英语人>词典>汉英 : 散发 的英文翻译,例句
散发 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
emanate  ·  emanation  ·  emit  ·  exhale  ·  permeation  ·  radiate  ·  reek  ·  shed  ·  shedding  ·  steam  ·  steamed  ·  transpiration  ·  transpire  ·  emanatory  ·  emanated  ·  emanates  ·  emanating  ·  emits  ·  emitted  ·  exhaled  ·  exhales  ·  exhaling  ·  radiates  ·  reeked  ·  reeking  ·  reeks  ·  sheds  ·  steams  ·  transpired  ·  transpires  ·  transpiring  ·  emanations

hand out · reek of
更多网络例句与散发相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Old English word r ?, one of two ancestors of our word, meant "to emit vapor, steam, or smoke," while the other Old English ancestor, r ?, meant "to fumigate, expose to smoke," or to cause to emit smoke, burn incense.

意为"散发出蒸气或烟"的古英语单词是reocan 的两个词源之一,而另一个古英语词源是recan ,意为"熏,与烟接触,"或"使散发烟,焚香"。

The results showed that the ET from the marsh had an obvious seasonal variation, with the lowest month-average daily ET in May and the highest one in July. The average daily ET in growth season was 1.94 mmd^(-1), and the total ET was 293 mm.


Objective To investigate the relationship between polymorphisms in Parkin gene and susceptibility to sporadic Parkinsons disease.

目的 探讨Parkin基因V/L380及R/W36 6多态性与散发性帕金森病的遗传易感性之间的关系。方法以 12 0例散发性PD患者为研究对象,12 0名正常人作为对照。

Results(1)The frequency of BRCA1 mutation was 10% in 110 cases of Uigur and Han women with sporad...


Without gratitude you cannot achieve anything through the law of attraction, because if you are not emanating gratitude from your being, then by default you are emanating ungratefulness.


Wine sends forth fragrance in ancient poetries as bright as the stars, also in the cadenced music with flowing rhythm.


Possible durations include the following categories: timed duration; instantaneous; permanent; concentration; subjects, effects, and areas; touch powers and holding the charge; discharge; and dismissible.

可能的持续时间包括以下几种类型:定时,立即,永久,专注,对象、效果和区域(Subjects, Effects, and Areas),接触型异能和暂不散发(Touch Powers and Holding the Charge),能量散发,解消。

Based on the results estimated by the model, I analyzed the regional variability in the sensitivity of actual evapotranspiration to climatic factors, as well as the trend in actual evapotranspiration and the dominative climatic factors in China.


Form the analysis it is concluded that the forest will decrease the average annual runoff due to silvicultural treatment.


The principal way the body has to dissipate 『散发』heat is through the skin, Murphy explains. In a doubled or rubber sweat suit, the body is unable to evaporate 『蒸发』sweat, and therefore retains heat.


更多网络解释与散发相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With a spectrum of hues ,it does glow:散发着五颜六色的光芒,鲜艳夺目

happiness is like a delightful rainbow (幸福就像一道使人愉悦的彩... | with a spectrum of hues,it does glow (散发着五颜六色的光芒,鲜艳夺目) | it adds the shades of color to a day long (它为漫长的一天增添...

Bert:伯特 英国 光辉灿烂;全身散发出荣耀和光辉的人

Bernie 伯尼 条顿 像熊一般勇敢. | Bert 伯特 英国 光辉灿烂;全身散发出荣耀和光辉的人. | Berton 伯顿 英国 勤俭治产之人.

bestrew bestrewed bestrewn,bestrewed:散发

bespread bespread bespread 铺盖 | bestrew bestrewed bestrewn,bestrewed 散发 | bestride bestrode,bestrid bestridden,bestrid 跨坐


"发酵病","disease, zymotic" | "牛散发性脑脊髓炎","disease,buss" | "三尖瓣病","disease,tricuspid"


emanate from 放射 | emanate 散发 | emanation 散发

emission control:散发污染物管理规则

emission coefficient 发射系数 | emission control 散发污染物管理规则 | emission factor 散发污染物系数<每单位重量的干可燃物在燃烧时释放到大气中的污染物量


(一)散发 散发(sporadic)是指某病在一定地区的发病率呈历年来一般水平. 一般多用于区、县以上范围,不适于小范围的人群,如一个托儿所、工厂和学校等. 不同病种、不同时期散发水平不同. 确定某病在某地区是否属于散发,应参照当地前3年该病的发病率,

Volcano emits smoke and ashes:火山爆发散发烟雾和灰尘

emit 散发,发行,发表(10:51:01) | volcano emits smoke and ashes.火山爆发散发烟雾和灰尘(10:51:23) | omit 省略,遗漏(10:51:45)

but she oozed sex more than a sponge contraceptive:但她比阴道避孕海绵更能散发出那种性的信息

She may not be perfect,|或许她不是很完美 | but she oozed sex more than a sponge contraceptive.|但她比阴道避孕海绵更能散发出那种性的信息...... | She had a skanky cuteness,|她天生散发着那种淫荡的气息.....

Redistributable:可转散发 可转散发

redirection script 重定向脚本 重新导向脚本 | redistributable 可转散发 可转散发 | redraw flag 重绘旗标 重绘旗标