英语人>词典>汉英 : 放弃...的希望 的英文翻译,例句
放弃...的希望 的英文翻译、例句


despair of
更多网络例句与放弃...的希望相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In my opinion, we should never abandon hope for success.


Abnegate: ab-abyss=hell, ne-那,gate.


St John no doubt, would have given the world to follow, recall, retain her when she thus left him; but he would not give one chance of heaven, nor relinquish, for the elysium of her love, one hope of the true, eternal Paradise.


At last he said,"Then, you give up all hope of escaping?"


I once had already been a worker a head the opportunity of the head as well, but I gave up, although still have this opportunity now, still will choose to give up, hoped oneself to don't regret during a lifetime!


I was just about to give up hope on anyone knowing who Tipler or Kerr was on this worldline.


After my graduated,I once did some selling work, but I still want to do some work in law, but in China, that the students who's major was law was very difficult for get job,it is quite diffrent from your weatern country.

我是上次和你一起去北京旅游的中国朋友,希望你还能够记得我,http://www.fengyeye.com/blog/u/101978/archives/201 0/35960.html ,我已经失去了在大连的工作,现在已经到上海去找工作了,希望能够在这里找到一份稳定的工作,现在是非常时期,金融危机背景下,找工作可能会很困难,许多公司都在裁员,但我不会放弃的。

That mute wordlessness for 1 year , I can only choose a departure , my grieved being is abandoned you abandoning love , the dream giving up is broken into pieces , is held back sorrow, you do not hope that I wait , I am just mute let you go and chase self determinedly.


As for the first, which was so vastly big, as I made it without considering before-hand, as I ought to do, how I should be able to launch it; so never being able to bring it to the Water, or bring the Water to it, I was oblig'd to let it lye where it was, as a Memorandum to teach me to be wiser next Time: Indeed, the next Time, tho' I could not get a Tree proper for it, and in a Place where I could not get the Water to it, at any less Distance, than as I have said, near half a Mile; yet as I saw it was practicable at last, I never gave it over: and though I was near two Years about it, yet I never grutch'd my Labour, in Hopes of having a Boat to go off to Sea at last.


This 'giving up,' however, can't be achieved by the thinking mind. Hoping to give up attachment, the mind subversively attaches to a concept of liberation.


更多网络解释与放弃...的希望相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

E: expect:希望 拥有希望,所以一直在努力 ,一直没有放弃

d darkness黑暗 在如此环境,造就出的哀 | e expect希望 拥有希望,所以一直在努力 ,一直没有放弃 | f felicity 幸运 死里逃生的幸运,遇到现在身边的人也是幸运


克莱德的主人为19岁的沙利文(ASHLEIGH SULLIVAN ),她说她已经放弃任何希望,会再次看到她所喜爱的克莱德,一头雄性的长发喜玛拉雅猫(HIMALAYAN),它3年前在位於侯巴特(HOBART)以北40公里的家失踪.

Nil desperandum:没有理由绝望,因此永远不要放弃希望

20.如果你不相信的话,你将会无法理解 Nisi credideritis,non intelligeti... | 21.没有理由绝望,因此永远不要放弃希望! Nil desperandum | 22.以悲伤的心情连开玩笑都会困难的 Difficile est tristi fingere mente jo...

Unlove her friends, her not gave up hope:与她的同学的不相同之处是,她从不放弃希望

780. Trust me, the game is rewhichley worth playing.相... | 781. Unlove her friends, her not gave up hope.与她的同学的不相同之处是,她从不放弃希望. | 782. Well dfirst! You are usually doing a bad job!干...

Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum:以悲伤的心情连开玩笑都会困难的

21.没有理由绝望,因此永远不要放弃希望! Nil desperandum | 22.以悲伤的心情连开玩笑都会困难的 Difficile est tristi fingere mente jocum | 23.想到自己即将死去 Memento mori


despair暗示失去或放弃了希望,常见搭配如despair of sth;frustrate强调挫败了某人的计划(plan)、企图(attempt)等;discourage指试图阻止或压制其行动,如使人面临困难(difficulties)而泄气;embarrass含有难为情和内心混乱的意味,

Envisions the whole of you:希望你竭尽全力

Doesn't give up on you --- 从不放弃对你的信心 | Envisions the whole of you --- 希望你竭尽全力 | Forgives your mistakes --- 原谅你的过错

Envisions the whole of you:希望你能竭尽全力

从不放弃对你的信心---------------Doesn't give up on you | 希望你能竭尽全力-----------------Envisions the whole of you | 原谅你的过错---------------------Forgives your mistakes

Envisions the all of you:希望你能竭尽全力

从不放弃对你的信心---------------Doesn't give up on you | 希望你能竭尽全力-----------------Envisions the all of you | 原谅你的过错---------------------Forgives your misgets

one day, we jettisoned, on the iron coast:一天,我们放弃了,对受表彰的海岸

until the sand flats reabsorb it.There, 直到砂单位吸收它. 在那里, | one day, we jettisoned, on the iron coast, 一天,我们放弃了,对受表彰的海岸, | our hope, more gasping than 我们希望,更多气喘吁吁比