英语人>词典>汉英 : 既非 的英文翻译,例句
既非 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与既非相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It is neither a translation of Vergil's Aeneid nor a reconstruction of Marlowe-Nashe's The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage.


Ambivert refers to a person who has the personality trait of ambiversion.


Frege made language substance analysis object and thethought embraced in language an objective target and he made the truth of cognitionknown by analyzing the thought.For him,thought had its inherence,objectivity,inter-subjecty,analyzability,non space-timity.It was an entity neither material norspiritual.


Actually the bearcat isn't really a bear or a cat. It's a type of civet. It lives in forests in Vietnam, Borneo, Burma and Palawan.


This world of mine, which neither a Cuvier nor a botanist can find, will be a Paradise which I shall have only sketched out.


Death and decay, cadaverous smell, for us there\'s neither heaven, nor is there a hell, and only the stigmata could be able to betray the sombre existence of the former days ...


In the same way, the reason why the British politicians now in England find it difficult to govern Ireland and India, is because modern Englishmen today do not know that it was not British democracy, the British Constitution or Parliamentarism, but the British or English civilization with the "gentleman" and its ideal; in short, that it was not the British mob, but the British or English gentleman who built up the great British Empire of today. But that is neither here nor there.


Being neither infinite nor infinite simal.


She got on her feet and left, leaving unknown answers that would never be unraveled.


Neither neuro-scientists nor psychologists nor philosophers have so much as tackled this problem head-on,(despite many claims to the contrary) let alone solved it.


更多网络解释与既非相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


平常的",和"特殊的"(special)相对 average:意为"一般的,平均的",多指程度、水平、表现等一般,既非最好,也非最坏 normal:意为"正常的",和"反常的"(abnormal)相对 regular:意为"规则的,


无定形粉末的非晶性(amorphism)使其在偏振显微镜下既无晶体的双折射现象也无晶体的偏振光熄灭现象,很容易与结晶性粉末区别. 在其它物理性质方面无定形与晶型也有很大差别. 但是,无定形与晶型在一定结晶条件下也同样可以转换.

make the most of:充分利用,尽量利用

at most 至多,不超过 | make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用 | neither...nor (既)不...也不,(既)非...也非

neither here nor there:不相干的,无关紧要的

neither...nor (既)不...也不,(既)非...也非 | neither here nor there 不相干的,无关紧要的 | next to 紧靠...旁边,贴近;几乎,近于


make the most of 充分利用,尽量利用 | neither...nor (既)不...也不,(既)非...也非 | by oneself 独自地,单独地

neigher nor gate:既非又不闸

"邻区最佳控制","neighboring optimal control" | "既非又不闸","neigher nor gate" | "内利亚克编译程式","NELIAC; naval electronics laboratory international algebraic complier"


(2)撒但既完全是属灵的受造物,罪恶不会在其感觉上(sensuousness)有其根源. (3)撒但既非一个天赋贫乏的,软弱的被造物,罪恶不可能是因其软弱和缺陷而生的必然结果. 叫撒但既决意作恶,罪恶并不是一种暂时的,可挽回的作为. (5)罪恶在撒但里面,

So it's not spiritualism or nationalism:既非违心论,也非民族主义

I hope so. Thank you for your time,sir.|希望如此,多谢您接受访问 | So it's not spiritualism or nationalism.|既非违心论,也非民族主义 | We're not resisting anything...|我们只是反对


对于鲍如斯,临摹这个术语是陌生的,然而他把他对于非欧洲视觉文化的研习过程理解为转译(transcription). 转译,既非虔诚复制(copy),又非单纯挪用(appropriation)即以反偶像崇拜(iconoclastic)的姿态对本体的解构与破毁,而是对现存作品的再演释.

Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay:赞成你就说赞成,不赞成你就说不赞成. ?是就是,非就非

Let things take their course. ?听其自然.... | Let your yea be yea and your nay be nay. ?赞成你就说赞成,不赞成你就说不赞成. ?是就是,非就非. | Let's cross the bridge when we come to it. ?既到桥头,就走过...