英语人>词典>汉英 : 星图 的英文翻译,例句
星图 的英文翻译、例句


star chart · star atlas · star charts
更多网络例句与星图相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Several invariants of star graphs and hypercubes, such as Mobius cubes, arrangement graphs,-star graphs, split star graphs, cluster-star graphs, alternating group graphs are advantageous over n-cube in many aspects.

近几年内,除了超立方体之外,有许多类似星状图和超立方体的多处理机架构被提出来讨论,其中较具代表性的有:Mobius cubes、排列图、-星图(n,k-star graphs 、分星图、聚星图(Clustered-star graphs)、变换群图等。

Interconnection networks; fault-tolerant embedding; Mbius cubes; hypercubes; star graphs; arrangement graphs-star graphs; split star graphs; cluster-star graphs; alternating group graphs

中文关键字连结网路;容错嵌入;超立方体; Mbius cubes、星状图;排列图;星图;分星图;变换群图

By means of the celestial globe which has been corrected in annual differential, for Zheng He's Star Drawing Pictures have been restored, on the basis of which each star in the Star Drawing Pictures corresponds to is contemporary name.


The method, by making use of Least Square Support Vector Machine well fits the star image intensity surface over the neighborhood, and determines the maximal extremal points on the fitted surface, and then obtains possible star centers.


The existing star map identification algorithm can be considered as a mode identification method.


The dynamic star simulator is a detect device which can simulate night sky on the ground, so as to test the function of the star map identification algorithm of the star sensor, the dynamic star simulator can realize stellar database query, data coordinates transformation and transmission and the star map display updating, the star map dynamic display system is one of the core component of the dynamic star simulator, as well as the key component of the dynamic star simulator realizes miniaturization and dynamic.


The attitude of missile in the launch inertial coordinate frame is obtained by the relation between CRF and LICF.


The success of star map match is judged according to compute the EMD distance of two stars.


Compare to existing results for general graph, new lower bound on the size of the minimum feedback vertex set of-star graph is given based on its special structure.


The Additional Guide Star (with star flag 5) is come into use for improving the accuracy and speed of star identification. After the cases analysis of unsuccessful star identification, giving the guide star which always cause false star identification a given star flag(such as 6), which denote that the star is a Redundant Guide Star and can't take part in the star identification processing. Through the introduction of Redundant Guide Star, the accuracy of star identification is improving. The distribution of Additional Guide Stars spread all over the whole sky, even the star sparse area.


更多网络解释与星图相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

star identification map:索星图

star hand wheel 星形手轮 | star identification map 索星图 | star identifier 索星卡


Jove)希腊人称之为 宙斯星图传说> (MAPS) 日文名 マップス 监督 西泽晋 制作.发行 KSS 出品年份 1984 官方网站 - 总共集数 4 极普通的少年十鬼岛,突然从新宿出现的巨

celestial planisphere:平面星图

celestial photometry 天体光度学=>天体測光 | celestial planisphere 平面星图 | celestial polar distance 天体极距

radio sky map:电波星图

电波六分仪 radio sextant | 电波星图 radio sky map | 电波源 radio source

star chart:星图

您能够通过查看第一行的RA(赤经)和Dec(赤纬)来得知您的数据在天空中被记录的位置,并可在星图(star chart)上查到该坐标. 为了将一组时域的数据转换为一组频域的数据,我们应用了一个相关的复杂的数学运算,称为"快速傅里叶变换"或FFT.

star chart WESTBANK:星图

star catalogue WESTBANK 星表,淀粉 ,浆糊 | star chart WESTBANK 星图 | star factor WESTBANK 恒星因子

star map:星图

star knob 星形捏手 | star map 星图 | star mesh conversion 星-网络变换

ancient star map:古星图

ancient rent | 过去的租金 | ancient star map | 古星图 | ancient | 远古的, 旧的


uranocoloboma 腭裂 | uranography 星图学 | uranohydrotorite 铀水钍石

astrographic chart:照相星图

astrograph 天文高度图 | astrographic chart 照相星图 | astroid 星形的