英语人>词典>汉英 : 摔到 的英文翻译,例句
摔到 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
founder  ·  foundered  ·  founders

更多网络例句与摔到相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While I conceitedly.


I fell in love with Poison's sleek design and craftsmanship.


Small any time which run to the school, person already debility, she don't know oneself to run to have how long and fall off several times.


Fisher's knees buckled; he sat down hard; Anderson tripped over Fisher's leg and fell on top of him, as flump bang crunch they heard the men on brooms slam into the upended car and fall, apparently insensible, to the ground, while broken bits of broomstick clattered down around them.


He dropped a plate on the ground,breaking it into pieces.


I went back with him to the 'Admiral Benbow,' and you cannot imagine a house in such a state of smash; the very clock had been thrown down by these fellows in their furious hunt after my mother and myself; and though nothing had actually been taken away except the captain's money-bag and a little silver from the till, I could see at once that we were ruined.


Ice after the first time North Korea to live behind the direction of his run, and observe the reaction knight, if knight s cross, then turned away immediately jump at the same time did not fall on the shock绊到shooting, or target, take pets, after the landing began flying guard for cheetah was generally slow down the Knights to open free, then God can try a-ling, but in all likelihood can not disperse, so the use of destruction at the same time.


Stand on the beam on the ball of one foot, lifting the other leg and using it and your arms to find a balance point. When you've mastered that, try standing on one leg with the other leg behind you, and then lean forward with your upper body while raising your back leg as high as possible, using only your outstretched arms as stabilizers to stave off a face plant.


While this exercise can be done on a thick length of chain, a tightrope, or even a two-by-four suspended on a pair of sawhorses, the ideal tool is a standard gymnastic balance beam. Stand on the beam on the ball of one foot, lifting the other leg and using it and your arms to find a balance point.


The small rabbit took a stick, walked the river, he accidentally thrown to, and was gravel tripped.


更多网络解释与摔到相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


他正好落到船舷上缘(gunwale),晃悠了几秒钟. 一个水手抓住了他前胸的夹克,这样他人就向前倾倒而不是向后. 即使是一个水手粗壮的手臂也不能将他扶起身来. 他整个人向前跌倒,双脚朝天,摔到第二排的水手身上. 他如炮弹一样撞到他们身上,

Can you pay in advance of shipment:你们可以在货送到之前付款么

His glasses fell down on the floor and broke up. 他的眼镜掉在地上摔碎了. | Can you pay in advance of shipment? 你们可以在货送到之前付款么? | Please turn in the tests. 请把考卷交上来.


"啊--"朱莉安娜(juliana)向后退去. "啊,好疼"朱莉安娜(juliana)摸了摸脑袋. 睁开眼睛看到自己倒在一片树丛中,刚刚脑袋撞到了一块小石头. "原来是梦呀--"这时朱莉安娜(juliana)才想起自己昨天跑了一天,结果跑到这摔了一跤就昏了过去.

fall on top of:掉到了......上面

fall in 在......失败,(考试)不及格 | fall on top of 掉到了......上面 | fall off 从......掉下来/摔下来




阿三滑过去双方解摔,算时间瞬移到后面吃下重手,对放气功,然后准备吃ex手刀等时间到(time out)

The Wrestler:摔角王

"--最佳女配角提名 梅丽莎.托梅 - >(The Wrestler)"几年前我还不敢想象这样的事情会发生在我身上. 演好戏,赚点钱就挺乐的了. "-- 最佳男配角提名 乔希.博林 Josh Brolin - >(Milk)"还不知道我们会先拿到哪个奖,

the gun skidded across the floor there:枪被摔到那边

And...|然后... | the gun skidded across the floor there...|枪被摔到那边... | and l picked it up.|我捡了起来

Okay, I maimed him. He's flopping down on the street:好吧我只是把他弄残了 他摔到了路上

- I just killed a man! - You didn't kill h... | Okay, I maimed him. He's flopping down on the street.|好吧我只是把他弄残了 他摔到了路上 | Now might be a good time to invoke your motto, "Don't talk abou...

He fell on ice. Guys, Bob:他摔到冰窟窿里了 大伙儿 鲍勃

Wait a minute. Where's Bob?|等等 鲍勃去哪? | He fell on ice. Guys, Bob!|他摔到冰窟窿里了 大伙儿 鲍勃! | Where's my dad?|我爸爸去哪?