英语人>词典>汉英 : 攻读 的英文翻译,例句
攻读 的英文翻译、例句


proceed to · read up · work hard at · assiduously study · diligently study · study hard
更多网络例句与攻读相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By unremitting efforts for 3 years,I have got harbin University of Technology be excused from an examination studying for a master's degree graduate student qualification , my feeling has flown now have faced side of the Haihe River.


I am a professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at Xiamen University, a doctoral supervisor, and also the mentor of Mr. Ben Niu in the course Linear Algebra and the course Abstract Algebra. Therefore I have good knowledge of his academic capabilities and potential, so to speak...


Lord, the American Ambassador in China, to participate an exchange plan. In September 1987, Mr. Li went to America again for his master degree. In June 1989, Mr. Li attained his master degree on International Finance from Brandes University. As an analysis of Acadian Investment Management Company, Mr. Li started his investment management practice in 1990. In March 1991, Mr. Li was employed by the famous Wall Street Investment Bank and the Brother Braun Corporation as senior analysis in investment strategy department, analyzing and researching investment strategy. In September 1995, Mr. Li was appointed by the Oppenheimer Funds and responsible for the global stock investment.


For those who wished to go abroad to study finance and economics are concerned, it is best not to select those large and comprehensive professional, such as finance, banking, economics, etc., but should be concerned about the highly specialized, professional ability-based professions such as actuarial, insurance, asset evaluation, financial information management.


He or she is nearly always an advanced degree holder who does research.


One of the best decisions of my life was to go to LBS for a full-time MBA," says one alumnus."


My favorite superwomen included a politician's daughter who cared for her two-year-old and a newborn while finishing law school and managing a company; a practicing pediatrician with ten children of her own; and a television anchorwoman, mother of two preschoolers, who was studying for a master's degree.

我最喜 欢的女强人有:一位政治家的女儿,她在照料一个两岁幼儿与一个新生儿的同时读完了法学院,同时还经营着一家公司;一位开业儿科医师,她自己有十个子女;还有一位电视主持人,她是两个学龄前儿童的母亲,还在攻读硕士学位。

I study astronomy because I like to look at stars.


Me: I will pursue my Ph.D in Auburn University at mathematic department.


Me: I will pursue my # in Auburn University at mathematic department.


更多网络解释与攻读相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

assiduously study; diligently study:攻读

3. 学科 a school subject; a course of study | 4. 攻读 assiduously study; diligently study | 5. 上升 move upward; rise; ascend

Creative Writing:创作

大学本科在史丹福大学就读,获数学学士学位后,曾在金融公司工作一年,发现并不符合自己的个性,于是返回校园攻读文学创作(creative writing),在旧金山市州大攻读硕士学位期间,曾于去年担任交换学生前往德国学习了一个学期.

degree program:(攻读学位)

15.Study Plan:(学习计划) | Degree Program(攻读学位): Ph.D | Field of Study(研究专业):

plug away at:埋头攻读

39944 plug new books on TV talk shows 在电视脱口秀中推销新书 | 39945 plug away at 埋头攻读 | 39946 tense situation 紧张的局势

read up:研读;攻读;熟

read after 跟...读 | read up 研读;攻读;熟 | readable a. 值得一读的,易读的,读起来津津有味的

read up:研读;攻读;熟读

5048reactorn. 反应堆 | 5049read up研读;攻读;熟读 | 5050readablea. 值得一读的,易读的,读起来津津有味的

read up:攻读...(某科目)

公布;发表put about ... | 攻读...(某科目)read up ... | 估计;衡量take the gauge of ...

read up to here:专攻; 熟读; 攻读至此

36. on the way here 在来这的路上 | 37. read up to here 专攻; 熟读; 攻读至此; | 38. right over here 在这儿

Ecole Polytechnique:巴黎理工学校

巴黎理工学校 (Ecole Polytechnique)是法国历史悠久、享有盛名的高等学府之一,它的校史与近代和现代的巴黎乃至整个法兰西共和国的历史紧密联系在一起. 攻读深入研究文凭(DEA)的外籍学生的招收 申请攻读综合理工大学深入研究文凭的学生必须获得法国大学第二阶段学习的文凭,

Postgraduate Diplomas:研究生文凭

攻读某些专业则需较长的时间,例如,攻读牙医、法律、工程、房屋和不动产管理专业学士课程的学习年限通常不少于4年,建筑学学制通常为四年半,医学学制通常为5年,研究生文凭(Postgraduate diplomas)课程学制位1年~2年,硕士课程学制要求至少1年,