英语人>词典>汉英 : 接近于 的英文翻译,例句
接近于 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
approximate  ·  approximated  ·  approximates

close to · near to · on the verge of · hard upon · anywhere near · verge on
更多网络例句与接近于相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

By using the infrared ray, a new kind of noncontact collector ring, named as noncontact infrared collector ring, is developed for the first time.


In switching tactics from proletarian dictatorship to a union of all groups, Mao was certainly closer to the February Revolution in Russia or even in some respects to the French Revolution or a Cromwellian peasant war than to the October Revolution.


An example of dynamic simulation of a higher-order cumulant based speech analysis and synthesis system is realized in SIMULINK by -function.


The results of lattice beam internal force calculated method based on double parameter groundsill model are more approach the experiment measured values because of consideration of the pass of shearing force in soil, and its calculated workloads are similar with the method of winkler elastic foundation. Besides, the thesis also discusses the moment of torque affected results on node stress situation and the correction of stress value at the bottom of cross node of lattice beam. Due to the repeat calculation of node area during internal force calculation, the stress value of the bottom of beam is lower, this may lead the calculated value unsafe, but the corrected stress value will more approach to practical situation.


If there are two such numbers, then the one that is closest to positive infinity is returned.


Thus, along with that the geometry of a particle is closer to a plane gradually the freezing temperature will approach to the temperature of water nucleation on a plane until two temperatures join up.

于是, 随着粒子的几何形态接近于平面,结冰温度也将接近于水分在平面上的结冰行为,直到二者相衔接。

As for sulfur isotopic composition, the general feature of two types deposits is a single peak distribution. All δ〓s values of the ores are near zero. The difference of different deposits lies in that the δ〓s values (1. 8-5. 2‰) of LDT are of small positive value and are similar to that of the metamorphic rocks and dioritic porphyrites in the region while the δ〓s values of SDT are always near zero. Features above suggest that two types of deposits have closely genetic relationship to metamorphic and magmatic rocks.


None of the four models could work well in the scenario 2, under explored stock, however they got accurate results in scenario 1, regulated stock. The Schnute model work well in full explored stocks such as scenario 1, 3, 4 and 5, especially in low biomass stocks such as scenario 3, but not suitable to the under explored stocks such as scenario 2. The W-H model generally performed well in all kind of scenarios especially in scenario 1, 4, and 5. In the swordfish, xiphias gladius, fishery, estimation of W-H model and D-Fox model produced MSY about 14000 ton, very near the result of Prager in 1996.The author tentatively explored the suitable fishing condition for the models to stock assessment.


Compared to the flat culture, cells in 3-D culture more closely mirror what happens in living organisms in morphology, cell alinements, polarization, microenviroments, gene expression pattern and other biological characters. Therefore,3-D culture is useful to investigate the molecular mechanism of nasopharyngeal carcinogenesis.


The temperature gradient is larger in case ofussual half-zone model which has a uniform temperature distribution on the hot rod,andmodified half-zone model which has a non-uniform temperature distribution in the hotrod and negative radial temperature gradient near the axis of the hot rod.


更多网络解释与接近于相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

anywhere near:接近于

26 anything like 像......那样的东西 | 27 anywhere near 接近于 | 28 apart from 除......之外还有

anywhere near:接近于Lsf大学生英语网

26 anything like像......那样的东西Lsf大学生英语网 | 27 anywhere near接近于Lsf大学生英语网 | 28 apart form除......之外尚有Lsf大学生英语网

anywhere near:接近于考研网站

26 anything like像......那样的东西无忧考研网51KY.com | 27 anywhere near接近于考研网站51KY.com | 28 apart form除......之外尚有考研网站51KY.com

approximate to sth:近似于,接近于

approximately 大约地,近似地; | approximate to sth 近似于,接近于 | A approximate to B A与B 近似

get on for:接近于

get on穿衣服等;上车等 | get on for接近于...... | get on to识破某人或某人的......

come near to:近似,接近于;几乎就,差不多

Most of them came into the world in the 1960s. 他们大部分人是六十年代出生的.... | come near to近似,接近于;几乎就,差不多: | The new type of plane came near to the world standard. 这种新型飞机接近世界水平...

get near to:(几乎,接近于)

look forward to (盼望) | get near to (几乎,接近于) | face up to (勇敢地面对)

on the board of:将要,接近于,濒临于

on time 准时 | on the board of 将要,接近于,濒临于 | once again 再一次

on the border of:在......的边界上;将要;接近于,濒临于

border n. 边界,国界;边,边沿,边境; v. 与......接壤,接近加边 | on the border of/在......的边界上;将要;接近于,濒临于 | boring adj. 令人厌烦的;无聊的;单调沉闷的

on the verge of:接近于,濒于

verge "n.边,边缘; v.接近,濒临; " | on the verge of 接近于,濒于 | verify "v.证实,证明; "