英语人>词典>汉英 : 改进的人 的英文翻译,例句
改进的人 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与改进的人相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Actomyosin were purified from human heart, and further isolated into CMLC with urea degradation and ammonium sulfate precipitation, CMLCⅠ and CMLCⅡ were purified later from this CMLC by the improved PAGE method, both CMLCⅠ and CMLCⅡ were without any protein contamination.

从人心肌提取肌动球蛋白,用尿素降解法和硫酸铵沉淀法从肌动球蛋白中分离、纯化CMLC,应用改进的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法从总CMLC中分离CMLCⅠ和CMLC Ⅱ,二者均不含有任何杂蛋白。

Clauses restricting the assignee or licensee to make improvement on the technologies or to use such improved technologies


The general evaluator also can mention this as an area in need of improvement.


It were good therefore, that men in their innovations, would follow the example of time itself; which indeed innovated greatly, but quietly, and by degrees, scarce to be perceived: for otherwise, whatsoever is new, is unlocked for; and ever it mends some, and pairs other: and he that is holpen, takes it for a fortune, and thanks the time; and he that is hurt, for a wrong, and imputeth it to the author.


Those born under this sign are visionaries to the core and come with a pocketful of ideas on how to improve the human condition.


In this paper,a new adaptive image interpolation method based on edge,introducing rectangular interpolation and quincunx interpolation,putting forward the gradient weight function,motivated by the work of Nira Shezaf et al.,is presented.

引入了一种改进的保留图像边缘特征的自适应缩放插值方法,在Nira Shezaf等人提出的自适应插值算法的基础上进行了改进。

Do you know someone you would like to change and regulate and improve?


We want someone not just to cheerlead but to help us revamp our organization.


The large number of assumptions made in deducing the ideal model of the Humaniform Air Muscle result in significant differences between the ideal model and the real attributes of the Humaniform Air muscle. Therefore, the main factors affecting the ideal model including the elasticity and wall thickness of the rubber tube, its shape at both ends and the friction between the rubber and braided net, are analyzed. An improved model is proposed. A new type test-bed for HAM has been built.


On the control strategy of liquid temperature, devoleping precompensation PIDstrategy was adopted based on the previous works. Considering the whole system, weadapt Linux OS that is steady than the MCU. It can complete the experiment by manypeople and many PC through the net. The system used Linux operation system based onthe ARM9 as the real-time kernel and the nether application software developmentenvironment. So it\'s easy to extend and maintain the system.


更多网络解释与改进的人相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


20世纪初,南威尔士煤田因其工资低和骇人的(appalling)工作、生活条件而声名狼藉(notorious). 但在1946年,煤矿业国有化;那时候改进了矿井,改善了条件. 今天,南威尔士的矿工是英国收入最高的工人之一. 威尔士人常可以通过他的名字辨认出来:也许是Jone,


奥地利人(Austrian)本是爱号音乐的民族. 他们大部份的人信仰耶稣基督. 所以每到圣诞节在这崇山峻领的一些小镇和乡村里,许多歌唱世家的男女不断的把圣诞歌的词句和乐曲加以改进或创新. 他们也善长弹奏乐曲,而且几个人聚在火炉边,


发表在5月刊的>(Cephalalgia)期刊上的一项意大利研究表明上班族每隔2、3小时做些放松运动和姿势锻炼,可以消除和减轻疼痛. 经测试,在8个月的测试中,天天坚持运动的人比那些不改进生活习惯的人,其头痛、背痛和肩膀痛明显减少了40%以上,


"改进"(IMPROVE)这个词是一个值得引入的词. 另外一个值得引进的词就是"开放"(OPENTOTHEOUTSIDEWORLD). 第一要务是打开人们的眼界,让人体会到世界的丰富多彩及复杂多样. 从而使自己的人生也是丰富多彩的. 第二要务是要学会改进.


还有,最近有很多新西兰人(KIWI)都在评论北京的天气,什么天灰蒙蒙的,环境污染很厉害. 还和别的国家比来比去的. 不错,北京的污染是厉害,我们没有不承认,但是我们也在改进啊,这也不是半年一年能见到效果的. 这个你们怎么不说?

Pareto criterion:帕累托标准

131,帕累托标准(Pareto criterion) 帕累托标准是确定一种改变是否是一种改进的标准,根据这一标准,不损害任何人而能使大多数人(在他们看来)变得更好的改变才是一种改进.

QC circle:质量控制圈

除了这些革命性的举措之外,日本人还做了一些西方人从未有过的尝试:让各级员工参与到质量改进的流程中,创造质量控制圈(qc circle) 在10年的改进之后,为什么美国产品和服务的质量仍落后于日本?

cold gish:态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人

clean up one's act自我检点,自我改进 | cold gish 态度冷冰冰,没有热情的人 | come down in bucket 倾盆大雨


"志愿者"(Volunteers)是一个没有国界的名称,指的是在不为任何物质报酬的情况下,为改进社会而提供服务、贡献个人的时间及精神的人. 在西方较为普遍的观点是:志愿者是职业之外的"不受私人利益或强制法律驱使的人们的努力",其目的在于改进社会,

Institute training on the job:目的:通过提高人的能力来提高竞争力

5. Improve constantly and forever 目的:通过不断创新和改进,来长久保持竞争... | 6. Institute training on the job 目的:通过提高人的能力来提高竞争力. | 7. Institute leadership 目的:还是为了提高人的能力,而不...