英语人>词典>汉英 : 摄像机镜头 的英文翻译,例句
摄像机镜头 的英文翻译、例句


camera lens
更多网络例句与摄像机镜头相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On the basis of analyzing complete camera distortion model,a new calibration algorithm is proposed.


If there is only one accessory you will purchase for the lens of your camera or camcorder, this should be the one.


A camera calibration method with co-line points is proposed, in which distortion center is located according to cross ratio invariability, and then distortion coefficients are calculated based on a line's central projection is a line.


This exhibit in the shape of a pen is includes a large-screen indicator, which faces the video camera. The video-output terminal of the camera is connected to the video-input terminal of the indicator. The indicator constantly transmits its own images to the camera lens. Each time the indicator transmits an image, the image becomes smaller. The input and output signals are repeatedly iterated producing a series of similar, small graphs.


Working distance-the distance from the front of the camera lens to the object under inspection


The multiple camera positions that record these activities are proprioceptors, satellites of distributed identity communicating between themselves from their various eccentric orbits, only tenuously locked together in time.


Taking into account of exacted vision measurement ,this paper brings forward a method which bases on plane gridding model to proofread the aberrant cameral lens.


Nonmetric calibration of camera lens distortion.


Real-life footage from TV cameras, mobile phones and camcorders relives the moment when swarms invade our lives.


Every home game is registered with 8 cameras. Every player will be scouted and analyzed.

每次主 场比赛,都会有8部摄像机镜头,记录每个运动员的运动以便事后分析。

更多网络解释与摄像机镜头相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Antony Hoffman:安东尼.霍夫曼

摄影大师安东尼.霍夫曼(Antony Hoffman)与女主角林志玲探讨角色演绎和镜头形象摄影大师安东尼.霍夫曼(Antony Hoffman)手持摄像机,记录下的不仅是时尚秀场的艺术风尚,更是奔驰GLK灵动实用的车身造型和个性超凡的设计风貌.

asphodel:日光兰, 常春花, 水仙

aspherics | (尤指用于摄像机及电影摄影机的) 非球面镜头 | asphodel | 日光兰, 常春花, 水仙 | asphyxia | 窒息, 昏厥

century:世纪 ","世纪

.世纪(CENTURY)附加镜和变换....[摘要]用于佳能XL2摄像机的专业附加镜系列 具有先进技术的镜头附件色差...世纪(CENTURY)附加镜和变换.....[摘要]...HDR-FX1E摄像机的专业附加镜系列 采用世纪(...世纪(CENTURY)附加镜和变换...

cinematic:电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画

Camera 镜头 设定摄像机的位置及改变方式 | Cinematic 电影 设定游戏中即时演算的过场动画 | Countdown Timer 倒数计时器 又称定时器或计时器,用于倒数计时或定时发生事件

angular field of view:视场角

3.2、视场角(Angular field of View)摄像机通过镜头能看到一定的景物范围,从镜头的主平面中心到这一景物范围两边边缘所张的角,叫视场角,也可简称视角.

lens gasket:透镜垫片

lens for television camera 电视摄像机用镜头 | lens gasket 透镜垫片 | lens grinding 透镜磨光

Lens hood:透镜遮光罩

lens for television camera 电视摄像机用镜头 | lens hood 透镜遮光罩 | lens of camera 摄影机镜头


medium shot 中景镜头 | minicam 便携式电子摄像机,小型摄像机 | miniseries 微型连续剧,电视连续短剧


主营产品: 数码相机(佳能) 数码摄像机(佳能) 镜头(佳能) 镜头(SIGMA) 镜头(腾龙) 闪光灯(佳能)主营产品: 数码相机(佳能) 数码相机(尼康) 数码相机(松下) 数码摄像机(佳能) 数码相机(三星) 数码相机(SONY) 数码摄像机(SONY)


VALVE 阀门 | WARM START - UP: 温态启动 | ZOOM: 摄像机镜头