英语人>词典>汉英 : 新鲜的 的英文翻译,例句
新鲜的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bracing  ·  caller  ·  crisp  ·  crisps  ·  fresh  ·  green  ·  unhackneyed  ·  unsalted  ·  greened  ·  freshest  ·  rec.

更多网络例句与新鲜的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Morris: Some of it will have to be a shift from fresh product or fresh/frozen product into further processed value-added products into those markets to gain back that market share.


After 15 days, like this egg already apply gives a chicken, explain this egg is fresh; Be like not apply gives a chicken, explain this egg is Biedermeier; If this egg is broken, feed please.


Each time you fill the buret with fresh solution, rinse the buret 3 times with 2 mL of

在你每一次用新鲜的溶液装满滴定管时,要用2 mL的新鲜溶液洗滴定管三

Each time you fill the buret with fresh solution, rinse the buret 3 times with 2 mL of the new solution, discard each wash.

在你每一次用新鲜的溶液装满滴定管时,要用2 mL的新鲜溶液淋洗滴定管三次。

Clear soup features clear and fresh while milk soup looks thick and tastes strong, both of which are often choicely made to add freshness to the dishes.


Crisp Cos Lettuce , freshly grated parmesan , grilled bacon and soft boiled egg with extra virgin olive oil anchovy dressing , basil crusted crouton and your choice of topping Grilled chicken Marinated prawns Fresh grilled salmon


English lamb chops, best when grilled, make a very tasty dish, particularly when eaten with fresh spring peas, new potatoes and mint sauce.


We all need fresh air, and air is fresh in mornings.


Can I have a fresh loaf, please; I've no wish to be fobbed off with one of those stale ones.


New and clean 新鲜的 These vegetables are fresh from our garden.


更多网络解释与新鲜的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


Bidrin /百治磷/ | Biedermeier /彼德麦式样的/不新鲜的/保守的/ | Bielefeld /比勒费尔德/

stale bread:不新鲜的面包

stale adj.不新鲜的, 陈腐的 | stale bread 不新鲜的面包 | stale news 陈旧的新闻


如果浏览器缓冲或者其他的缓冲没有足够的信息表明其是新鲜的,则系统就会产生警告错误并把这个对象当作过期的或者是不新鲜的(stale). 验证则是某个缓冲检查原始服务器来确认是否有潜在不新鲜的对象的过程. 如果服务器确认某个缓冲对象仍是新鲜的,

Raanan:新鲜的,绿色的,繁茂的 男性 希伯来

Raanan 新鲜的,绿色的,繁茂的 男性 希伯来 | Racham 慈悲,同情 男性 希伯来 | Race 跑步比赛 男性 英语


Raanan 新鲜的,绿色的,繁茂的 | Racham 慈悲,同情 | Race 跑步比赛


Rylan黑麦麦田男生古英语 | Raanan新鲜的,绿色的,繁茂的男生希伯来 | Racham慈悲,同情男生希伯来

green bellies:新鲜的或生的(未盐醃的)烟熏肉

green beer 新啤酒 | green bellies 新鲜的或生的(未盐醃的)烟熏肉 | green blood 生血

staler fish:腐败鱼;不新鲜的鱼

staleness 陈腐;陈旧;不新鲜;走气;腐败 | staler fish 腐败鱼;不新鲜的鱼 | stalk 茎;杆;梗;叶柄;葡萄果穗;烟稽;酒杯脚

We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden,and fresh fish from the river:我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼

First thing first.You must fi... | We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden,and fresh fish from the river.我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼. | No one knows what will...

We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden,and freshfish from theriver:我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼

First thing first.You must fin... | We enjoy fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden,and freshfish from theriver.我们享用从果菜园摘的新鲜的蔬菜和水果,从河里打来的新鲜的鱼. | No one knows what will ...