segment of posterior cerebral artery in two heads, and high basilar bifurcation and p1 segment of pca in one of them were difficult to be exposed because of obstruction of view by temporal muscle.

结果 在保留颧弓颞下入路中均可显露床突周围位置较低的结构,但2例标本因颞肌遮挡,显露下丘脑、中脑、大脑后动脉p2段等位置较高的结构困难,其中1例高位基底动脉分叉部及大脑后动脉p1段显露困难。

Results: Lateral extradural approach could be used to expose the second and third branches of trigeminal nerve,trigeminal ganglion,posterior vertical segment of the intrapetrosal ICA,abducent nerve and horizontal segment of the intrapetrosal ICA;lateral intradural approach could be used to expose the lateral,anteroinferior and posterosuperior venous spaces,almost all the cranial nerves within the cavernous sinus and horizontal segments of the intracavernous ICA;superior approach could be used to expose the medial,lateral and posterosuperior venous spaces,medial side of the anterior genu,anterior vertical and clinoidal segments of the intracavernous ICA and the lateral side of the hypophysis.


There was no significant difference between the length of the tentorial edge exposed via subtemporal keyhole approach and traditional subtemporal approach.

量化研究显示颞下锁孔入路中小脑幕缘显露长度与传统颞下入路无显著差异;脑干腹侧面显露长度与去颧弓颞下入路无显著差异,但大于保留颧弓颞下入路中的显露长度(p <0.05)。

更多网络解释与显露相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


- 当保罗和他的同伴在海中遇风浪而陷- 黑暗的时候,他的表达是,"太阳和- 辰多日不显露(appear)"(使徒行传27- :20). 显露是指可以看到. 耶稣来的时- 会显露吗?还是不显露呢?很多经文- 都在说主将显现. 你要相信圣经呢?

SET ASCENDANT:显露地图上的所有动物

O CANADA 获得懒熊 | SET ASCENDANT 显露地图上的所有动物 | WRATH OF THE GODS 获得新的神力

betray: v.1:背叛,辜负 2.泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现

benign: a.1.良的,宽厚的,慈祥的 2.(医)无危险的,良性的 3.有利的,吉利的 | betray: v.1.背叛,辜负 2.泄露,(非故意地)暴露,显露,表现 | bewildering: a.令人困惑的,令人昏乱的 来源:考试大

betray: v.1:背叛,失信于 2.泄露,(非故意地)显露,暴露

incredible: a.难于置信的,不可思议的 | betray: v.1.背叛,失信于 2.泄露,(非故意地)显露,暴露 | ordeal: n.苦难经历,折磨煎熬

betray: v.1:背叛,辜负2.泄露,暴露,显露,表现

benign:a.1.良的,宽厚的,慈祥的2.(医)无危险的,良性的3.有利的,吉利的 | betray:v.1.背叛,辜负2.泄露,暴露,显露,表现 | bewildering:a.令人困惑的,令人昏乱的


67. agitated 激动的,不安的 | 68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 | 69. eminent 杰出的,显赫的

bring sth to light:显露出来

take offence at sb/sth 对......生气 | bring sth to light 显露出来 = come to light | access 通道,通路

bring sth to light:使...显露出来

bring sth to life 使复活,给...以活力 | bring sth to light 使...显露出来 | bring sth to mind 使人想起

trunk cabin:半显露舱室

trunk cabin 半露舱室半显露舱室(一半在甲板上 | trunk cabin 半显露舱室 | trunk call 长途电话

trunk cabin:半露舱室半显露舱室(一半在甲板上

trunk cabin 半露舱室 | trunk cabin 半露舱室半显露舱室(一半在甲板上 | trunk cabin 半显露舱室