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攻击 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
assail  ·  assault  ·  attack  ·  bombard  ·  foray  ·  impugn  ·  impugnment  ·  insult  ·  knock  ·  mug  ·  mugged  ·  mugs  ·  offense  ·  onfall  ·  onset  ·  pelt  ·  push  ·  scuff  ·  assailment  ·  impugnation  ·  scuffed  ·  sool  ·  assailed  ·  assailing  ·  assails  ·  assaulted  ·  assaults  ·  attacked  ·  attacking  ·  attacks  ·  bombarded  ·  bombarding  ·  bombards  ·  forayed  ·  foraying  ·  forays  ·  impugned  ·  impugning  ·  impugns  ·  insulted  ·  insults  ·  knocked  ·  knocks  ·  pelted  ·  pelts  ·  pushes  ·  scuffs  ·  onsets  ·  onslaughts

get after · go at · have a go at · set on · tear into · make at · tie into · have at · let into · lay hands on · thunder and lightning
更多网络例句与攻击相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

According to using easy company network safe expert introduces: According to the frangibility of Web application process that OWASP organization released 2007 the statistical result of 10 big ranks makes clear, the flaw of the script that cross a station, infuse, request that cross a station is forged, information divulges the problem that waits for a respect to remain the hacker's at present popular attack way, and be atttacked with SQL infuse especially among them and cross station script attack to attach most importance to, the lawful sex that infuse of so called SQL is atttacked even if uses programmer to do not have pair of user data-in when writing code undertakes judging, bring about the person that inbreak to be able to command through insert and carrying out baleful SQL, obtain data to read the attributive; that take and revises and attack of the script that cross a station is join baleful code through be in the webpage, when the person that visit browses a webpage, the administrator of means prevail on that baleful code can be carried out or ceases through giving an administrator post a letter is browsed, win administrator limits of authority thereby, control whole website.

据动易公司网络安全专家介绍:根据2007年 OWASP 组织发布的 Web 应用程序脆弱性10大排名的统计结果表明,跨站脚本、注入漏洞、跨站请求伪造、信息泄露等方面的问题仍然是现在黑客流行的攻击方式,而其中尤以SQL注入攻击和跨站脚本攻击为重,所谓的SQL注入攻击就是利用程序员在编写代码时没有对用户输入数据的合法性进行判定,导致入侵者可以通过插入并执行恶意SQL命令,获得数据读取和修改的权限;而跨站脚本攻击则是通过在网页中加入恶意代码,当访问者浏览网页时,恶意代码会被执行或者通过给治理员发信息的方式诱使治理员浏览,从而获得治理员权限,控制整个网站。

The harm of worms' outbreak becomes greater and greater. Such make worm detection and defense technology face an increasingly tough challenge. Attack Signature Automatically Generation technology is one of the key technologies, this paper focuses on the ASAG technology for research, its main jobs include: 1)Analyzed the research status of ASAG technology from the overall, described its design goals and evaluation criteria, and the current approaches' limitations is given. 2) After deeply researching and analyzing a various of ASAG systems, a basic framework for the network ASAG system is presented, and the detailed analysis of the main function of the components in the framework is also presented. 3)An attack capture model based on distributed honey-pots system is presented. This mode integrates the anomaly detection which based on the mode of dubiety score in the honey-pots, can do a second filter for the samples in honey-pots, and improve the purity of the samples captured. 4) A simple noise-resilience ASAG algorithm is presented, which used the behavioral characteristics of the worm outbreak to generate efficient signatures of samples in the suspicious dataset, which contains large amounts of noisy data, under the complex environment.

攻击特征自动提取技术是网络蠕虫防御技术的关键技术,本文围绕攻击特征自动提取技术开展研究工作,其主要工作包括: 1)对攻击特征自动提取技术的研究现状进行了综述,介绍其设计目标与评价标准,并指出了现有方法存在的局限性; 2)在深入研究与分析各种攻击特征提取系统的基础上,提出基于网络的攻击特征自动提取系统的基本框架,并详细分析框架中各部件的主要功能; 3)提出了基于分布式蜜罐系统的攻击样本捕获模型,该模型在分布式蜜罐系统的基础上,结合基于可疑度模型的异常检测,对蜜罐中的样本进行二次过滤,较好地提高了捕获样本的纯净度; 4)提出一种简单抗噪的攻击特征自动提取算法,该算法利用蠕虫爆发时的行为特征,在复杂环境下含有大量噪声数据的可疑样本训练集中提取有效的特征,降低对样本纯净度的依赖。

After discussion of the relation of MR〓 and ALT, an algorithm proposed by Zhongping Qin and Huanguo Zhang, two conclusions are obtained: if a weak key can be successfully attacked by the method of reduced echelon matrix, it can also be successfully attacked by a linear R〓R〓 transformation; meanwhile, there exists such a weak key that can be successfully attacked by the algorithm MR〓 or linear R〓R〓 transformation, but this key can not be successfully attacked by the algorithm ALT. For a NFA, according to the number of solutions for the image equation of its R〓R〓 transformation, there exist two sufficient criteria about its weak invertibility and weak inverse.


