英语人>词典>汉英 : 故乡 的英文翻译,例句
故乡 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
countries  ·  country  ·  hometown  ·  sod  ·  birthland  ·  sodded  ·  sodding  ·  sods

old soldier · native place · the old sod
更多网络例句与故乡相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No matter how history changes, deep feeling of the blood is constantly cutting, but due to historical and political reasons, making Taiwan and Taiwan Solitary Suspended Therefore, Taiwan's various periods of literary works, for homesickness brought the subject to express the Taiwan compatriots Kepan eager to return to the reunification of the motherland and the strong feelings Hometown, homesickness is to leave their land, far away from their loved ones Youzi, the hometown of the missing Situation, the customs barrier Hill's hometown of personnel memories, the memory of Youzai is the hometown of nature, changes in the deep yearning Fengwu, a family with the demands of fantasy prayer!


This is a piece of elegy dedicated to the hometown, as the terminal moment of its destiny.


A woman who has psychic visions returns to her hometown to exorcise her demons, and finds both danger and love.


Taicang, my hometown, I love and extol it for my whole life.


China is the hometown of gunpowder, but also the home of Rocket.


There're different circumscriptions and annotations in different times. As the one which is the homogeny with the "5.4"epoch,it was not only the corporeal carrier of the childhood memory, but also the cultural umbilical cord must be chopped.


Milan is the Italy's second big city, the Lombardy district capital, Milan province provincial capital, the national most important economic center, has "the economical capital" the name, is also the artistic cradle and many talent character's hometown, is also one kind Italy unique way of working, and life's hometown, and is therefore considered to be Italy's most important cities.


This research includes case study and document analysis, in an attempt to search for creative elements from nativist nostalgia and thoughts. The purpose is to examine the theme of personal creativity from the meaning of living esthetics.

摘要 本研究采取文献分析及实证分析两种方法来探讨,企图从故乡情结与找寻心灵故乡的代言追寻创作的元素,其目的在於从生活美学的内涵中找寻个人创作表现的主题。

In order to further enhance the image of Finland as the home of Santa Claus, but also in order to attract more foreign tourists, Finland Travel Bureau and Butler Provincial Government to develop long-term strategic significance of the "Santa Claus hometown Scheme", 1985, in Romania Rovaniemi establish a unique tourist attraction - Santa Claus Village.


I wish that moon of hometown is dear and bright.I wish the tone of fute is light and long forever in my heart.


更多网络解释与故乡相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lying backdown I think of home:低头思故乡

举头望明月 lifting my head I gaze at the moon | 低头思故乡 lying backdown I think of home | 清明 Grave Sweeping Day

Fly Away Home:伴你高飞 / 飞回家乡 / 飞向故乡

Flood, The 洪水 Christopher Slater | Fly Away Home 伴你高飞 / 飞回家乡 / 飞向故乡 | Fly Over the Cuckoo's Nest, A 飞越疯人院 / 飞越杜鹃巢 Jack Nicholson

Garden State:情归新泽西(花园故乡)

229. 7.8 1961 Judgment at Nuremberg 纽伦堡大审判 | 230. 7.8 2004 Garden State 情归新泽西(花园故乡) | 231. 7.8 2003 The Station Agent 心灵驿站(火车站管理员)

Going Home:归故乡

01 ADORAMUS 崇敬 | 02 GOING HOME 归故乡 | 03 FAR AWAY 遥远歌声

Gu Xiang:故乡

10 简单 jian dan | 11故乡Gu Xiang | 12曾经的你Ceng Jing De Ni

home town:故乡,家乡

chemistry n. 化学 | home town 故乡,家乡 | Arab n. 阿拉伯人

Glemour Home Town:故乡情韵

Evening Blue 夜晚布鲁斯 | Glemour Home Town 故乡情韵 | Home Town Bridge And Cowboy Flute 牧笛乡桥

mother country:祖国; 故乡, 祖先居住的地方 发源地 (殖民地等的)母国

牐燣ow Countries 低地国家(荷兰比利时卢森堡的总称) | 牐爉other country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖民地等的)母国 | 牐爐he old country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖民地等的)母国

pays n.m:国家,故乡,地方

payer v.t. 付款,支付,缴纳 | pays n.m. 国家,故乡,地方 | pays natal n.m. 故乡

the old country:祖国; 故乡, 祖先居住的地方 发源地 (殖民地等的)母国

牐爉other country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖... | 牐爐he old country 祖国;故乡,祖先居住的地方;发源地;(殖民地等的)母国 | 牐爐he Never -Never C- 边远人稀的地方(特指澳大利亚昆士兰州西北部人烟稀少的地...