英语人>词典>汉英 : 搏动 的英文翻译,例句
搏动 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
beating  ·  pulsate  ·  pulse  ·  strike  ·  pulsated  ·  pulsates  ·  pulses  ·  strikes  ·  beathing

beat rhythmically
更多网络例句与搏动相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Expression and Beat Frequency in Rat Myocardial Cells


Nurse 2.1 nurse commonly it is 10min of ~ of 5min of patient bubble foot with Wen Shui every night, use bibulous towel gentleness and wipe thoroughly, besmear equably with vegetable oil next at the patient double sufficient, massage gently absorb adequately what make, in order to achieve bit of skin softness, cleared scale, avoid weather-shack end. Clip fingernail shoulds not be too short, lest injure armour channel afterwards to send infection, do not stick adhesive plaster of cutaneous having damage, notice sufficient ministry heat preservation, footgear is appropriate, do not pass too small, excellent, close.


Methods 140 patients whose progesterone below 63.6 nmol/L, no heart tube impulse within 8 weeks or pregnancy test of urine is positive but the blastula were not detected by B ultrasound were divided into two groups, respectively 70 cases.


Methods: A total of 470 cases of type 2 diabetic lower-extremity arteries were detected with ES-1000SPM Doppler ultrasound equipment. The ankle/brachium index, arteria dorsalis pedis or arteria tibialis posterior's pulsatility index and resistent index were measured.


7 Inspection brachium artery responded that, The hand pinches the pressure rubber ball, simulates the brachium artery to pulsate


Methods One hundred patients with heart disease were divided into two groups:Group of pulsatile perfusion and group of continuous nonpulsatile flow perfusion.


B. More sensitive to pulsatile pressure than nonpulsatile pressure.


By continuous perfusion with calcium free Ringer solution, the activity of the hypodynamic toad heart may be augmented with certain phosphatides or soaps.


A statistically significant difference was found in certain parameters including the umbilical artery pulsatility index and the middle cerebral artery pulsatility index.


Methods The rabbits were anesthetized and removed the heart. The left atrium was isolated and fixed on the atrial perfusion system and paced by electrical stimulation. Atrial pulse pressure was measured via a pressure transducer connected to the intra-atrial catheter and recorded on a physiograph.

方法将大耳白兔耳缘静脉注射乌拉坦(20 mg/kg)麻醉后,立即开胸取出心脏,剥离左心房迅速固定在心房灌流装置上,并给予适宜的电刺激使心房搏动,利用生理记录仪持续记录相关药液影响下的心房搏动压的变化,并读取每搏输出量。

更多网络解释与搏动相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

jugular phlebogram:颈静脉搏动图

Judkins pigtail left ventriculography catheter 贾金斯猪尾状左心室造影导管 | jugular phlebogram 颈静脉搏动图 | jugular venous pulse 颈静脉搏动


pulpar cell 脾细胞 | pulsatile 搏动的 | pulsating 搏动

pulsatile flow:搏动血流

搏动灌注-pulsatile perfusion | 搏动血流-pulsatile flow | 搏动血流泵-pulsatile flow pump

pulsatile perfusion:搏动灌注

* 波状碟片-convoluted discs | 搏动灌注-pulsatile perfusion | 搏动血流-pulsatile flow


pulsatile 搏动的 | pulsating 搏动的 | pulsating vacuole 收缩泡


pulp tester 试髓器(牙) | pulsation 搏动 | pulsator 搏动式人工呼吸器

throbbing aorta:搏动性腹主动脉

throatless nozzle 无喉部喷管 | throbbing aorta 搏动性腹主动脉 | throbbing pain 搏动性疼痛


cerebro- 脑 | cerebrometer 脑搏动计,脑搏动描记器 | cerebroscope 脑病检眼镜(查眼底血客)


pulsation 搏动 | pulsative 搏动的 | pulsatory 搏动

premature beat:过早搏动

过早搏动(premature beat)亦称期前收缩,期外收缩,简称早搏.是一种提早的异位心搏按起源部位可分为窦性,房性,房室交接处性和室性四种.其中以室性最多见,其次为房性,窦性过早搏动罕见.过早搏动是常见的异位心律.可发生在窦性或异位性(如心房颤动)心律的基础上.可偶发或频发,