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推测上 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
presumably  ·  presumedly

更多网络例句与推测上相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Granulosus is further;2. In differentiation of closely relatedspecies, the changes in heterochromatin and pericentric inversions are key factors, this is wellnoted in the small chromosomes;3. A. mantzorum has well-differentiated XY type sex chromo-'.omes, the Y chromosome is mainly composed of euchromatin, but has strong C-band in themiddle of the long arm. It is suggested that the Y chromosome of A. mantzorum is in the-initial stage of sex chromosome differentiation.


The results in L.awera demonstrated all 10 chromosome of type I were not telocentric but acrocentric chromosome.


According to our results, since BaP increased the expression of COX2 and pp38 to reduce the osteoblast differentiation and this phenomenon can reverse by treatment of NS398, but not by treatment of SB203580, suggesting that COX2 activation plays an important role on osteoblast differentiation. Adlay could increase osteoblast differentiation, in co-culture system, and reverse the osteoporotic status in mice, would be a helpful healthy food for enhance osteoblast differentiation. However, about, TBT, we didn't have enough data to support its effect on the differentiation of osteoblast or osteoclast.


To summarize molecular, morphology, chromosome and pollen characters, the conclusion was reached that Epimedium was an nd monophyletic taxon. To divide the genus into any groups would be artificial. It is proposed that the disjunction by space, climate and seas were the main reason of respectively differentiation of each group by the view of geographic and climate changes in the temperate zone of the world. Because of its evolution-conservation, the disjunction did not bring about obvious divergence on the level of molecular and morphology.


Seen from clinical effect, haemodynamics and general condition both better in rats treated with dexamethasone than rats treated with saline. We had a presumption on these grounds that the sum of negativity myodynamia generated byβ3-AR up-regulation andα1-AR down-regulation possibly less than positive myodynamia generated byβ1-AR up-regulation. 5 For patients with DCHF, adding prednisone to the usual care resulted in significant relief of the congestive symptoms, which was accompanied with a potent diuresis with time and an improvement in renal function.


The signals look like noncontinuous beads on the DNA fiber,which consist of multi-copy and arrange tandemly.Fiber-FISH results with 45S rDNA probe showed that an average signal length is about 3~11μm in many tandem copy sequence(measure number,n=8),so we estimated the size of each copy to be approximately 11~30kb in cotton genome.There are dual signals on each end of the mitosis metaphase chromosomes and pachytene chromosomes hybridized with telomere DNA probe.The signals also look like non-continuous beads on the DNA fiber,the length is about 1~9μm,so we estimated the size is about 4~27kb.The signals almost covered the whole mitosis metaphase chromosomes and pachytene chromosomes of G.arboretum Shixiya 1 hybridized with gDNA probe,the euchromatin zone and heterochromatin zone were identified clearly on pachytene chromosomes,and the signals also look like non-continuous beads.Two BAC clones 150-D-24 and 182-F-9 in DNA BAC library of Pima90 were selected as probe to hybridize with mitosis metaphase chromosomes,pachytene chromosomes and DNA fiber of G.raimondii.

棉花FISH技术系统的应用研究。45S rDNA在亚洲棉石系亚1号中期和粗线期染色体上有两对大的信号,在DNA纤维上信号为非连续的念珠状,多个拷贝串联排列,每个拷贝长度大约在3~11μm,推测每个拷贝的实际长度为11~30kb;端粒序列在亚洲棉石系亚1号中期和粗线期染色体端部都有双点信号,在DNA纤维上信号也为非连续的念珠状,不同染色体上信号长度大约在1~9μm不等,推测实际长度为4~27kb;gDNA信号几乎布满整个亚洲棉石系亚1号中期和粗线期染色体,在粗线期染色体上能明显区分出常染色质区和异染色质区,DNA纤维上的信号均为非连续的念珠状。

Compared the similarity and difference of distribution of homologous fragments on X and Y, we suggested that the sex chromosomes of spiny eel have evolved from a pair of homologous ancestral chromosomes, and during the evolution, a pericentric inversion might have occurred on the original Y chromosome, and subsequently terminal regional duplication might have followed, eventually resulting in the differentiation and formation of X and Y chromosomes, then the recombinants between sex chromosomes were repressed, so the sex chromosomes could be inherited steadily.


In the past, the traditional method is with geophysical method to research motion and interrelation of tectonic plate, explore the evolution process and dynam...


"Presumably because you would have said 'and what makes you so certain'," Katze smirked.

&推测上因为你会说'和什麼使你如此确定'&,Katze 嘻嘻做笑。

The star presumably ejected the illuminated dust shells in previous outbursts.


更多网络解释与推测上相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

dead reckoning:推测航行

新型ADIS 16355惯性测量单元(IMU)采用了ADI的iMEMS Motion Signal Processing Technology(动作信号处理技术),使得那些第一次要在其系统上配备复杂的动作分析以及原本用于军事防御、航天工程,以及其它尖端应用领域的导航用定点推测航行(dead reckoning)功能的工业设计人员,

depose that:(在法庭上)作证

67. considering that 考虑到; conj. 考虑到; 考虑到 | 68. depose that (在法庭上)作证 | 69. put that and that together 根据现有事实[材料]得出结论; 作出合理的推测

epithelial cell:上皮细胞

2.1.3 上皮细胞(Epithelial cell)肠上皮细胞作为屏障的功能已经为人熟知,最近有学者推测它具有口服耐受和免疫成年人抑制介导的功能. 当大量的食物乳房、微生物和化学抗原拥入小肠时,必须降低免疫成年人反应来避免过分的报告炎症反应.

press ahead with sth:(不顾困难地)继续进行

694press ahead继续进行 | 695press ahead with sth.(不顾困难地)继续进行 | 696presumablyad. 推测上,假定上,大概


presubterminal 前亚端的 | presume 怙 | presumedly 推测上


presumably /推测上/假定上/大概/想必/似真地/假定地/ | presumedly /推测上/大概/ | presuming /爱管闲事的/**的/冒昧的/


他们好像促进了艺术的发展或者从出土的艺术品上可以推测(speculate)他们的情况,这里不太确定. 但关于他们的具体情况并没有文字记载. 2,关于化学元素周期表的发展: 门捷列夫和另一个M打头的人,先是发现相似性,



All you have here are a number of titillating speculations:你这里只有一些表面上的推测而已

It would be fatally irresponsible and libelous... | All you have here are a number of titillating speculations.|你这里只有一些表面上的推测而已 | Flamboyant theories that tarnish a man,and a well-known ...

Isn't it true these wormholes are merely theoretical predictions:蛀洞无非是理论推测,不是吗

...passed instantaneously on Earth.|...在地球上只... | Isn't it true these wormholes are merely theoretical predictions?|蛀洞无非是理论推测,不是吗? | There is no evidence they actually exist?|且毫无证据...