英语人>词典>汉英 : 措施 的英文翻译,例句
措施 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
measure  ·  measures

更多网络例句与措施相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They can provide basis for relative units to formulate and implement effective cultural measures so as to give their full play in the treatment of Taihu Lake. Lake Biwa ; Taihu Lake ; cultural measures


Starting with the analysis on discriminatory nature of transitional product-specific safeguard clause, in this chapter the paper sets forth its views that this clause has been violating the basic principles of WTO, worsening the trade environment of developing countries and undermining the fair and undicriminating principles of Safeguard Agreement. The paper then make a further analysis on the basic elements of the prerequisite for implementation of the clause and the legislativeactions of other WTO members in a more detailed way and summarizes the irrationalities and harmfulness of the clause.


A rare affection on Potassium uptake by fertilizer and topping and a high genetical stability were obtained.


Among them very multinomial and direct or indirect design reachs relevant industry to sensor, detailed situation is as follows: The computer reachs peripheral equipment: Hold pattern recognition of GPS receiver, graph and processing system; Microelectronics and photoelectron yuan parts of an apparatus: Cadmium of parts of an apparatus of coupling of CCD photoelectricity carry on one's shoulder, tellurium is mercuric , infra-red detector; CMOS image sensor; Communication equipment reachs a product: Smooth communication is metric with the instrument that monitor; Civil spacecraft reachs ground facilities: Spacecraft is lukewarm control a product; Automation machinery reachs device: Industrial robot and intelligent robot; Electromechanical key foundation: Intelligent air cylinder, intelligence changes model carapace breaker (voltage 380V, 660V, voltaic 1000A), prevent adopt device of dead apply the brake , the electron controls vehicle of the automatic gear-box, dynamoelectric steering gear that help strength, car to carry diagnostic system, gasoline engine electronic-controlled engine of device, derv is electronic-controlled car of device, alternative fuel changes device, car; Instrument appearance reachs a system: GPS car fixed position, monitoring calls the police attemper system, colliery installs all inspection to measure general management system, hydroelectric station to monitor control system, automatic cruise automatically to control a system (the car is auxiliary drive system), the electron collects fees administrative system (ceaseless car electron pays cost the system), two-phase; New-style medical apparatus and instruments: Medical sensor; Inorganic metalloid material: Component of the pottery and porcelain that suppress report, lukewarm characteristic thermal resistor ; New-style the sources of energy reachs equipment: The solar battery reachs package; The environment monitors an instrument: Monitor appearance, CO automatically to monitor appearance, automatic acid rain automatically sampler and determine appearance, soot, dust is automatic sampler and determine appearance, flue gas is automatic sampler and determine steam of end of appearance, car determines automatically appearance, portable poisonous and harmful gas determines quality of air of type of appearance, flow; The exploration of the sources of energy and mineral products resource develops device: MWD is followed get oil of logging instrument, numerical control monitor below well of deep well logging instrument, colliery reach calamity to forecast; The project measures and equipment of earthly physics observation: Project acceleration measures system, much general to strap weather radar (use be concerned with or double polarization technology), intelligence atmosphere sensor (contain lukewarm, press, irradiation level of wet, wind, precipitation, dew point, sun), personal computer control is automatic and perpendicular artesian well system , marine atmosphere; 1 2 of on one page issues one page


It is reported, measure of safe protection technology includes safe audit measure, prevent virus, defend attack technology measure, important database and systematic equipment back up redundantly measure.


We can mak use of the combination of two policy. Suggestions: In order to improve RUD in rural areas of China and RUD researches, the researcher suggested: 1.Pay more attention to the manager's impact on improving RUD and make use of its paradigm and leading impact. 2.Apply ten core interventions including STG and EDL. They are applying STG, applying EDL, developing a drug management department and perfecting its function, educating health workers, supervising and checking up the use of drugs, developing independent drug information system, carrying out public education, economic interventions, improving the work rate of drug use and health workers by ensuring sufficient budget. 3. Make use the pressure of applying the new-type CMS and apply many types of interventions to improve RUD in rural areas.

