英语人>词典>汉英 : 旅行指南 的英文翻译,例句
旅行指南 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
Baedeker  ·  guidebook  ·  itinerary  ·  itineraries  ·  guidebooks

tour guide
更多网络例句与旅行指南相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Any of a series of travel guidebooks published by the German firm founded by Karl Baedeker.


Any of a of travel guidebooks published by the German firm founded by Karl Baedeker .


There was something rather old-fashioned about our entire stay: the excessively polite guide who collected us in the morning; the beautiful girls in traditional costumes who served us numerous dishes at mealtimes; the cool linen clothes and brightly coloured umbrellas we needed to combat the furnace-like heat; the fountains which played in the courtyards in the Bamboo Garden in the evening. I felt like a character in a Forster novel, wearing a long skirt and brandishing a Baedeker.


I had prepared for the trip to Moscow by getting a guidebook and a good street map in English since I couldn't read the Russian Cyrillic script.


Related: Make your own customized printed travel book with Offbeat Guides ...


If you choose to hike the Inca Trail, you must go with aPeru travel guide, and you can choose from a list of trips of varying length.


The movie, set in downtown Los Angeles, is filled with shots that make the neighborhood look like an architectural guidebook come to celluloid life, mostly because Tom, an aspiring architect with a day job writing copy for greeting cards, relies on walking tours as a central part of his sometimes bumbling courtship of Summer, a flightily charismatic co-worker.


The British travel guidebook Meeting and Incentive Travel voted The Shilla Jeju as one of the four best hotels worldwide.


It is a book of in-depth experience of collecting of folk songs and travel guidance.


Competing against the atlas was a Garmin Nuvi satnav unit, route-finding PC software Microsoft Autoroute 2006 and the government's official door-to-door travel website Transport Direct.

在这次竞赛中,地图的对手是 Garmin Nuvi 卫星导航装置、微软公司的 Autoroute 2006 指路软件以及英国政府的门到门旅行指南官方网站 Transport Direct。

更多网络解释与旅行指南相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


badness 恶劣状态 | badtempered 脾气暴躁的 | Baedeker 旅行指南


更早以前,一个富有创业精神的德国人掌握了一个专门技术领域,时至今日旅行指南仍称为"贝德克尔旅行指南"(Baedeker). 专门技术的适当位置很少是偶然发现的. 在上述每一个例子中,这些"适当位置"都是对创新机遇进行系统的调查以后产生的.


Baedeker 旅行指南 | Baedeker 入门手册 | Bafeng 八风


Badu Island /巴杜岛/ | Baedeker /旅行指南/入门手册/ | Bafeng /八风/

tour brochure:旅行手册

discount折扣 | tour brochure 旅行手册 | itinerary 旅程、旅行指南

travel guidebook:旅行指南

science journal 科学杂志 | travel guidebook 旅行指南 | literature 文学作品

itinerary, route:旅行路线

itinerary 旅行指南 | itinerary, route 旅行路线 | stopover 中途下车暂停

itinerary, route:旅行线路

itinerary 旅行指南 | itinerary, route 旅行线路 | stopover 半途下车暂停


信息目录. 直接点击即可阅读帖子. 景点介绍: 维也纳(Wien)旅行指南 萨尔茨堡(Salzburg)旅游指南 萨尔斯堡8大著名景点介绍 萨尔茨堡的之旅 .


Grill烤架 | Guidebooks旅行指南 | Hammocks吊床