英语人>词典>汉英 : 放大率 的英文翻译,例句
放大率 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

magnifying power
更多网络例句与放大率相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The above-described configuration of the zoom lens system allows appropriate setting of the imaging magnification of the fourth lens unit and the focal lengths of the third and fourth lens units.


And the far field divergency angles of the output beams are detected experimentally, the results illustrate that compared to the single UR90, this new coupling technique may nether weaken the mode control ability, nor effect the beam quality.


Longitudinal magnification describes the longitudinal conjugated property of ideal optical system ,on mathematic form,it is the slope of the imaging curve.


To enlarge the measurement range of a potential vision meter and improve its measurement accuracy for patients with high error of refraction, the imaging characteristics of its optical system were investigated. The visual magnification equation of the system was derived. The influence of the focal length variation of the collimating lens and the imaging lens on the magnification was analyzed respectively.


The focus of the collimating lens has effects on the slope of the visual magnification curve while the focus of the imaging lens affects visual magnification of the whole moving range in the same way.


Using the K20 eyepiece included as standard equipment, about 45x magnification, it's easy to see the Andromeda Galaxy and its smaller satellite galaxy M32. When compared to 60mm refractors, the Powerseeker 114 brings out much more detail in the Orion Nebula, reveals many more stars in Perseus' Double Cluster and even brings out a few individual stars in globular clusters like M13. Saturn looks quite small at 45x with the K20 eyepiece, but using my own 7.5mm eyepiece (120x) I can easily detect the shadow cast by the planet on the rings, and even glimpse the ring's Cassini Division. When the mirrors are properly lined up or "collimated," the images are reasonably sharp up to magnifications of 225x.

使用标准配件中的K20 目镜,可以得到45倍放大率,这时候很容易看到仙女座星系,还有较小的星系M32;和60毫米口径的折射望远镜相比,114 EQ可以看清更多猎户座星云的细节;瞄准英仙座双星团,看到的星体数量更多,显得更加壮丽;对于球状星团,比如M13,甚至可以显出其中少数独立的恒星;在K20 目镜下(放大45倍)的土星显得相当小,但换成我自己的7.5毫米焦距的目镜(得到120倍),可以轻松的看到光环在土星上的投影,甚至可以瞥见土星光环内的卡西尼缝隙。

The principle of an optical microscope is quite simple; however, the resolving power of an optical microscope is limited by the wavelength of the light employed, being greater when the light source is shorter wavelength.


An optical microscope of good quality can produce magnifications of several thousands of times, but in practice it is employed only for magnifications up to approximately 1000 times.


An optical microscope of good quality can produce magnifications of several thousands of times, but in practice it is employed only for magnifications up to approximately 1000 times.


An optical microscope of good quality can produce magnifications of several thousands of times, but in practice it is employed only for magnifications up to approximately 1000 times.


更多网络解释与放大率相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angular magnification:角度放大,角放大率

angular impulse 角沖量 | angular magnification 角度放大,角放大率 | angular momentum 角動量,動量矩

magnification, angular:角放大率

magnification power 放大率 | magnification, angular 角放大率 | magnifying power 放大率

chromatism of magnification:放大率色差

放大率|magnification | 放大率色差|chromatism of magnification | 放大器|amplifier

current amplification degree:电流放大率

current amplification 电流放大,电流比=>電流増幅 | current amplification degree 电流放大率 | current amplification factor 电流放大系数=>電流増幅率

lateral magnification:横向放大,横向放大率

lateral inversion 横向倒置 | lateral magnification 横向放大,横向放大率 | lateral search coil 横向探察线圈

longitudinal magnification:纵向放大,纵向放大率

long wave 长波 | longitudinal magnification 纵向放大,纵向放大率 | longitudinal wave 纵波

lateral magnifying power:横向放大率

Lateral magnification 横向放大率 | lateral magnifying power 横向放大率 | lateral mode selection 横模选择

magnifying power of eye-piece:目镜放大率

magnifying power 放大率 | magnifying power of eye-piece 目镜放大率 | magnistor 磁开关

power, magnifying:放大率

power, magnification 放大率 | power, magnifying 放大率 | power, optical 光学功率

mucous plug:宫颈粘液塞 mu-factor 放大系数,放大率

mucous membrane knife 鼻粘膜刀 | mucous plug 宫颈粘液塞 mu-factor 放大系数,放大率 | muff 袖套,套筒