建议:为进一步促进农村地区合理用药,完善农村地区合理用药研究,建议: 1、重视乡镇卫生院院长在促进合理用药中的作用,充分发挥其示范、带动作用; 2、实施以临床诊疗规范、基本药物目录为主的十条核心干预措施,具体包括:实施临床诊疗规范、实施基本药物手册、建立医院药事管理机构,完善相关职能、开展医务人员培训、开展用药督导和审核、建立独立的药物信息提供体系、开展药物的公共教育、经济措施、保证政府投入以提高用药和医务人员的工作效率; 3、利用实施新型农村合作医疗制度的压力机制,综合使用多种措施协同促进合理用药; 4、多部门协作共同促进农村地区合理用药,由合作医疗和医疗救助等保障制度管理部门、财政部门、卫生行政部门、药品监管部门、工商行政部门、物价部门、媒体等共同参与,各司其责,共同促进农村地区合理用药; 5、在合理用药评价研究中应密切注意农村地区药品利用不足问题,建立正确的评价假设; 6、构建适合我国国情的完善的合理用药干预措施效果评价指标体系,加强标准值研究。

Bill call in it 《 breach the succour measure of contract 》 one text, for particular implement of the restriction order of order or order type, only under the circumstance that indemnification isn't a kind of full of succour measure, square can make;Under the circumstance that make up for loss a rightness is at first likely to be a kind of full succour measure, the court be not quasi- to compulsive the other party for special implement, this is one regulation rule;Order type restriction order have to also under the circumstance that indemnification gold isn't a kind of full succour measure is just made by court.


From semiconductor and passive component, integrated circuit design, electron is assembled with make equipment, material without lead, to the test attestation serves multivariate focusing, from stick a yuan of parts of an apparatus, down to tinily the PCB board, equipment that nod glue, surface sticks furnish equipment, solder the equipment new product that involves an electron to assemble process of science and technology, in can handing in meeting electron high to exhibit rich item on display, find.


From the author' s point of view, there are four feasible measures to improve the situation of salinization in Heihe River irrigated area, namely agricultural technical measures, water conservancy projects, biogeographical improvement and chemical improvement.


We analyse briefly owes main reasons that the area ecological environment destroyed,and emphasize necessity that retire the area of mining abandoning field of Dongma countryside in Xi Chou County and we aimed at problem that have had ,and exemplify restroyed suggestions that a few minings abandon the field ecological environment restoring measure , mainly it includes the measure of education and concept,the measure of science and technology,project measure, ecological measure, policy and law measure.


更多网络解释与措施相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Anticompetitive practices:防止竞争措施 防止竞争措施

animal cruelty 虐畜罪 虐畜罪 | anticompetitive practices 防止竞争措施 防止竞争措施 | antitrust act 反托拉斯法案,发信托案 反托拉斯法案,发信托案

Austerity measures:财政紧缩措施, 紧缩措施

austerity budget | 紧缩预算, 紧缩财政 | austerity measures | 财政紧缩措施, 紧缩措施 | austerity | 严峻, 严厉, 朴素, 节俭, 苦行

Austerity measures:紧缩措施;节约措施

austere budgetary policies;预算紧缩政策;; | austerity measures;紧缩措施;节约措施;; | Austin;奥斯汀;;

cautionary measures:注意措施, 预防措施

remainder theorem 余部定理 | cautionary measures 注意措施, 预防措施 | stability constant 稳定常数

coherent set of policy measures:一整套政策措施;一套一致的政策措施

COHEN, Yohanan;约翰南.科恩;; | coherent set of policy measures;一整套政策措施;一套一致的政策措施;; | cohesion fund;团结基金;;


counter immunoelectrophoresis 对流免疫电泳 | countermeasure 相应措施;干预措施 | counting 计数

enforcement measure:强制执行的措施;执法措施

enforcement agency;执法机构;; | enforcement measure;强制执行的措施;执法措施;; | enforcement of the award;执行裁决; 裁决的执行;;

first-aid measures:急救措施急救措施急救措施急救措施

4 = Severe Hazard 极为严重危害 | 4. First Aid Measures 急救措施急救措施急救措施急救措施 | EYES 眼睛眼睛眼睛眼睛:

Grey area measures:灰色区域措施

由于这些措施不受总协定的法律约束,其实施前后无需通知总协定或其他相关成员方,因而缺乏足够的透明度,有些措施甚至连政府是否进行过干预亦不得而知,故通称为"灰色区域贸易限制措施"(grey area trade restraints),简称为"灰色区域措施"(grey area measures).

preventive measure against rats:防鼠措施

preventive management 事前预防管理 | preventive measure against rats 防鼠措施 | preventive measures 防护性措施,预防措施