英语人>词典>汉英 : 显赫的 的英文翻译,例句
显赫的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
eminent  ·  grand  ·  grander

更多网络例句与显赫的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She brought to this union not only her Livian and Claudian ancestry but also her two sons, Tiberius and Drusus, heirs of the distinguished Claudii Nerones.


Professor Kong De-Qing is one of the most well recognized 77th decedent of Confucius.


He's not just any eminent man. I think he might be royalty.


He was exalted to the most eminent station.


Folio is one of the older and more high-profile of the small publishers.


A high-status man will get more opportunities to mate. A high-status woman can be more choosy about whom she mates with.


Glorious imperator of the Northern legions.


In 5 century B.C., ancient Grecian historian Thucydides had ever described this case . In the early 1950's, American and Britain scholars John Herz and Herbert Butterfield formally put forward this concept. Because of the cold war between America and Soviet, at the same time, realism and neorealism lying in the leading position of international relations theory academia, security dilemma plays eminent role in interstate relations after World War Two.


A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides.


The most publicized type of modern manufacturing system s is known as the flexible manufacturing system .


更多网络解释与显赫的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


事件决定,为了真理,或为了显赫的(eminent)化合价,以前的逻辑将其限定在不确定的或非-化合价的领域中. 由于这是可能的,修改了情境的某个组成部分的化合价之单义的行为,逐渐在其全体性中开始转变情境的逻辑. 虽然情境的存在-多样性仍然是未改变的,


68. boldly 大胆的,显露的 | 69. eminent 杰出的,显赫的 | 70. dry 无味的,干巴巴的(这个简单的单词但有生动的用法)


Phlppp,菲莉帕希腊,爱马者 | Phebe,菲碧,希腊,会发亮之物,显赫的人,月之女神. | Phex菲妮克丝,希腊,年轻的女人.


Rsary,鲁思玛丽,拉丁,大海中的小水珠;艾菊. | Rann罗克珊,波斯,显赫的人,有才气的人. | Ruby,露比,法国,红宝石.

Roxanne, Roxane, Roxy:来源于波斯, 显赫的人, 有才气的人

Rosemary, 来源于拉丁, 大海中的小水珠, 艾菊. | Roxanne, Roxane, Roxy, 来源于波斯, 显赫的人, 有才气的人. | Ruby, 来源于法国, 红宝石.

And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd:显赫的头衔被可耻地胡乱封赏

4.And purest faith unhappily forsworn, 纯洁的誓约令人遗憾地被破... | 5.And gilded honour shamefully misplac'd, 显赫的头衔被可耻地胡乱封赏, | 6.And maiden virtue rudely strumpeted, 少女的贞操常蒙受粗暴的...

Egbert:爱格伯特 条顿 非常有才能的,显赫的

Edwiin 埃德温 英国 有钱的朋友;财产的获得者. | Egbert 爱格伯特 条顿 非常有才能的,显赫的. | Eli 伊莱 希伯来 伟大,杰出.

Egbert:条顿 非常有才能的,显赫的

Edwiin 英国 有钱的朋友;有价值的朋友 | Egbert 条顿 非常有才能的,显赫的 | Eli 希伯来 伟大,杰出

drey:奥德莉 法国 高贵显赫的人

ela 安琪拉 法国 天使;报信者,安琪儿. | drey 奥德莉 法国 高贵显赫的人. | rora 奥萝拉 拉丁 黎明女神

and then you're off to a grand university full of richer, posher types:却就读于显赫的贵族大学

Your Methodist background, the modest circumstances...|你有卫理公会教... | ...and then you're off to a grand university full of richer, posher types.|却就读于显赫的贵族大学 | What was it? Oxford?|是什么...