英语人>词典>汉英 : 操作异常 的英文翻译,例句
操作异常 的英文翻译、例句


abnormal operation
更多网络例句与操作异常相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper described the concurrent operation caused by abnormal anomalies and how to resolve the problem.


It is atomic both from the point of view of undo/redo, and error recovery if an exception is thrown.


Hybrid Inlining is a good approach from mapping DTD to relational schema, it inlines lots of nodes into table, it reduces the number of joining table when we query table, but Hybrid Inlining has some problems when data is deleted or inserted.

Hybrid Inlining方法是一种比较常用的映射方法,此方法将多个元素内联到一个表中,从而可以降低查询时连接操作的次数,但同时也存在一些诸如删除异常、插入异常的问题。

The apparatus, which performs data communication with peripheral devices having an outdoor unit, a plurality of indoor units, a repeater and a wired remote controller, includes a level converter for serving as an interface to allow multiplex communication between the apparatus and the peripheral devices; and an abnormality detector connectable with the peripheral devices from a remote site through the level converter, the abnormality detector detecting a communication abnormality in the peripheral devices by automatically changing an operation mode thereof into a slave or master mode depending on whether an operation mode of each of the peripheral devices connected thereto is the master or slave mode.


Analysis of characteristic of MDF abnormity Based on the measuring data of mould friction of continuous slab casting in steel plant, the fluctuation characteristic of MDF and its rootmeansquare has been studied on the unstable conditions, such as breakout, temperature system warning, abnormity of submerged entry nozzle, mould level fluctuation, and on-line change of slab width.


Through propagate the key information of each opratores, the mechanism of data lineage can trace the data cleaning program, which construct over the traceable oprators so that we can analysis and explain the cleaning result. According to the analysis and research of the incremental mode and conflict of data modification, we can correct and improve the exceptions which appear during the data modification.


If you catch an exception in a transactional operation, always rethrow it or another exception.


Strictly follow up relative SOP and working instruction to work and operate, to ensure the first pass quality of product and packaging, timely report any abnormalities of quality and operation occurred during working and follow up to dispose.


Operation, a common anomaly (1) If there is no obvious OMNI valve operation, the proposed increase in annular operating pressure, if the tools for irregular running, most likely in the loop position of the first 3 laps of a 4 stroke position.


The operation staff should test all the running parts, connection, fixed parts, track and wire rope, etc. everyday before operate the machine, then vacancy load for 3 times to confirm reliable. When using it ,pay attention to the conditions of hoisting machine, sliding wheel, wire rope, hang coop. Make


更多网络解释与操作异常相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

behavior therapy:行为治疗

行为治疗(behavior therapy)又称行为矫正疗法. 其理论基础是巴甫洛夫的经典条件反射和斯金纳的操作条件反射强化学说. 它是根据行为学习及条件反射理论,消除和纠正异常行为并建立一种新的条件反射和行为的治疗方法. 由于行为疗法源于实验研究,


举例,有调用程序(Caller)和被调用程序(Callee),两者间调用接口用的参数list是P. Caller没有把P内的Pi域中的初值设定为'0',所以Callee侧是异常操作. 二、 构建对等网文件共享系统的激励机制. 这一部分首先分析了P2P网络中参与者之间对网络资源的竞争关系,


右图体现了错误(Fault)在整个WCF异常处理过程中的流转. 在DispatchRuntime的初始化过程中,WCF会根据服务的描述创建一系列的DispatchOperation对象. DispatchOperation对象可以看成是某个服务操作在运行时的表示,


)总而言之,以若干简单查询为基础而设计的资料检索代码最大的长处是:他把数据联结 (joining) 的重任由服务器转移到了客户端. 另一方面,由于客户端把数据记录分布于几个相互单独、易于链接的表内,因而数据查询操作异常灵活. 通常,

main path:主路径

因为它描述了当各项工作都正常进行时用例的工作方式,所以通常称其为 适当路径 (happy path) 或主路径 (main path) . 可选操作流程. 用例中很少使用的逻辑路径,那些在变更工作方式、出现异常或发生错误的情况下所遵循的路径.

operation code:操作码

这条指令在指令流中被表示为一个字节0xCC,也被称之为操作码(Operation Code)或者opcode. 在没有调试器的情况下,软件异常将被视作为一个普通的异常;否则,Windows操作系统将告诉调试器在这条指令的地址上发生了中断.


换言之,发明是关于操作的(operational )或实际的(practical)知识,而非概念的或理论的知识. 再者,以现代科学研究进步神速,产业技术发达异常,现有知识的成长像细胞分裂一样,向各方向突破扩大,成果无法想象. 呈现的发明态样,


NaN有两种形式:会产生信号(Signaling)的和不会产生信号的或称为安静的(Quiet). 当一个产生信号的NaN(SNaN)被用于操作时就会引发一个无效操作异常,而一个安静的NaN(QNaN)则不会. SnaN是一类会引发无效操作异常的数值.

Near Miss ect in time:异常情况、事故、事件、末遂事件必须及时汇报

? 操作严格按照操作规程(SOP)执行. Operator accordi... | ? 异常情况、事故、事件、末遂事件必须及时汇报. Report abnormal, accident, incident, Near Miss ect in time. | ? 按岗位要求正确佩带PPE. Wearing PPE acco...

Report abnormal, accident, incident, Near Miss ect in time:异常情况、事故、事件、末遂事件必须及时汇报

? 操作严格按照操作规程(SOP)执行. Operator accordi... | ? 异常情况、事故、事件、末遂事件必须及时汇报. Report abnormal, accident, incident, Near Miss ect in time. | ? 按岗位要求正确佩带PPE. Wearing PPE acco...