英语人>词典>汉英 : 摇晃 的英文翻译,例句
摇晃 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reel  ·  roll  ·  shimmy  ·  swag  ·  teeter  ·  tremble  ·  wabble  ·  weave  ·  wobble  ·  reeled  ·  stot  ·  reels  ·  shimmied  ·  shimmies  ·  shimmying  ·  swagging  ·  swags  ·  teetered  ·  teetering  ·  teeters  ·  trembled  ·  trembles  ·  wabbled  ·  wabbling  ·  weaves  ·  wobbled  ·  wabbles

更多网络例句与摇晃相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The breeze starts to blow to fall in pieces as the flower of the passing years, but your smiling face flutter, becoming my life on the way to embellish the most beautifully, seeing a day, see snow, see the season profound blurred shadow.


The wind flies the broken days like the petals,and your smile is shining,becoming the most beautiful charm in the journey of my life, look at the sky,the snow, the darksome shadow of seasons.


As I walked slowly past, and indeed I may even have paused, or faltered, rather, he stuck the toe of his plimsoll into the gravel to stop the swinging gate and looked at me with an expression of hostile enquiry.


The wind sang in the taut weather-rigging, and blustered around Bush's ears as he stood on the starboard side of the quarterdeck, balancing to the roll as the roaring wind sent one massive grey wave after another hurrying at the ship; the starboard bow received the wave first, beginning a leisurely climb, heaving the bowsprit up towards the sky, but before the pitch was in any way completed the ship began her roll, heaving slowly over, slowly, slowly, while the bowsprit rose still more steeply.


The bars shuck with me,and with them shaking there was a noise. I shuck harder.


In practice, the mighty shinbashira either conveys the surplus energy of the swaying pagoda to the ground by dragging its base over the foundations—or, if dangling freely, begrudgingly swings a little.


That pitter patter of pedestrian feet caused the structure to visibly rock, earning it the nickname "the wobbly bridge."


They said your smiling face, also attractive down and out; In my life warm that many, I have given you completely, but will you leave me, you have called me later how again to smile to others; Once also some smiling face appeared in mine life, but finally like fog dissipation, but that smiling face, became rapids rivers which in my heart deep buried deeply, was unable to swim across, that rivers sound, became singing which my each night despaired every day; Every world making noise with bright, the common custom joy and the unhappiness, is similar to the clear mountain stream, in the wind, in me at present, gurgles, is similar to the water seepage to well up equally warm, I do not have the wild hope, so long as I you are joyful, do not have to be sad; The wind blows like the flower stave fleeting time, but your smiling face sways, becomes in my life the most beautiful embellishment, looks the day, looks at the snow, looks at the season deep shadow; A person must walk the strange road, looked the strange scenery, listens to the strange song.


When the youth had disappeared a moment later, Isgrimnur bent and shook Towser-gently at first, then with increasing vigor as it became apparent that the little man was well and truly swotted; even the firmest agitation produced only faint noises of protest.


When the baby crying or sleep, some impatient baby's mother will hold in the arms or placed in a cradle rocking, never dreamed that this practice is very harmful to the baby because the shaking so that the baby's brain concussion in the skull cavity, no The General Assembly mature brain and skull harder collided, causing the surface of the brain tissue of small blood vessels rupture, causing "minor brain injury concussion syndrome", light from the occurrence of epilepsy, mental retardation, paralysis of limbs and severe cases, there may be cerebral edema, life-threatening brain herniation.


更多网络解释与摇晃相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


bonesetting | 接骨术 | boneshaker | 破旧摇晃的车子 | boney | 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的

Cuban Rock:古巴摇晃

Lady Underarm Turn 女伴在臂下转 | Cuban Rock 古巴摇晃 | Natural Opening Out Movement 右分展步

falteringly:迟疑地; 摇晃地; 支吾地 (副)

faltering 犹豫的; 蹒跚的; 支吾的 (形) | falteringly 迟疑地; 摇晃地; 支吾地 (副) | famed 著名的, 闻名的 (形)

wag from side to side:左右摇晃

Voting Rights Bill 选举权法案 | wag from side to side 左右摇晃 | wagging dance 摇摆舞

oscillating granulator:摇晃式制粒机

研磨机 grinding machine | 摇晃式制粒机 oscillating granulator | 药膜剂机械 medicine film drug machinery

lotus is high-hearted and swag gently:荷花清高轻摇晃

女声齐唱 female chorus: | 荷花清高轻摇晃,lotus is high-hearted and swag gently | 可惜不染污泥美名传四方. The fame no imbruing with mud is regrettable.

Harold, incensed, shook the hell out of it for no apparent reason:哈洛感到愤怒 没由来的疯狂摇晃它

"Harold frantically grabbed his lamp.|哈洛... | Harold, incensed, shook the hell out of it for no apparent reason!|哈洛感到愤怒 没由来的疯狂摇晃它 | And smashed it on the ground, kicking it repeatedly!|...


等到流浪少年回来後与他交谈,会得到一张密码纸(Paper)跟一个开锁器(Lockpick);回到街上後,朝东南走,将开锁器插入门上的锁中,接著开锁 的次序是"推(Push)"、"上下摇晃(Jiggle)"、"旋转(Turn)",门 就会啪一声打开了.

shook:摇晃 ","摇晃

"shone","发亮 ","发亮 " | "shook","摇晃 ","摇晃 " | "shoot","射击 ","射击 "


jiggle 轻轻摇晃 | jiggly 摇晃的 | jigsaw 锯曲线机;用锯曲线机锯;使互相交错搭接;竖锯