英语人>词典>汉英 : 政党 的英文翻译,例句
政党 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
parties  ·  party  ·  partied  ·  partying

political party
更多网络例句与政党相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It argues that it is not appropriate to study the transnational party federation by using these two methods inflexibly.


At the same time, the rise and fall of nationalism parties and democratic parties, the interweavement of secular parties and religious parties, and the fierce conflicts between parliamentary parties and non-parliamentary parties, embodied the historical movements in political circles of the modernization in Egypt.


The major purpose of this article is to examine the measurement of party identification in the Taiwan's Election and Democratization Study from the perspectives of intransitivity and multidimensionality.


This paper analyzes the suitability of political party in the following five points: it expatiates on the Huntington's suitability and carries a foreshadowing of what is to follow later in the first part. In the second part, through probing into political party, it realized the general deficiency of Thailand political party. In the third part, it aims to the Thailand political ecology to analyze the military power, monarchal power and patron-client relations. It realized that the Thailand political ecology exercises a great influence on the development of political party. In the fourth part, from deducing the relationship between political party and political ecology, it realizes, it's the weak suitability lead to the military coup is inevitable. In the fifth part, it reflects further on how to strengthen the suitability of political party. It thinks that political party should have more effects on promoting the process of democratization.


Korean political party demonstrates such character as fluid, personalism, factionalism, regionalism and strong finance fabrication, which makes the initial multi-party system exist the shortcomings including low institutionalized degree of party organization, outstanding leader-oriented, stronger regional support as well as uncompromise party culture. In the result, party function of political participation and power supervised can't be fully played.


When the political parties are in office, the non-democratic phenomenon is the following:"pork barrel"; the parties play important roles in the executive, legislative and judicial authorities; the parties are establishing identification with the government.


Second largest number of seats becomes the Official Opposition, with its own leader and "shadow cabinet ".


This article then takes the 2002 survey data of the elections for city mayor and councilors of Kaohsiung as an example to study voter's split-ticket voting. In particular, owing to peculiar party system in Taiwan, it examines voter's split ticket voting based on individual party and the "pan-blue vs. pan-green" party coalition. It points out that, in Kaohsiung, party coalition model performs better in explaining voter's behavior than the traditional party label. Also, this case study shows that the direction of party identification, the strength of party identification, and voter's past voting patterns are significant for voter's split-ticket voting in both party coalitions. The significances of other factors, such as voter's age, voter's provincial origins, sense of check-and-balance are different when they are applying to different party coalitions.


A general election is an election held to choose among candidates nominated in a primary for federal election is to make a final choice among the various candidates who have been nominated by parties or who are running as independent or write-in candidates.


Based on the research of American party politics and American presidential primary system,this thesis analyses the functions of parties in the primary and the changes of these functions before and after the implementation of the presidential primary,and study the influence of the presidential primary on the party politics.


更多网络解释与政党相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What does it mean for a political party to be in power:一个政党执政是指什么意思

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It is a party of action:是一个行动的政党

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far-right party:极右政党

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Maestrichtian /马斯里奇特阶/ | Maffia /黑手党/秘密政党/ | Mafia /黑手党/秘密政党/马菲亚岛/


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政党:The Political Party | 政党政治:political party | 执政党:ruling political party

Spoils system:政党分赃制

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