The intersexual aggression of male was significantly higher than the intersexual aggression of female and the intrasexual aggression of male. There was significant difference about male's aggression between two groups; but for female, there was no significant difference. The combat occurred intensely when two females met whether in male vs female or female vs female, but were both higher than the intrasexual aggression of male. With the increasing of meeting time, the male and female in female vs female decreased their aggression; the female in female vs male kept its aggression in high level. The component of aggression was resembled to the exhibition of aggression in every group.


If someone increases his aggressive behaviors, the aggression of the whole group will increase; 5 the aggressive behaviors of juvenile delinquents are rectifiable. It is effective by means of group training .


It gains better performance on periodical attacks over non-periodical attacks. IEEW is more suitable to DoS attacks. By constructing characters on normal flow, SMEW predicts unknown attacks with anomaly flow.Proposing an Intrusion Response Technical ArchitectureMost of active intrusion response technologies are covered.


Methods:a total of 50 patients of manic with agressive behavor and 50 patients with no agressive behavor were compaired with their rebation data.results: the two groups were signifcent different in brms and the dinical charaters.imply that the active,agression factor,dinical character of agressive history,irritably of brms were the agressive behavor danger factors.conclusions: to give nurse intervene and heath cducation in manic with agressive behavor early could decrease the agessive behavor mostly.


We define two security notions of identity based proxy multi-signature. One is existentially unforgeability under an adaptive chosen-message attack, an adaptive chosen-warrant attack and a given identity attack. The other is existentially unforgeability under an adaptive chosen-message attack, an adaptive chosen-warrant attack and an adaptive chosen-identity attack.


The main function of this system is to implement automatic analysis of malicious codes'attacking behavior by the dynamical analyzing method. The system has the flowing characteristics: 1 Automatizing the malicious codes analyzing flow which includes the attack information collection, the attack information analysis and the attack recovery. 2 Collecting comparatively detailed attack information. 3 Detecting many kinds of automatic running techniques of malicious codes. 4 Detecting a kind of attack technique of hiding information in registration table and several kinds of attack techniques of hiding process. 5 Implementing visual show of attack reports. 6 Preventing attack from diffusing by the technique of virtual machine. 7 Detecting some new malicious codes.


By analyzing the advantage and limitations of attack tree model, present a demand that we establish a new attack model for anti-attack test by integrating the attack multi-attribute classification.c Establish a penetration attack tree model for anti-attack test by integrating characteristics of multi-attribute attack classification and attack tree model, redefining attack tree nodes and redescribing the relations of them.


更多网络解释与攻击相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maternal aggression:母性攻击

若果攻击能去除挫折, 这攻击便会得到强化, 而同一情况而令动物引起攻击牲的机会率也会增加.母性攻击(Maternal aggression)其他动物对一雌性动物的幼仔作出威胁性姿态或靠近它们时,该雌性动物作出的任何类似攻击的反应.

air attack:空中攻击

[空中攻击](air attack)飞机和直升机从空中对空中目标进行的攻击. 是空战中直接以火力消灭敌机的决定性阶段. 按参加攻击的飞机和直升机数量,分为单机攻击和编队攻击;按攻击方式,分为同时攻击、轮番攻击、连续攻击;按攻击时飞机所在平面,


2.攻击强度(AP) 攻击强度(AP)直接影响战士的物理攻击力. 每14点AP提高战士1点DPS,每点DPS进而影响战士的物理攻击伤害. 1Str=2AP. 60级战士的基础攻击强度为160点,其余由力量(或特定装备/附魔)修正.

assailable:可攻击的, 易攻击的

assail | 攻击, 质问 | assailable | 可攻击的, 易攻击的 | assailant | 攻击

assailant:攻击者 攻击者

assassin 刺客,暗杀凶手 刺客,暗杀凶手 | assailant 攻击攻击者 | assault 攻击 攻击


AXE LORE:提高斧头类武器的攻击效果和攻击速度 | BALLISTICS:增加陷阱技能的回复速度和攻击速度 | BLADE:提高黑暗精灵刀刃类武器的攻击速度和攻击效果


+manticore 用毒爪攻击. | +griffon 按住攻击键集气以居合斩攻击,集气时间愈久威力愈大. | +thunderbird 攻击键连打以武术连续攻击.


鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗品名: 鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗规格: 0.2ml鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗价格: 询价鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗说明书:简单说明: 鼠抗人攻击素(aggressin)单抗英文名

Alef:攻击带雷属性 可攻击任何敌人

11 Anri 攻击带冰属性 攻击距离为2 | 12 Alef 攻击带雷属性 可攻击任何敌人 | 13 Tao 攻击带火属性 可攻击任何敌人

Cleaving Attack:劈裂攻击 攻击一定弧度內的敌人,随技能等级提升增加伤害量跟攻击范围

Mogrim The Warlord 战士 | Cleaving Attack 劈裂攻击 攻击一定弧度內的敌人,随技能等级提升增加伤害量跟攻击范围 | War Cry 战吼 暂时增加邻近的盟友最大生命值跟伤害值