英语人>词典>汉英 : 无依靠的 的英文翻译,例句
无依靠的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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The layout procedure used by dot relies on the graph being acyclic.

dot使用的layout 程序,依靠的是图是无循环的。

The simulative results showed that the total heating loads in solar house were 24.4 % less than those in the reference house of no auxiliary heat sources in the whole heating period in Shenyang when indoor air temperature was 18℃ in the houses with ideal auxiliary heat.The effects of operation,structures and performance parameter of the solar thermal storage wall were analyzed.


A large nocturnal burrowing rodent of the genus Cuniculus, found in South and Central America and similar to the agouti, especially the spotted species C.


Bloodless and many footed animals, whether furnished with wings or feet, move with more than four points of motion; as, for instance, the dayfly moves with four feet and four wings: and, I may observe in passing, this creature is exceptional not only in regard to the duration of its existence, whence it receives its name, but also because though a quadruped it has wings also.


A full moon rises over a snowfield in rural Vermont, where the endless mounds of snow may seem chaste or corpse-like, funereal or energizing, depending on one's point of view.


The outer turning service door is the door which has no tram road and parallel move out of the coach, the door was supported by the circumrotate arm. By the rotation of the circumrotate axes, the door is moving close to the parallel move. Thus this door is called translation door.


The technology is similar to Volkswagen's recently announced Gasoline Compression Ignition system, which works by using spark plugs during start-up and hard acceleration, while relying on sparkless compression ignition, like a diesel, during low load situations.


Eggs of axenic Bursaphelenchus xylophilus were kept on the colonies of various strains, and the results showed that on slanting cultures of certain strains, the eggs hatched, developed and reproduced well, i.e.


The outer turning service door is the door which has no tram road and parallel move out of the coach, the door was supported by the circumrotate arm.


The latter has the surface of civilization, the conflicts of crowns, the births of princes, the marriages of kings, battles, assemblages, great public men, revolutions in the daylight, everything on the exterior; the other historian has the interior, the depths, the people who toil, suffer, wait, the oppressed woman,the agonizing child, the secret war between man and man, obscure ferocities, prejudices, plotted iniquities, the subterranean, the indistinct tremors of multitudes, the die-of-hunger, the counter-blows of the law, the secret evolution of souls, the go-bare-foot, the bare-armed, the disinherited, the orphans, the unhappy, and the infamous, all the forms which roam through the darkness.


更多网络解释与无依靠的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


自转旋翼机(autogiro)是依靠无自身动力驱动、可自由旋转的旋翼提供升力飞行的飞行器(如图1). 飞行中,旋翼本身无发动机驱动而是靠空气作用力驱动其自转,进而产生升力. 旋翼仅在起动时有自身动力驱动,之后靠空气作用力驱动.


自转旋翼机(autogiro)是依靠无自身动力驱动、可自由旋转的旋翼提供升力飞行的飞行器(如图1). 飞行中,旋翼本身无发动机驱动而是靠空气作用力驱动其自转,进而产生升力. 旋翼仅在起动时有自身动力驱动,之后靠空气作用力驱动.

brand name:商标

3.每张证书只能有一个商标(Brand name). 4.NOM之证书持有人应为当地代理商. 5.ATC可帮助提供墨西哥当地代理公司,使暂无代理商的申请者得以顺利取得证书. ATC拥有高效率的成熟的专家队伍,依靠悉心周到的服务和丰富的人力资源,


"无私"的"兄弟关系"(brotherhood)因"在一起喝酒"而被强烈戏剧化和象征化了,这是其他社交消费所无法企及的. 改革开放以来,伴随着国家主义的解体,原来国家全面承诺并提供的责任逐步推卸给个体承担,个体在再难以倚靠、有的是无所依靠的情况下,


free-soil 无奴隶制的 | free-spoken 讲话坦率的 | free-standing 不需依靠支撑物的

imbibing absorption of water:吸胀吸水

2.吸胀吸水(imbibing absorption of water)指依赖于低的ψm而引起的吸水. 对于无液泡的分生组织和干燥种子来说,ψm是细胞水势的主要组分,它们吸水主要依赖于低的ψm. 通常所说的吸胀吸水也主要是指依靠衬质水势吸水.

reactive power:无功功率

为建立交变磁场和感应磁通而需 要的 ...无功功率(reactive power )无功功率与功率因数 许多用电设备均是根据电磁感应原理工作的,如配电变压器、电动机等,它们都是依靠建立交变磁场才能进行能量的转换和传递.

shelterless:没有避难所的; 没有保护的; 无所依靠的 (形)

sheltered industries 保护性工业 | shelterless 没有避难所的; 没有保护的; 无所依靠的 (形) | shelve 放置架子上, 搁置; 渐渐倾斜, 成斜坡 (动)

victimless crime:无受害者犯罪

即便是贩卖毒品,毒品交易也是一种"无受害者犯罪" (victimless crime),因为毒品的买卖双方是两相情愿的. 在这种情况下,警方为取得证据,常常要依靠诱捕、窃听、监视等非常手段,这些手段在实际运用中常常因把握不当而侵犯了公民的自由和正当权利,

non me tenet clavis, keys cannot imprison me:自由自在也无所羁绊

non me tenent vincula, chains cannot hold me, 自由自在无所依靠, | non me tenet clavis, keys cannot imprison me, 自由自在也无所羁绊, | quero mihi similes I look for people like me 加入流浪汉的队伍