英语人>词典>汉英 : 方法学家 的英文翻译,例句
方法学家 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与方法学家相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In a feudal society which was lasted more than 2000 years, thehistorians、 philologists and educationists such as Confucius、 zhiji Liu、 guangSima、 xuecheng Zhang and so on, had melt the theories and practices of the studyof catalogue, edition, emend, history compile and archive material compile togetherin their practices of material arrangement and history study, by earnestly studyingand summarizing the principals and methods they had advanced a lots of valuableviews, which had provide a better base to the formation and development of archivematerial compile in our country.


Participants: The Task Force comprised a chair, selected by the Clinical Guidelines Subcommittee of The Endocrine Society, six additional experts, one methodologist, and a medical writer.


This new approach is "probably one of the most effective" ways of determining the flight capabilities of extinct animals says Zhonghe Zhou a paleontologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.


But they remained skeptical of his selectionist reasoning -- that tiny random improvements were all there was to it -- because they felt Darwin 's explanation did not accurately fit the facts of nature, facts with which they were intimately familiar in a way that is rare today in this era of specialization and indoor laboratories.


The panel's vice chairman, Martin Philbert, a toxicologist at the University of Michigan, said a better risk assessment method was crucial because "right now we have no good way of measuring how much of this material is in the environment and what form it is in without going to herculean efforts and using expensive equipment that is not easily deployed in the field."


Dr Laureys's measured conclusion is that neurologists do not like their skills to be replaced or upstaged by a scale.


Naturally immunologists and allergists are a target audience, but general physicians – both adult and paediatric – will be interested in the speculations on novel methods of controlling inflammatory/allergic diseases.


Human's skull is so compact and solid that biologists and anatomists exhausted all the ways to dissect it completely but in vain. Then someone came up with an idea. They put some seeds in the skull to be dissected and provide an environment of relative temperature and moisture for them to sprout. Once the seeds sprout, they manifested horrible force with which he succeeded in opening up the skull that may not even dissected by mechanical means. This story tells us how powerful the seed is!


It is targeted at general and colorectal surgeons, urologists, gynecologists and gastroenterologists who treat incontinent patients, and also gives general practitioners and geriatric physicians an overview of the diagnostic methods and treatment options that can be offered to incontinent patients.


The objectives of this subprogram were (1) generalization of data related to problems of biosphere origin and evolution accumulated by geneticists, molecular biologists, zoologists, botanists, paleontologists, microbiologists, geologists, chemists, and archaeologists;(2) search for new interdisciplinary approaches to biosphere origin and evolution;(3) development of a lingua franca understandable by experts in various fields, which would allow apprehension of results concerning the topic obtained in allied sciences.


更多网络解释与方法学家相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a modest proposal:温和的建议

他最著名的杂文当属>(A Modest Proposal),极尽反讽之能事,就爱尔兰人口过剩问题,向英国女王建议"温和的"解决方法. 斯威夫特信奉人道和理性,痛恨贵族政客与江湖骗子. 他曾与当时最著名的星象学家帕垂芝(John Partridge)交手,

analytical hierarchy process:层次分析法

层次分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process)是美国著名运筹学家、匹兹堡大学教授萨蒂在70年代初提出的. 它是处理具有多目标、多准则、多因素、多层次的复杂问题之决策分析与综合评价的一种简单、实用且有效的方法,是一种定性和定量分析相结合的系统分析与评价方法.



Field survey:现场调查

现场调查(field survey)是流行病学研究的一个特点. 自从140多年前,约翰*斯诺(John Snow)对伦敦霍乱流行进行开创性流行病学研究以来,就确认现场调查是医学科学研究中有别于其他研究方法的独特研究方法. 我国著名流行病学家蒋豫图教授曾有一句名言:"不去现场工作,


orchidologist兰花培植学家 | pteridologist蕨类植物学家 | methodologist 方法学家


pteridologist蕨类植物学家 | methodologist 方法学家 | pseudologist 谎言家,废话连篇的人


orchidologist兰花培植学家 | pteridologist蕨类植物学家 | methodologist 方法学家


美国著名科学学家司马贺认为,"人在解决问题时,一般并不去寻求最优的(optimal)方法,而只要求找到一个满意的(satisfying)方法". 假定有一个大草垛,里面有许多针,为了缝衣服上的钮扣要从里面找出一枚针来,人们一般并不要求必须从中找出一枚最细最尖最适用的针,


lichen从外表很难区分,不同的lichen分类学家(taxonomist)必须用化学方法Q5. behavioral对于animal play的看法,行为主义学派的认为动物玩的行为只要是因为adult animal用来让比较小的animal来训练将来它们长大的基本行为(normal behavior)模式.

traditional historians:传统学家

apply to 适合于,存在于 | traditional historians 传统学家 | varying measures 不同的方法,多种手段