英语人>词典>汉英 : 放进 的英文翻译,例句
放进 的英文翻译、例句


let in · filling-in
更多网络例句与放进相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He said,"Put all your sorrows in the black box,and all your joys in the gold."


He said,"Put all your sorrows in the black box, and all your joys in the gold."


Soup, Quick blench the pork bone, then put into a big pot with water to boiled for min. 6hours with onion, white peppercorn, whole clove garlic, discard all he ingredient.


Slip a few tablets of good chocolate into a sliced croissant or mini brioche and warm in the oven.


Packing: each tealight candle in paper, the into candleholder, then candleholder into bubble, then into a white box with black printing.

包装:每个 tealight 用纸独立包装,然后放进烛台,然后用泡沫箱包装,然后放进白色纸箱,每个包装配一个黑色印刷的手册

However, instead of the yarn, she put in a clump of tow and let it boil away.


Put the bull in the barn, not the barn in the bull, if you put the barn in the bull the bull will burst, but if you put the bull in the barn he will come to no harm.


There is surely a possible world in which the word (or at least one orthographically like it) has such a meaning, and there is a two-dimensional intension that takes the actual world into the actual meaning of 'coumarone' and this counterfactual world into the meaning that it has there.


To create a loaf of bread, ingredients are measured into the bread pan in a specified order (usually liquids first, with solid ingredients layered on top) and the pan is then placed in the breadmaker.


Then we put the s中秋节为什么要吃月饼 tuffing in the middle of the dough and make the dough into a ball and then we put the dough with stuffing into the mould, pressing the mould flat with hands, knock the mould slightly and the dough in the shape of moon will come out, and now is ready to put in the oven to bake.


更多网络解释与放进相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

and put your socks in the fishbowl:把你的袜子放进鱼缸

And they pull on your feet when you sleep|当你睡觉的时候会拉你的脚 | and put your socks in the fishbowl.|把你的袜子放进鱼缸 | - What's that chain you always wear?|那个你总带着的链子是什么

You let the fox into the henhouse:[你把狐狸放进了鸡笼]

What are you talking about? [你在说什么?] | You let the fox into the henhouse. [你把狐狸放进了鸡笼] | The only reason you gave up gretchen's name was [你交代出Gretchen的唯一原因]

He put some food into the ice chest:他把一些食物放进冰箱里

2441. The doctor gave him an examination to see if he had chest trouble. 医... | 2442. He put some food into the ice chest. 他把一些食物放进冰箱里. | 2443. These chestnuts are of bright reddish-brown. ...

let in:让......进来,放进

lead to 导致,导向 | let in 让. . . 进来,放进 | let out 放掉,泄露

Martha Jewart. The kugel's in the oven, the matzo balls are boiling:犹太布丁放进烤箱了 而薄饼汤圆正在煮

Meanwhile, Charlotte was hard at work on her... | Martha Jewart. The kugel's in the oven, the matzo balls are boiling.|犹太布丁放进烤箱了 而薄饼汤圆正在煮 | It's three hours till Shabbos. We should sta...

Set the single into the mousehole:把这个单根放进鼠洞

Break out the stand. 卸立柱 | Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞 | Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗?

put into:放进,翻译

put off推迟 | put into放进,翻译 | put away放好,存钱

put their money in a fare box:把他们的钱放进一个投币箱

7. put it in a bag 把它放进包里 | put their money in a fare box 把他们的钱放进一个投币箱 | 8. nowadays 现在,如今

Put your pencil case in your school bag:把笔袋放进书包里

Put your book in your school bag 把书放进书包里 | Put your pencil case in your school bag 把笔袋放进书包里 | Put your scissors in your schoolbag 把剪刀放进书包里

I packed everything in my van lock,stock,and barrel:我把所有东西统统打包好放进货车里

29. Getting Carlos to tell the truth is like pulling teeth. 要卡洛斯把真相说出来... | 30. I packed everything in my van lock,stock,and barrel. 我把所有东西统统打包好放进货车里. | LZ被送进了疯人院........