英语人>词典>汉英 : 救护车 的英文翻译,例句
救护车 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
ambulance  ·  auxilium  ·  ambulances  ·  Ambulancen

meat wagon · motor ambulance
更多网络例句与救护车相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Her daughter arranged for the ambulance ride at the last minute after Owen failed to get an absentee ballot.


Richard Zucschlag, head of Acadian Ambulance, the largest ambulance transport company in southern Louisiana, moved his dispatch center to the outskirts of New Orleans, where it became the only communications network in the early hours of the disaster.

南路易斯安那州最大的救护车运营公司主管Richard Zucschlag,将他的调度中心转移到新奥尔良的郊区,正是这个中心成为灾难之后最初的那几个小时里仅存的通讯网络。

And to move an ambulance to Checkpoint Charlie you have to have a meeting of the ambassadorial working group in Washington.


Originally posted by crazygalleon Leave him alone.He is an ambulance chaser.


He's an ambulance man


And you certainly don't want an ambulance man leaning over you and telling you how he feels about your injuries.


At 9 pm, the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack.


At 9 p.m., the ambulance brought in a man in his 60s who was having a heart attack.


Ambulances, fire sedans, and fire apparatus of all sizes had to be juggled to allow enough movement to eventually get ambulances up to the Triage and transportation area.


But after about 30 minutes after the emergency center, jinan and ambulance to shandong TV, buy soft mattress lay sister red was carried in an ambulance.


更多网络解释与救护车相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

an ambulance chaser:救护车追逐者", 专办交通损伤案件的律师

an alternate angle | 错角 | an ambulance chaser | "救护车追逐者", 专办交通损伤案件的律师 | an amount of | 许多

ambulance man:救护车驾驶员

"all day long",,,"整天","(B8 U10)" | "ambulance man",,,"救护车驾驶员","(B3 U10)" | "any more",,,"再","(B8 U10)"

ambulance man:救护车人员

traffic warden交通警察 | ambulance man救护车人员 | motorcycle摩托车

an ambulance man:一个救护车司机

工厂工人 factory worker | 一个救护车司机 an ambulance man | 正迁进 moving in


我们在记录中遇到许多生词,如"知了"cicada、"荷花"lotus、"轰鸣"(roar)、"救护车"(ambulance)等等,所以当我们回到教室时,马上就去查字曲释疑. 而且这项活动还让我们回忆封尘在记忆深处的许多不曾使用的单词,也调动了我们参与的主动性和积极性.

field ambulance:战地救护车

field 场,野外 | field ambulance 战地救护车 | field emission 场致发射

field ambulance:野战救护车

fiefdom 封地 | field ambulance 野战救护车 | field army 野战军

field ambulance:野外救护车

fido 燃油加热驱雾器 | field ambulance 野外救护车 | field amplifier 励磁电流放大器

field ambulance:救护车

field alignment error | 电场调整误差 | field ambulance | 救护车 | field ampere-turns | 激励安匝,磁场安匝

救护车,救护船,救护飞机 ambulate走动,救护车就是走动医院:ambulance n

ambitious a. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;有野心的 | ambulance n. 救护车,救护船,救护飞机 ambulate走动,救护车就是走动医院 | amend vt. 修改,修订,改进 a+mend