英语人>词典>汉英 : 无助的状态 的英文翻译,例句
无助的状态 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与无助的状态相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You are in a deep helplessness, but that is not acceptance.


It was grand though, milling through the traffic, our faces all smudged with rouge and the wine gurgling like a sewer inside us, especially when we swung into the Rue Laffitte which is just wide enough to frame the little temple at the end of the street and above it the Sacré Cur, a kind of exotic jumble of architecture, a lucid French idea that gouges right through your drunkenness and leaves you swimming helplessly in the past, in a fluid dream that makes you wide awake and yet doesn't jar your nerves.


That is, generally, they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability, but feel discomfortable, fatigue, blunt, inactive or inadaptable, and are always in a state of anxiety, annoyance, fastidium or hopelessness, and are very tired with life.


That is, generally, they are not suffering from organic or functional diseases and disability, but feel discomfortable, fatigue, blunt, inactive or inadaptable, and are always in a state of anxiety, a oyance, fastidium or hopele e , and are very tired with life.


The helplessness of the artist in a hard-headed business community has long been a commonplace of novelists and moralizers, and has made collectors feel virtuous when they bought up the pictures of painters who had died in penury.


更多网络解释与无助的状态相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


进行先攻权检定的方式如下:掷1d20并加上己方战团中仍健全的指挥官中最高的指挥官值. 被震摄(stuned),溃败(routing)中,困惑(confused)中,或处於无助(helpless)状态的指挥官不得修正先攻权检定.

helplessly:无力地, 无助地; 无可奈何地 (副)

helpless 无助的, 无依无靠的, 无能为力的 (形) | helplessly 无力地, 无助地; 无可奈何地 (副) | helplessness 无可奈何状态; 无助的状态; 无能为力 (名)


4.无助与自怜 无助(helplessness)是一种无能为力、无所适从、听天由命的行为状态. 通常是由于反复应对不能成功,而对应激情境产生无法控制感. 其心理基础包含了一定的抑郁成分. 无助使人不能主动摆脱不利的情境,从而对个体造成伤害性影响.


当你被麻痹(paralyzed),昏迷(unconscious),或者睡眠(asleep)时你即陷入无助状态. Q:所谓的整轮动作会在何时发生?术士的升阶法术(或者任何搭配了超魔专长的法术)是在该术士本回合行动结束时完成,还是到该术士下回合行动之前才完成?