英语人>词典>汉英 : 早产儿 的英文翻译,例句
早产儿 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
premature  ·  preemie  ·  preemies  ·  premie  ·  preemy

premature baby · premature infant
更多网络例句与早产儿相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods Potential related risk factors of ROP, such as age, sex, birth weight, FiO 2, duration of inspiring ox ygen, hyaline membrane dzsease, Apgar score, intracranial hemorrhage , recurrent apnea, broncho pulmonary dysplasia, patent ductus arteriosus were studied prospectively by univariate analysis and Logistic regression a nalysis in 135 preterm infants.

方法以 13 5例早产儿患儿为研究对象,对胎龄、性别、出生体重、吸氧时间、吸氧浓度、肺透明膜病、Apgar评分、颅内出血、支气管肺发育不良、反复呼吸暂停、动脉导管开放、眼底等进行检查。同时用单因素χ2 检验和多因素logistic回归分析筛选和判定早产儿ROP发生的危险因素。

Methods 80 cases were randomly divided to two group.The curative group was administrated comfort nursing care and the contrast group was administrated routine nursing.We observed the concomitance and the time and expenditure in hospital.


The medical records of patients with necrotizing enterocolitis NEC in Children's Hospital of Fudan University were analyzed.


Objective Discusses premature infant necrotic enterocolitis the dangerous factor,enhances understanding which treats to the premature infant NEC diagnosis and nurses.


EUGR not only affects physique development and complication now,but also affects their long-dated health.


Gender, birth count, gestational age, birth weight, duration of oxygen therapy and vascularization development of posterior and peripheral retina examined by binocular indirect ophthalmoscope after mydriasis were recorded.


Result premature erupts simultaneously the most easily pneumonic, it is next hard swollen disease, asphyxial wait for other disease, reason breath management nurses in premature in particularly important, additional, premature reachs feed as a result of special physiology condition heat preservation also is very important.


Researchers found that maternal illicit drug use and pre-eclampsia were associated with a significantly increased risk for hypothermia in preterm neonates. In hypothermic preterm neonates, 4.2% of mothers reported illicit drug use, compared with 2.5% of euthermic neonates ( P ?=.04). Maternal pre-eclampsia occurred in 33% of hypothermic neonates and in 17% of euthermic neonates P ?.


Department of Neonate,the Second Xiangya Hospital,Central South University,Changsha 410011,ChinaAbstract : Objective To study the incidence of extrauterine growth restrictionon premature neonates in NICU, to investigate the factors correlating with EUGR.


Ively breastfed term infant during the first 6 months of life or the amount retained by the human milk-fed infant supplemented with solid foods during the second 6 months of life is beneficial to achieving long-term increases in bone mineralization.


更多网络解释与早产儿相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Premature Babies:早产儿室

民众意 箱Suggestions | 早产儿室Premature Babies | 自动提款机ATM

Premature Babies:早产儿

Pregnancy and Substance Abuse_怀孕与药物滥用 | Premature Babies_早产儿 | Premature Ovarian Failure_卵巢早衰

Ice Bag:早产儿保温箱

hot water bottle冰袋 | ice bag 早产儿保温箱 | incubator同们素扫描仪

premature infant:早产儿

结果 治疗组患儿的主要症状、体征(发热、咳嗽、喘憋及肺部啰[关键词] 早产儿;氧疗 早产儿(premature infant)是指胎龄在26~37周(即196~259天)的活产婴儿.

premature infant:早产儿(未成熟儿)

plasmapheresis 血浆置换术 | premature infant 早产儿(未成熟儿) | pre-term infant 早产儿


2.早产儿及小于胎龄儿早产儿(premature)系指妊娠期少于37周即出生的婴儿. 小于胎龄儿(sma11 for gestationa1 age,SGA)系指胎儿大小与妊娠月份不符,即新生儿体重为该孕期应有体重第10百分位数以下,或低于平均体重2个标准差,

White matter damage:早产儿

白质:White matter | 早产儿:White matter damage | 外阴白色病变:white lesions of vulva

Berthold Koletzko:(德国) 橄榄油脂骑乳剂在早产儿中的应用

M.F.Von Meyenfeldt (荷兰) 癌症患者围手术期的营养支持 | Berthold Koletzko (德国) 橄榄油脂骑乳剂在早产儿中的应用 | Akira Okada (日本) 锌缺乏机制的探入研究

premature infants:早产儿

脑电图(Electroencephalography EEG)是观察早产儿(premature infants)脑损害的敏感方法.急性和慢性EEG的改变与早产儿以后的神经和认知功能异常有相关性,应用神经生理学的方法诊断早产儿脑损害,早期持续在ICU病房的EEG监测和在以后阶段的EEG检查相结合是比较理想的手段.

preterm infant:早产儿

早产儿(Preterm infant)是胎龄不足37周的活产婴儿,又称未成熟儿、高危患儿. 临床上正确地对早产儿进行护理与治疗是降低其死亡率,减少并发症及改善预后的关键. 随着医学的发展,对早产儿护理与治疗逐渐有了新的认识,现在从临床实践结合有关资料,