英语人>词典>汉英 : 整个活动 的英文翻译,例句
整个活动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与整个活动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They were provided with over 100 tonnes of tomatoes by the town council for the battle which lasted about one hour and left participants covered in pulp and standing ankle-deep in red mush.


There was so much we hadn't seen and done: our French was still an ungainly mixture of bad grammar and builders' slang; we had managed somehow to miss the entire Avignon festival, the donkey races at Goult, the accordion competition, Faustin's family outing to the Basses-Alpes in August, the wine festival in Gigondas, the Ménerbes dog show, and a good deal of what had been going on in the outside world.


In the future,I'll be on my duty and doi can.Just for a better party.


To understand this movement of thought and feeling there can be no condemnation in observing it.


But it's always good to have an elevated stand where you can have a good view of the entire activity especially if the garage sale would take up a big space.


Forewarned is forearmed unpreparedness spells failure. The MSTC members prepared more before the activity, so the activity was smooth going.


The whole atmosphere was nice. All sat in the meeting room full of fruit, dessert and drink, looked at the project show by the graduated students and trainee, listened to the detailed and interesting introduce of "star of tomorrow" by Chenwen and occasionally pointed out some questions about project technology or trainee selection even put forward challengingly difficult questions. All these showed the great interest in this activity and willing to think about it, only in this way, could we gain much.


Premier Wen made clear that China is devoting serious resources to developing the region, evidenced by the impressive pazazz of the event - which felt as much like the Oscars as a trade fair - and by the dozens of cranes around the city.


They rest on their whole active surface and practically can not stand any pressure difference action.


This Tongue Twister Competition included three 3 parts --- firstly a self-introduction, secondly 15 tongue twisters and last part one minute reading or one breath reading with sideshows by students; Everyone enjoyed this activity very much and laughter were heard all through the game; This game was for the students a good chance to practice spoken English, a platform to test their courage, most importantly a media to present the best of themselves

活动分3部分举办,包括自我介绍,15道Tongue Twister的朗读,一分钟和一口气朗读,中间穿插学员以及员工的节目;整个活动气氛热烈,笑声不断;参赛学员在享受英语中也充分锻炼了英语;活动锻炼了大家的口语表达能力,提高了学员的英文学习兴趣,更为广大参赛学员提供了一个训练胆量与表现自我的平台

更多网络解释与整个活动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


活动主办方介绍说,育乐湾的英文名字Abilia源于"能力"(ability)和"场所"(area),意为"培养孩子能力的场所". 在整个活动中,针对"小皇帝"、"小公主"们比较缺乏的"团队合作"精神,让孩子自己成为社会服务中的角色,并获得相应的"劳动薪酬",

active window:活动窗口

软件简介: 主要功能是屏幕截取功能. 目前主要实现的功能有:1. 抓取鼠标;2. 按多种方式抓取整个屏幕或屏幕的某一部分. 例如正方形(Rectangle),椭圆形(Ellipse),多边形(Polygon),固定范围(Fixed Region),实体对象(Object),活动窗口(Active Window),全屏(Full Screen)等.


- "编辑"(Edit)菜单操作范围仅限当前选择对象,而不再始终针对整个活动的播放列表. - 改进与多媒体键盘的兼容性.

Inauguration speech:就职演说

届时,国会山的整个活动就是新总统宣誓就职,英文叫做inaugurate,而奥巴马将发表他的就职演说(inauguration speech).在整个仪式结束后,奥巴马就是名正言顺的美国总统了,在接下来的四年中他将接管美国政府,

macro economy:宏观经济

宏观经济(Macro Economy) 什么是宏观经济 所谓宏观经济是指:指总量经济活动,即国民经济的总体活动. 是指整个国民经济或国民经济总体及其经济活动和运行状态,如总供给与总需求;国民经济的总值及其增长速度;国民经济中的主要比例关系;

economic mathematical model:经济数学模型

经济数学模型经济数学模型(economic mathematical model) 经济数学模型:经济活动中数量关系的简化的数学表达. 简称经济模型. 经济数学模型的种类 反映经......宏观经济(Macro Economy) 什么是宏观经济 所谓宏观经济是指:指总量经济活动,即国民经济的总体活动. 是指整个国民经济或国民经济总体及其经济活动和运行......


"感"是泛指一切此时此人的"感觉"(sensation),"知觉"(perception)所感受到的,可以总括为"感象"(sense impression). "应"是此时此人整个的内在活动,包括他的"感情"、"理念"的活动. 虽然有些活动仿佛是发自内心,似乎是与当时的"感"并无直接关



think tank:智囊团

整个活动场所包含了研发、设计、原型制作、工业生产、制表机械,甚至"创意手表(Concept Watch)"理念实验室,由大约100人组成的"智囊团"(Think Tank)负责运作.

zoomed windows:将现行活动窗口放大到整个屏幕, 其热键为

Tab size 设置制表键大小, 默认为8. | Zoomed windows 将现行活动窗口放大到整个屏幕, 其热键为F5. | Screen size 设置屏幕文本大小.