英语人>词典>汉英 : 探测 的英文翻译,例句
探测 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
detect  ·  detected  ·  detection  ·  exploration  ·  exploratory  ·  explore  ·  explored  ·  plumb  ·  detecting  ·  detects  ·  explores  ·  plumbs

更多网络例句与探测相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It solves the problem that the unitary contour presentation can not correctly extract face contour in a face image which suffers from scale, rotation etc. The definition of the internal and external energy function is provided. At the same time, the global matching algorithm and local matching algorithm is given. The experiment shows that this presentation and the accompanying matching algorithm can be used to extract the face contour very well. So the image segmentation can be implemented by using it.②By analyzing the recognition principle of PCA method, we can conclude that the face images coming from different surrounding consist of different face image space. This is the essential reason that makes the generality of PCA method worse. Also, we give a measurement means to measure the distance from different face image space, so we can analyze face image space more conveniently.③We also construct various scale models and rotation pose models to detect the scale and rotating angle of face image to be recognized. The experiment results show that the detecting precision is very high. So it is good for face image feature extraction and face image representation.④Similarly, we construct local feature models of face image and utilize them to detect the local feature of face image. At the same time, we put forward a novel face image local feature detection algorithm, locating step by step. The experiment results show that this method can accurately detect the location of local face feature in a image.⑤A novel face image presentation model, dual attribute graph , is put forward. Firstly, it utilizes attribute graph to present the face image, then exact the local principal component coefficient and Gabor transform coefficient of thc pixels which corresponds to the nodes of the graph as the attribute of the nodes. This representation fully makes use of the statistical characteristic of the local face feature and utilizes Gabor transform to present the topographical structure of face image. So DAG has more general property.⑥Based on the DAG presentation, we give a DAG matching function and matching algorithm. During the design of the function and algorithm, the noise factor, e. g., lighting, scale and rotation pose are considered and tried to be eliminated. So the algorithm can give more general property.⑦A general face image recognition system is implemented. The experiment show the system can get better recognition performance under the noise surrounding of lighting, scale and rotation pose.


Both masker and probe were ramped on and off to avoid spectral splatter.


Experiments and applications on orefields manifest: Arrayed audio magnetotelluric system has the following advantages,e.g.,portability,high efficiency and large surveying depth,it is suitable to do survey in many different landforms,especially for large depth survey in difficult conditions and perdu resources exploration.


By sky or ground wave propagation, the detection range of the HF radars breaks through the limit of the curvature of the earth, which makes it possible for long-range air early-warning and target monitoring. At the same time the unique abilities in detecting low-detectable targets of the HF radars makes them powerful equipments for detection of hermit aircrafts, small airplanes in heavy land and sea clutters, and even intercontinental missiles.


The characteristics of laser employed in underwater lidar systems and detection method of these systems are taken into account in this investigation. Underwater lidar system's stealthiness is investigated quantitatively by Monte Carlo method.

采用Monte Carlo方法对激光水下探测系统的隐蔽性问题进行了计算和仿真研究,结果表明:降低探测光单脉冲能量、选择有一定环境照度的天气条件、加大水下激光探测系统载具的使用深度等手段可以极大地提高水下激光探测系统的隐蔽性与安全性。

Because its acquirable number of detecting elements is larger, and because its theoretical detecting sensitivity is higher, thin films will be the new generation materials of pyrelectric detecting arrays that have attracted great interest of scientists.


Because thedetecting of the metal object is important in both military and civil applications, wefocused on the aim and do lots of measurement of the radiometric characteristic ofseveral objects correlating to the metal detecting and got the datum. We also completedthe inversion algorithm of retrieving the brightness temperature from the measureddatum.2 The radiometer is the apparatus of incepting the MMW radialization and is the key partof all passive MMW detecting and imaging system. Our emphasis of radiometerresearch was on a kind of AC radiometer, we discussed its principium, composing andthe recovery of its distorted output signal. Finally we gave out the design of the ACradiometer.3 The focal plane system is the main passive MMW detecting and imaging system atpresent.


Because thedetecting of the metal object is important in both military and civil applications, wefocused on the aim and do lots of measurement of the radiometric characteristic ofseveral objects correlating to the metal detecting and got the datum. We also completedthe inversion algorithm of retrieving the brightness temperature from the measureddatum.2 The radiometer is the apparatus of incepting the MMW radialization and is the key partof all passive MMW detecting and imaging system. Our emphasis of radiometerresearch was on a kind of AC radiometer, we discussed its principium, composing andthe recovery of its distorted output signal. Finally we gave out the design of the ACradiometer.3 The focal plane system is the main passive MMW detecting and imaging system atpresent.


The theftproof monitoring adopts double-inspection detector which is composed of pyroelectric infrared sensor and microwave sensor. And fireproof monitoring adopts temperature sensor and carbon monoxide sensor.


Most of Chinese GPR have not as good performances as ones abroad. In the paper, the GPR system developed by us employs several optimization techniques to enhance the system performances, including antenna, sampling-hold circuit, orientation wheel, function of system software, multithreading, and signal processing algorithms. As the result the system works more well with these techniques, and its azimuth and distance resolution of 10 cm has been achieved with detection depth of more than 50 cm.


更多网络解释与探测相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


○STI UP SUBS LASER RATE,升级潜艇激光炮射速. 升级轻型... | ○SI DEPTH ACOUSTIC MINE DETECTION,定深音响水雷探测技术. 需要探测技术. | ○NTOS ANTI MASS WEAPONS DEFENCE SYSTEM,反大规模杀伤性武器防御系统. 需要...


○STI ANTI STEALTH BIOSONAR,反隐形生物声纳. 需要传送探测技术... | ○SI DEPTH ACOUSTIC MINE DETECTION,定深音响水雷探测技术. 需要传送探测技术. | ○SI LASER SNARE DETEC,激光制导武器探测技术. 需要传送探测技术...

skyhook ballon:高层等高探测气球

sky-wave synchronized Loran 天波同步罗兰 | skyhook ballon 高层等高探测气球 | skyhook balloon 高层等高探测气球

fire detecting system:火警探测装置

fire -detecting system 火警探测系统 | fire detecting system 火警探测装置 | fire detection apparatus 火警探测设备

dowsing rod:探测杖

探测杖 divining rod | 探测杖 dowsing rod | 探测杖 wiggle stick

smoke detector:烟雾探测

家庭安防:气体探测(gas detector)烟雾探测(smoke detector)红外探测(infrared detector)微波探测(microwave detector)都属于电子产品. 我想可以满足您那的需要.

acupuncture point curer:经穴探测保健仪,经穴探测保健仪

acupuncture therapy 针刺疗法,针法 | acupuncture-point curer 经穴探测保健仪,经穴探测保健仪 | acupunture therapy 针灸治疗

explorative:探险的; 探测的 (形)

exploration 勘查; 探索; 探测; 探究 (名) | explorative 探险的; 探测的 (形) | exploratory 探险的; 探测的 (形)


detected signal 探测信号 | detecting 探测 | detection and alarm system 探测与报警系统

data snooping:数据探测法

目前国际国内提出的探测粗差的方法众多,缺乏方法间的相互比较分析,本文在前人的基础上分别介绍了三种主要的粗差探测法的基本原理,数据探测法(Data Snooping)、拟准检定法(QUAD)和多维粗差同时定位定值法(LEGE).